Thursday, May 5, 2011

Where Can I Get Tire And Starter Replaced


The CIA spied on Bin Laden from a safe house near his 'strength'

They watched for months the internal movements of al Qaeda had a network
U.S. and Pakistani informants 'other sources' for details

The CIA had a safe house in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad to a small group spy who monitored exhaustively for months the movements of the residence where he was killed the terrorist Osama bin Laden, is conducting the daily Washington Post on its website.

The newspaper, citing an official source who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the CIA's secret house was used as a base for intelligence missions "more sensitive" to the recent history of agency espionage.

The official said the group had a network of Pakistani informants and "other sources" that helped them establish a pattern of habits and daily activities of the inhabitants of the complex in which Bin Laden was hiding.

The work of field monitoring was part of the intelligence that led to focus U.S. attention to the housing, which since August was traced in every way possible from satellite imagery, up to listeners to identify voices inside.

The effort was so intensive and costly that the CIA went to Congress last December to make sure they were going to have hundreds of millions of dollars into the agency's budget to finance the operation, said the official.

Most surveillance operation continued up until this past Sunday, Bin Laden died in an operation in which U.S. special commandos took part known as a Navy SEAL in the residence in which was hidden in the town of Abbottabad, on the outskirts of Islamabad (Pakistan).

The official said the safe house has been closed since then, partly out of concern for the properties of the CIA after the intervention, but also because the agency terminating the job.

"The work of the CIA was to detect and position," said the source, using the terminology used by members of special operations forces to identify and locate a high priority target.

"The intelligence work was as complete as it should be, and they played to end the military objective, "he said.

Only one was armed
Also, tonight is also known that only one of four killed in the raid made shots, according to Reuters on Thursday said a person familiar with the latest report from Washington about the operation.

The version on the raid 40 minutes on Monday with new descriptions of what happened, including the group of U.S. Navy SEAL shot a passenger in the complex that thought he was armed, but apparently was not.

The release also confirms that Bin Laden was not armed when he was shot dead, nor is there evidence that the leader of Al Qaeda directly threatened their attackers, according to the first source and a second U.S. government informant who is familiar with the discussions on the raid.

The sources requested anonymity because they were not authorized to make statements recorded.

The government of President Barack Obama has given many conflicting testimony about the raid carried out this week, and these versions may trigger further review of the facts.

Al Qaeda planning attacks on trains in the U.S. in the tenth anniversary of l 11-S

pretended 'handling rails to fall from the road in a valley or on a bridge '
The Department of Homeland Security warns that this could be just an' aspiration '

The material seized at the residence of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan indicates that the network Al Qaeda terrorist train bombings perpetrated raised in the U.S., according to a security advisory released Thursday.

The internal warning from the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), broadcast by U.S. media, says that "in February alleged Al Qaeda train bombings raised somewhere in the U.S. in the tenth anniversary of 11 September 2001. "

One option, says the document was "manipulating the rails so the train fell off the road in a valley or on a bridge."

According to media, this warning is issued based on information that has begun to draw from the documents and electronic material found at the residence of Abbottabad, near Islamabad, where U.S. commandos gunned down Bin Laden on Sunday.

However, the Department of Homeland Security has pointed to no evidence that the plot may have come to get going and was still only in the category of "aspiration", something that Al Qaeda would like to do.

The Department and the FBI encourage local authorities to be vigilant, but stressed they do not issue a terror alert because there was no specific or credible information pointing to a plan in place. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

Bin Laden continued at the head of Al Qaeda until the last minute

The documents found in the terrorist haven in Pakistan reveals its influence on the group. - The network tried to attack the U.S. rail system

After reviewing the documents and computers stored in the mansion of Abbottabad (Pakistan) in which Osama Bin Laden was hiding, analysts U.S. intelligence has concluded that the creator of Al Qaeda continued to play a key role in the organization. He supervised and inspired many of the bloodiest coups launched by terrorists in recent years

The hypothesis that the role of Bin Laden had been reduced to living symbol of jihadist terrorism has been contradicted by recent revelations. Bin Laden still had a say in decisions and future of the group.

Documents seized included a book that reveals that bin Laden was involved in the plans of Al Qaeda attack the U.S. rail network in February 2010 on the occasion of tenth anniversary of the attacks of 11-S. "We have no information about any imminent terrorist threat to the U.S. rail sector, but wanted to warn our allies about the alleged conspiracy. It is unclear whether they have carried out new plans since February last year," said department spokesman State, Matthew Chandler. Three

law enforcement and national security of the United States revealed to Reuters that the threat cited in Homeland Security Bulletin dating back a year and nuance that no new data have emerged pointing to the existence of a specific threat to trains or any other goal in the territory of the United States.

Already in 2008 the U.S. authorities warned of a possible terrorist threat to transport systems in New York City Area, precisely during the weekend of Thanksgiving Day.

Obama closes the loop opened the 11-S
President visit Ground Zero and stated that the U.S. shows that never forgets the victims .- "We are together after the tragedy and above politics," says

President Barack Obama has taken on Thursday to the victims of 11-S the consolation that finally justice has been done and those responsible for crimes has ended up paying with his life. "This is a message around the world and our country that when we say we will never forget, we mean it, "said the president on a day that closes a chapter of American history and puts Obama in an unexpected ecstasy of communion with their compatriots.

" I hope to represent some sort of consolation for you all to know that when those men took extraordinary risks to go to Pakistan, they were doing it in part on behalf of the sacrifices made by the United States, they were doing in the name of your lost brothers, "said Obama in a meeting with New York firefighters, one of the few acts of memorial ceremonies in which his words about the recent death of Osama Bin Laden were made public.

The rest was private and quiet, which added strength to a celebration of great symbolic impact which the highlight was the part of Obama offering a wreath at the tree managed to survive attacks by Al Qaeda and replanted in the place where the Twin Towers stood, has regrown strongly.

United States needed an occasion like this to close the circle opened on September 11, 2001 and which has turned, not only politics but the national emotions during this time. I needed that, at least from his particular concept of justice and defends the values \u200b\u200bthat leave no room for contemplation before an enemy that has tried to destroy him.

The event on Thursday was, therefore, a demonstration of firmness and conviction in the case that America claims to represent. In the eyes of all who were able to follow the images became clear that while Bin Laden's body rests on the bottom of the Arabian Sea, at Ground Zero began to rise again majestic buildings that will soon take the place of those who were shot down.

Obama, who was cheered along the way with chants of "USA, USA!" He wanted to go to certify this moment of national pride and to share with the families of the victims' memories and the pain it brings. Every Monday, so regular, Obama spend some time reading the letters they send anonymous citizens. A recent Wall was signed by Payton, a 14 year old girl whose father disappeared in the 11-S and asked council to deal with that loss. She was the first person the president embraced at Ground Zero and the cameras that captured a generation of Americans grown in the shadow of that event.

As surveys show, Obama has already achieved a great political performance of the death of Bin Laden. In the overnight, the country sees it much closer, his figure has gained stature, credibility and trust. It is unpredictable how long you can anticipate this last phase of his presidency sweet, subject to other economic threats that once again be a priority for citizens and are not easily resolved. Obama can not send a command with the mission to lower oil prices.

What Obama can do is to make this moment be the basis for rebuilding a lost political consensus in recent years and is trying, in the best spirit of Ronald Reagan, promoting optimism and unity. "Americans," he told New York police officers, "even in the midst of tragedy, you know being together over the years, above politics, above party, over governments, to ensure that justice is done. "When we're together we can achieve anything," he said Sunday in announcing the death of Bin Laden.

will not be easy. These hours of excitement always lend to excessive voluntarism. Obama did, for example, be accompanied at the ceremony of President George W. Bush, who has given some credit in the elimination of al Qaeda, but Bush refused. Sarah Palin, represents the most radical opposition, has joined the pack of skeptics about what happened in Abbottabad and called the photos of the corpse of Bin Laden. But the truth is that the maximum Republican leaders today, the chairman of the House of Representative John Boehner, has supported Obama and his decision not to publish the photos. Source

newspaper "El Pais"


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