Thursday, May 5, 2011

Katesplayground Movie


William McRaven, the brain behind the operation to hunt down Bin Laden

The admiral ordered a couple of months to train the commands that would take care of the antiterrorist operation

absence of a photograph of the corpse of Bin Laden, the image will for posterity is that of Obama's security team in the "Situation Room." However, even if the president who authorized the operation, the brain, responsible for directing and executing it was not in Washington but at the Bagram base in Afghanistan. This is Admiral William McRaven, one of the most experienced U.S. counterterrorism experts.

A McRaven, a robust 55-year Admiral native of Texas, was commissioned a couple of months to train the commands to be responsible for conducting the largest counterterrorism operation in recent decades. The admiral, a former Special Forces Navy SEALS, monitored for several weeks intensive training received by soldiers.

Although the task of gathering all the clues that led to the mansion in Abbottabad was made by the CIA, its director, Leon Panetta, the mission delegated McRaven, it was years following the trail of Bin Laden and preparing for that moment. Specifically, the officer has worked almost exclusively in secret counterterrorism operations after the attacks of September 11, 2001. In his career, has been climbing the ranks of the military hierarchy in the field of special operations.

Interestingly, the most important mission of his life came when he was preparing to leave Afghanistan to a new destination after leading the Joint Special Operations Command since 2008, replaces none other than Gen. Stanley McChrystal. His task was not easy, because McChrystal had achieved some great successes, as the execution of Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Author of "Specs Ops", dedicated to explaining the methodology of special operations, McRaven has always emphasized that there are six basic qualities to be successful surgery, surprise, speed, security, simplicity, determination, and repetition. According to The Washington Post, all of them, I might add a seventh in the case of Bin Laden: precision.

Last Friday, McRaven was ordered by Leon Panetta to proceed to implement the operation as soon as possible. That same afternoon, made a tour of the base at Bagram with a delegation of six congressmen had traveled to Afghanistan. "Few imagined we already had orders to neutralize bin Laden," he told the Post Bill Shuster, the head of the delegation.

son of a Air Force colonel who flew planes during World War II, McRaven graduated in journalism from the University of Austin, where he excelled as a football player, and even got to play a game in the NFL, professional football league. Now, thanks to the hunt for Bin Laden has achieved the fame that eluded him on the pitch.

Bandits 'team 6'

The Seals who attacked Bin Laden's bunker belonging to the computer 6, the elite of the elite
is a unit so secret that neither the Pentagon nor the White House acknowledged its existence
Obama will meet on Friday with the team that killed bin Laden in Fort Campbell
This Wednesday returned to the U.S.. They are heroes, but their names remain unknown

The 24 Seals that on Monday stormed the bunker Abbottabad to hunt down Osama Bin Laden, the enemy Public # 1, part of the elite of the elite: the computer 6 of the Navy Seal (Special Operations Forces of the U.S. military.) It is a unit so secret that neither the Pentagon nor the White House officially recognize its existence.

Using the metaphor of the NBA, they are the "All-Star team," he told The New York Times Lalo Roberti, a former Seal 27. This elite unit was created in 1980-the Seals were created in 1962 by President Kennedy after the failure of Operation Eagle Claw, which sought to rescue the hostages at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.

Since then, the men of this unit have participated in the capture of dictator Panamanian Manuel Noriega in 1990, hunted war criminals in the Balkans in the war in Afghanistan and killed three Somali pirates during the rescue of an American hostage in 2009. According to The Huffington Post, have also taken part in actions failed, as an attempt to capture the drug lord Pablo Escobar in Panama in 1990) or the Battle of Mogadishu (1993).

Men killed Bin Laden arrived this Wednesday at the military base at Andrews (Washington DC), according to ABC. On Friday, U.S. President Barack Obama will meet with them at Fort Campbell, according to AP.

returned as heroes, although their names will remain anonymous. 6 team members are operating "black." That is, existing outside of military protocol, are involved in highly classified operations (and often beyond the limits of international law) and rarely stores information on these transactions. A brutal preparation

preparation to become a Seal is brutal and lasts for years. According to the New York Times, the training includes six months of very hard in Colorado, among which is the "week from hell": the candidates slept four hours on average over five and half days to go running, swimming and crawling through the mud . 80% of applicants do not get it and at least one candidate has died.

After passing these tests, the applicant becomes a regular Seal, organized in teams 1 through 5 and 7 to 10. After several years in these units, candidates 'team 6'-elite unit known as DevGru, an acronym for Development Group Naval Special-war activities must learn to parachute from 9,000 feet with oxygen masks and regain control of a hijacked trasantlántico at sea. Only half of the Seals succeeds. Only 300 of the 3,000 men Seals, are part of this unit exclusively.

is not surprising that the nature of these elite soldiers-most in his thirties, above the average age of U.S. troops, is "cocky, arrogant" in the words of Republican Ryan Zinke, a former member of the secret team.

Although the assault of Abbottabad also took an enormous amount of information (which is already in the FBI laboratory in Virginia), men's 'team 6' were chosen for Operation Geronimo for their ability to use his strength lethal in extreme situations, according to The New York Times.

"For these guys, [all] happens in a second. And there is a goal before you. The second opportunity cost lives," says the Daily News Don Shipley, a former Seal who now heads a training school, Extreme Seal Experience. Roberti agreed: "For us, given a chance is bad. Especially for the guys of the '6 '." Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

A photo for the history

can imagine the picture that we have not seen and that the White House does not want to see. Serves as the ultimate test: that was Osama bin Laden who was killed by two gunshots to the head. Has the cancer of blood and primitive symbolism of the spoils of the enemy caught, so Obama does not want to display. At least for now, because in the times we live we know that sooner or later end up dating. But there is little hope of this image made into a taboo. There is another picture, however, we have already seen and that is good. No body, no perpetrators, only a group of people who looks at a screen. But this is the image of the historical moment that most media outlets were on their front pages and was taken by Pete Souza, the team leader of the White House photographers.

Diffusion photo sparked the imagination. The first thing that came to mind is that this handful of men and women was following the live images of the assault on bin Laden's mansion in Abottabbad. Then we learned that followed the broadcast from Langley, where the headquarters CIA, by its chief, Leon Panetta. This 72 year old man was chief of staff for Bill Clinton and Obama has tapped the direction of a demoralized CIA for its errors on weapons of mass destruction and criticism of its detention and interrogation methods during the period of Bush. Now, after this brilliant action that washes the prestige of the agency, Panetta will become defense secretary, replacing Robert Gates, another in the room.

This character is not seen, but watching all the others, there are many other key historical moment. With Panetta CIA has taken over the bulk of the bloody actions against the Taliban and Al Qaeda in the Afghan-Pakistani border, bombing by unmanned drone aircraft from the U.S. headquarters. The veteran politician is responsible for tens if not hundreds, of so-called targeted killings of terrorist leaders and fighters, a type of action that is increasingly replacing face to actions on the ground.

Thus, in this photo released by the government official can see everything without showing anything. The severity of the faces. The fixed gaze with extreme care on the screen. Hillary Clinton with his hand covering his mouth in a gesture that can be casual but is identified with the anguish contained. Two People little known, Tony Bink, security adviser to Vice President and Audrey Tomason, director of counterterrorism, they have to strain to see over the shoulder of Obama's chief of staff Bill Daley. Not seen in the photo, but then sources have told the White House at that time Vice President Joe Biden, a Catholic, has a rosary in his hands. Only one of the characters do not look at the screen, because busy typing on the computer: it is precisely the one that can be identified as a soldier, Gen. Brad Webb, head of special forces who were conducting the operation.

short in that room dimensions, the famous Situation Room as well as told by the television series Wing Western White House, there is a military, with his khaki shirt but no jacket or decorations, which is the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen. But we have not yet entertained the president's face, where you can guess the maximum concentration. The gravity of the moment, palpable in the image group is summarized in the seriousness and the look of Barack Obama, the man who made the decision, the ultimate responsibility for taking the life of another man.

Sovereign power is the power to kill, make no mistake. To access the full responsibility of a country, at least one as the United States must be prepared to give a death warrant. Obama promised close Guantanamo and give the order to kill bin Laden if he had time. This decision was made early on, and nobody can say that now Obama has broken a promise. Normally, to govern is to choose and risk between different gradations of evil, not between good and evil. From top or from naive kind of perversion are things in black and white, but the politically conscious that takes its responsibility knows that's not how things are. The weight of the risk and tragic decision can be read also in the tragic seriousness of Obama with his photographer.

The four deaths

Bin Laden has been four days and there are so many versions that appear four deaths, each with its nuances. They have posted pictures of his bodyguards dead, but not Osama bin Laden, and there will not be a decision by Barack Obama, who does not want to arouse the spirits Islamic the exhibition of a broken trophy. Slow information flows manages interests that ran the operation. No independent sources. The drip

contradictions arise: was armed, was not armed, was the key to start the torture that led to Abbottabad information?

The only voice outside the official story is that of the daughter, who complains that his father was arrested and executed.

- How track was obtained that led to Bin Laden?

Most reports said that he met the nickname Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti, the messenger of confidence of the head of Al Qaeda, by torture. Some put the interrogation center at Guantánamo, others in a secret prison somewhere in Eastern Europe. Some third reduced the weight of this type of interrogation condemned by Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Al Kuwaiti man was the alleged brain trust of 11-S, which is in Guantanamo.

Leon Panetta, chief of the CIA even until the Senate confirms him as defense secretary, acknowledged at the outset that waterboarding (simulated suffocation by water) had played a decisive role. Now, the White House displayed his unit of information (propaganda) to decouple the operation of Abbottabad of torture. Not only is it a matter of image.

is a political issue in America, but now it has started the lengthy campaign for the presidency in 2012: Democrats try to miminizarlo; the Republicans, especially members of the team of George W. Bush, fencing and justiciación of its methods.

Juan Cole, American professor and expert in the Islamic world, notes in his blog a second chance. Quotes an interview with the daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat with Nu'man Bin Othman, former member of the radical network of global jihad. It says that al-Kuwaiti fatal error committed in 2010: use a Thuraya satellite phone to speak with a member of Al Qaeda in Iraq. This allowed to slip with the first track.

- What unit killed the head of Al Qaeda?

Unanimity: Navy Seals, an elite unit of the U.S. Navy. Is now composed of 2,500 men. Four days later, he knows best: those responsible for the attack were the Seal Team Six (ST6), the best unit, known as the Warfare Development Group (DevGru), the elite of the elite covert operations. Their motto is: "The only nice day was yesterday. "

I like the motto of the Marines:" No wind blows for those who do not know where to go. "

How was the assault on the house Abbottbad?

Facts insurance, ie not modified: the attack occurred at night, involved two dozen commands the Navy Seals, as well as two helicopter pilots, one of the aircraft suffered a mechanical failure and of course had to be abandoned and destroyed. The attack lasted 38 minutes.

There are two good stories that do not agree on the details, but complementary, both published by the newspaper 'The New York Times and one from' The Washington Post. CNN also interesting: Abbottabad mansion inside.

then confusion. The Osama bin Laden armed happened to be unarmed, but was resistant, then without resistance, but for a weapon. The latest: I was in pajamas. It has also been modified version of the dead woman, first she was his wife, then ceased. Not filed or the head of Al Qaeda are hiding behind it. At first there was talk of an intense firefight. The new version is that only the messenger, the man who revealed the hiding place, he used his weapon.

The Christian Science Monitor is a development of 10 questions and answers. The first is when Obama allowed mission? The BBC also has questions. And others, like Alternative News, do not believe the official version.

Besides the body of Bin Laden, the U.S. was abundant supplies than expected data and tracks: computers, CDs, hard drives, pen drives ... Gone was slightly wounded the wife true, the youngest, the leader of Al Qaeda, a daughter and several children. Sixteen people who were handcuffed at the disposal of the Pakistani military. The Pakistani military has detained 11 persons including the man who built the house.

On the role of Pakistan: Dextler Filkins in The New Yorker. "

The consecuncias.

Obama a huge leap in the polls, made him that much needed and problems for Republicans who have 'reset' his speech. The president has been tempted to go to Ground Zero, no one is missing a good photo, not Obama. The re-election campaign has begun: 'Yes We Can 2.0'.

vuvi Follow the ethics debate over the legality of operation and the future of Al Qaida. Many journalists talk of murder, and write it. No need to know that adjectives are weapons of mass destruction, put the informant in a trench where this is not ideological work, the work is to provide data for others to say. Pepe Comas, excorresponsal of this newspaper in Germany, Mexico and South America and adorable grumpy, repeating a phrase of genius, of creating school: "The adjective, puts the reader." Source

newspaper "El Pais"

Obama: "When we say we do not forget, we mean"

The U.S. president has taken a further step on behalf of all his country, trying to close - if ever possible, the wound of 11-S. After the death of the criminal, played today visit the scene of horror, the emptiness that one day they occupied the twin towers. Obama wanted to emphasize that "when we say we do not forget, we mean it", visiting a of fire stations that responded to the attacks in New York.

May 5, 1911 - New York - Efe

Obama visits the Big Apple four days after the death of the leader of the terrorist network Al Qaida, Osama bin Laden in an operation carried out by American commandos in the house he lived in Abbotabbad (Pakistan).

The president had lunch in a firehouse that lost fifteen men to sink the skyscrapers and still hosts the "Car 54, Ladder 4", one of the first truck that came to the Twin Towers when the planes hijacked by terrorists Al Qaida crashed into them and caused their collapse. During his visit

to this unit fire Obama had the opportunity to see a bronze plaque on one wall honors fallen fifteen, was accompanied by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano, etc. .

President greeted one by one to each firefighter, before the vehicle 54. "This is a site that symbolizes the extraordinary sacrifices made on that terrible day almost ten years," said Obama. And referring to the death of Ben Laden, the president said that "what happened on Sunday sent a message: When we say that we never forget, we mean it."

"It's something that goes beyond political parties and governments ... You always have a president and a government that will support them, "said Obama, who has not yet scheduled any public statement during this visit.

A wreath
After greeting the firemen and policemen, Obama has placed a wreath at Ground Zero where the Twin Towers stood collapsed in the attacks of September 11, 2001, and met with relatives of the victims.

According to presidential spokesman, Jay Carney, the visit is appropriate after successful mission to do justice to Bin Laden, to recognize the terrible losses suffered by New York on 11-S and to recognize the burden that family members and loved ones of the victims have led since then, almost ten years. "

The visit, he added, represents an effort to" try to help New Yorkers and Americans in general, to turn the page ".

Bin Laden died Sunday of several shots to the head and chest that was shot by U.S. commandos, which located in a residence in the mountain town of Abbottabad, near Islamabad.


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