Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Allergy Wording On Response Cards


Obama will not release photos of Bin Laden, but he fears leaks

not shine we will bring these things as trophies, "said White House spokesman
The Pentagon confirms that there was 'shootout' in operation

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, has decided not to publish photos of the corpse of Osama Bin Laden, who took over the operation Geronimo, as confirmed The White House spokesman, Jay Carney.

Obama, however, has made clear that "no doubt we kill Osama Bin Laden "but" we will bring these things as trophies shine. "Carney has said that the Government fears that" the image becomes a propaganda tool. "

So far, the White House was debating what was the best "U.S. interests" show or not the "gruesome" pictures, as you have described all have seen them. But Obama has ended the question and decided that no.

"President Barack Obama has shown more respect for bin Laden and his body than he had Osama with the victims of September 11, Carney replied, when asked if the U.S. government has taken this decision under pressure from the possible reaction the Muslim world.

spokesman insisted that the "number one priority of the U.S. government is the country's security" and that is what they seek to prevail in this decision.

However, the danger now is the leaking of some of these negative because, throughout the day, have been known various information on journalists and politicians who have witnessed them.

In fact, a U.S. senator, Kelly Ayotte, explained that another senator had shown him. Do possessed this other senator? Was it a picture or more that was? Will there be more people who have a copy? Do you control your custody?

But in addition, could the White House into a string of denials by the many fake photos that are now emerging on the net? Or is it just limited to that which has not had any involvement in the possible leak? Too many questions that Obama has dealt only with their official denial.

Ayotte has also insisted that "although not an expert on the subject, which appears in the photo is the leader of Al Qaeda," because it has all its features. "

also some journalists, such as the CBS, say they have seen the pictures and described as "horrifying." Bin face appear Laden with a large wound in the head by one of the two shots she received, with some brains. Since one of the shots entered his left eye, opened the skull and part of the brain was extracted.

The former leader of Al Qaeda, according to information provided by the United States, was shot twice at close range as he resisted arrest, but was unarmed. One of the shots hit him in the head and the second went through his chest.

The White House feared that publication could have an effect "incendiary" in some groups and weighed so what was the "right decision." Now you are clear, they prefer to have doubts on the Saudi leader's death risk to immortalize all the feelings that may cause the death of Bin Laden in one image. Different versions of the shooting

While continuing controversy over the pictures of Bin Laden dead, nor stop the contradictory versions of what happened during the operation that eliminated the terrorist leader. An official source at the Pentagon has once again reaffirm that yes there was a shooting to justify action by the Navy Seals. "I know qye there was an exchange of gunfire," he said without answering the question of whether Bin Laden opened fire. "It was night, it was dark, people were moved and fired by more than one person, there were weapons in the area, "he said.

However, other sources quoted by the NBC say that four of the five people killed in the operation (including Bin Laden) had no weapons and never the 'entourage' of Bin Laden opened fire.

The unsung hero that killed bin Laden will be awarded in secret

The Navy Seals military that killed Osama Bin Laden, the world's most wanted terrorist will be awarded in secret and identity remain anonymous for security reasons, according to U.S. media.

the American public who wonders these days is the elite soldier in an operation prepared for months to the millimeter, so accurate fire against the most dangerous terrorist in the world.

identity will not be disclosed, given the Pentagon's refusal to provide specific details of the operation on Monday in Pakistan, as confirmed by a spokesman for the Department of Defense.

But that does not detract from the "unsung hero" receives private recognition purely of his fellow elitist 'Team 6', the best military force of the Navy Seals of the U.S., reports The Washington Post.

In the past, everyone knew the great men of war as the pilot who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, Paul Tibbets, but those days are long gone and the fight against terrorism requires new protocols.

This type of conflict requires that you have hidden the names of participating in military operations to avoid reprisals by supporters of Al Qaeda and for these soldiers to participate in other secret missions in the future.

In fact, the Navy Seals call themselves "Team Silent", by the anonymity in which they perform their work and they must keep silence about their missions.

His performances often come to light and the identity of its members is stored with such zeal that is only revealed when they die and without specifying the actual circumstances of his death, for security reasons.

Thus, little or nothing has transpired so far on the man who shot the architect of the Sept. 11 attacks, although some media have begun to make a sketch by the comments of other members of the command.

According to the Washington Post picks, former soldiers explain that it is certainly a man, since no women in the Navy Seals.

The unsung hero would have between 26 and 33 years since, fencing, must be senior enough to have had time to overcome the rigorous testing required by the entrance to the "Team 6". At the same time, must be young enough to withstand the physical wear involving this type of mission.

He assumes a rough looking, a full beard, long arms, thin waist and a flat belly.

The "Team 6" seeking men with analytical and strategic capacity, easy to solve problems and react to the unexpected shrewdness.

Brave, strong, intelligent and humble, and seems to be the man who, since Sunday, has become the unsung hero of a country that was relieved after the death of their greatest enemy.

media agencies and posted the images, but with warnings

Never took a picture while speaking before publication. The White House denies that the pictures of Bin Laden Dead see the light, but the debate over this censorship has crept into the newsrooms of media across the world. Should, or may not be published?

The director of photography for the Associated Press, Santiago Lyon, he told The Washington Post 'that his agency "would oversee all the material before broadcast to the media," if necessary warning that it is a "special photos ".

If snapshots of the body have not yet been published is because there is no consensus among the relevant parties. The intelligence services believe that graphic documents could jeopardize future operations and White House officials refused to aliementen photos somehow, Islamic resentment.

From CNN claim that "the images are direct evidence that bin Laden is dead" and in such cases "warn the public before displaying any content, knowing that some images may offend the sensibilities of the viewer."

As reported by the Pentagon there are three series of graphic: the house where he lived the leader of Al-Qaeda, his body and the time during which they threw the body into the sea.

The director of 'New York Times, Bill Keller, also has discussed the controversy: "Obviously, I can not say if will post a picture that we have not even seen, or how we would," adding: "Usually we avoid showing free blood. You have to place special emphasis on the concept ' free ', meaning that the photos, beyond unpleasant or morbid, they have no relevant newsworthy. But the shadow of the death of terrorist leader, no doubt, they are highly relevant journalism. " Angel

Casaña, editor of the multimedia section of the world, says that the photos should be published unless they are terribly rough. " "It should know the images, just as we have known that had died and under what conditions "(Bin Laden is killed, shot in the left eye and another in the chest), points Casaña, adding:" only if the documents Graphics produjesen an absolute rejection, from the human standpoint, not published.

After what happened on Monday with the publication in all media, the fake photo of bin Laden, says the Efe " graphs provided that the documents come from an authoritative source would be published and proven. "Since the agency say that if you are given, the images were circulated and, from there, "Each customer will decide what to do with them." Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

Obama rejects post pictures of Bin Laden

"We will not use this material as a trophy," says the president .- U.S. states that have accepted the surrender of terrorist if it were possible

The White House announced Wednesday that it will not be published some photos of the corpse of Osama bin Laden because they are considered necessary to prove the veracity of his death and would be a simple stimulus morbid cause more irritation and benefits ultimately, would represent a danger to national security. Is a Barack Obama's personal decision with which assumes the risk to fuel conspiracy theories, but which also demonstrates great faith in his own instincts and trust that the U.S. public is now in its management.

"We will not use this material as a trophy, it is not something to be celebrated as if we had got a goal we are not like that," Obama told 60 Minutes on CBS will air on Sunday and on Wednesday anticipated fragments. In that interview, the president says he has seen the pictures and have no doubt that it is the corpse of Bin Laden, but adds that "are a series of very graphic images that we do not want to incite violence or to be used as propaganda. "

For two days, Obama has been thinking about what could be either the epilogue of the episode of the death of Bin Laden as the beginning of a new controversy or the outbreak of a new crisis. The journalists demanded the photos, polls showed a majority in favor of seeing them, I asked some members of Congress, the CIA director himself, Leon Panetta, was assumed this would be released Tuesday . But Obama has finally decided not to.

For those who do not believe in the death of Bin Laden, this is surely proof that the United States lies. But there changed the view of the fact those unbelievers see the photos? Looking ahead, as expected, that the pictures? Taken after Bin Laden received a shot in the head by a high powered rifle fire? should not show a clear picture of al Qaeda, would not it have always been room for doubt about the authenticity of this material?

Moreover, among those who accept the word of the U.S. government, backed by scientists who conducted a DNA test that identifies the corpse of Bin Laden with a 99.9% margin of success, the vision of the photos does not provide more than a recreation of an extraordinary violence. There

, therefore little to gain in the distribution of these images. In contrast, there was a lot to lose. The line between justice and cruelty is very fine, and may be exceeded at any neglect. George Bush and his team did so shamelessly with those stunning images of the hanging of Saddam Hussein. But Obama, a more sophisticated thought, with a little more perspective on the impact that photos could be from good-hearted people anywhere in the world, even among supporters of Bin Laden death. This concern is especially recommended for public opinion in the Middle East and Muslim world, where there is a particular respect to the death and where the culture of images is different from Western civilization.

photos of the corpse of Bin Laden also seem particularly horrific. The congressmen who are admitted have shown that it is extremely harsh images that few newspapers have dared to publish. Despite that, some have recommended its publication, although the majority has tended not to, including the chairman of the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives, Mike Rogers, who yesterday discussed the fact.

The White House spokesman, Jay Carney, reported that Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and members of the National Security Council share the decision to Obama.

The controversy over the pictures have hidden other episodes that are still subject to controversy over the exact circumstances that caused the death of Bin Laden. The Attorney General Eric Holder defended yesterday before a congressional committee the legality of the operation and insisted that the leader of Al Qaeda had the chance to surrender and did not.

Bin Laden's death, Holder said, "is justified as an act of self defense." "If he had surrendered," he added, "if he tried to surrender, I think we would have to accept it, but there was no indication that I would like to do and therefore his death was appropriate. "
while the U.S. president refused to show the body of the Saudi terrorist, Reuters has published photos of three of the individuals killed in the assault on the building of Bin Laden. The agency that the court tested for authenticity, he explained that he obtained the photos from a Pakistani official who preferred anonymity. This immortalized the three bodies an hour after the Navy Seals were launched from helicopters to land.

Bin Laden's daughter says her father was captured alive and executed

Pakistani soldiers found 16 people handcuffed, including nine children and three women Bin Laden's daughter says her father was captured alive and executed
Pakistani soldiers found 16 handcuffed people, including nine children and three women

The minor daughter of Osama bin Laden says his father, the terrorist world's most wanted fugitive, was captured alive and executed by U.S. Special Forces during the first minutes of the operation launched against a fortified complex Bilal Town, in the town of Abbottabad, according to military officials say statements to local media.

The Pakistani army entered the hall one hour after U.S. attack and, along with four bullet-riddled bodies found 16 people handcuffed with plastic ties. Of these, nine were children between 2 and 12 years and three women, as reported by local media. Group, three boys and four were sons of the owners of the house, and Tariq Arshad, respectively, so that the other two were sons of bin Laden, including the daughter of 12 years. It is she who has told the local press that his father was captured and executed.

Of the two women, one is the last wife of the leader of Al Qaeda, Abdulfattah Amal Ahmed, born in Yemen in 1982. Was shot in the leg, allegedly after to intervene to protect bin Laden. It is assumed that the other mujer podría ser la médico personal de Bin Laden, que sufría dolores renales. Tras la operación, los militares de EE UU volaron hacia Afganistán. No pudieron llevarse a los familiares del líder terrorista porque no disponían de plazas suficientes en el helicóptero (el otro aparato del operativo fue derribado durante el ataque), según informan medios locales.

Todos los niños están "en lugar seguro y están siendo atendidos de conformidad con la ley", según ha informado el Ministerio de Exteriores paquistaní mediante un comunicado. "Algunos han necesitado cuidados médicos y están siendo atendidos en las mejores instalaciones posibles. Serán entregados a sus países de origen". As reported by Al Arabiya, the relatives of Bin Laden were taken to the town of Rawalpindi, near Islamabad. Are being treated at the local hospital, where they were transported by helicopter, as reported by a member of the Pakistani armed forces.

respect to the dead woman, the Pakistani military claims that could be either the wife of Bin Laden or a close relative, given that he sacrificed his life for him. "According to our information, made a shield to Bin Laden during the operation and was killed by U.S. commandos," as noted by an army officer to Al Arabiya.

U.S. Special Forces only two bodies were carried in the helicopter. It was assumed that one of Bin Laden and the other that of his son. When the soldiers came and Pakistani security agencies, the U.S. command and flew over the mountains of Pakistan's tribal belt on the way to Afghanistan. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

Obama will not release photos of the body, "Ben Laden is not a trophy"

President avoids showing the body of Ben Laden for "security reasons", although the agency Reuters filtered some photos of the guards alleged leader of Al Qaida

> USA rethinks its alliance with Pakistan terrorist sanctuary
> "Executed" photo
> Zapatero: "He looked himself"
> "I never prayed in my mosque, was not a good Muslim"

President Barack Obama will go down in history like the hunted the worst enemy of the United States. But once the operation and before the glory, Obama expects the scrutiny of politicians, public opinion and media in the United States. One of the big debates right now is out of control is the publication of photos of the corpse of Osama Ben Laden. The pictures, he did the SEAL command after shooting in the face and chest, remain under the strictest custody of U.S. authorities, who have doubts about the desirability of them known to the public.

's own division within the presidential team has gone beyond the walls of the White House has come to Congress and the media. On Tuesday, he still CIA director, Leon Panetta, implied that images of the body of Ben Laden is going to bring out against the position of the Pentagon chief Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

But Obama decided yesterday that the images of the corpse will remain classified, said in an exclusive interview with the research area "60 Minutes" of CBS. Clinton and Gates are concerned that the publication of the images only serve to feed the vengeance of jihad against the United States.

The White House spokesman, Jay Carney, read to reporters a transcript of the responses of the president, who was the first time yesterday afternoon. Asked if he had seen the controversial images, the president replied "yes." He also added that "(I can confirm that) was it."

Referring to the controversy over the decision to keep this material classified graph, Obama said "we discussed this issue (with the directors of the White House). So we knew it was him by the evidence that had been made facial and DNA. But it is important to us that the photos of someone who has been shot in the head are not distributed around the world. Not us. This is not a trophy for the USA. I do not think that the dissemination of these photographs will make any difference, "said the president of the CBS journalist. According to the television, the leader of Al Qaida was shot in the left eye, which apparently led to the terrorist's head is opened and an eye to come out of its orbit. The soldier the snapshot could not prevent it can be seen in brain tissue loosely around the head. Photos

Congress spokesman said the White House is not aware that images have been circulated among some lawmakers of the corpse of Osama Ben Laden. Yesterday, the Republican senator of New Hampshire, Kelly Ayotte, said he saw a photograph of the dead body of the leader of Al Qaeda, which would confirm his death. The curator explained that "the image has taught me another senator." When asked if the body actually belonged to the head of Al Qaida, the Republican said that "in my opinion, yes." However, their way of answering the question has endorsed the White House's argument that its publication could lead to fuel vengeance against the U.S..

Still, some families of the victims of 11-S have insisted that they would like to publish the photos as an important test of the death of most wanted terrorist by the U.S..

handcuffed before he died - Ben Laden became small and was taken prisoner before one of the U.S. command shot him in the head. That is the version that suggested Al Arabiya yesterday. "A daughter of Ben Laden said that was not executed inside the house. He was first arrested and then executed " the chain said. Pakistani soldiers arrived after the Seals had left with two bodies, that of Ben Laden and allegedly the one of their children. In the house were four bodies and Pakistani forces arrested two women and six children aged between 2 and 12 years. This last one showed that Ben Laden was executed with his family. According to Al Arabiya, we found no weapons or explosives. The detainees, who are recovering in military hospital in Rawalpindi, Abbottabad said they reached six months ago, denied the U.S. version that had 5 or 6 years. Provocation


Clearly the U.S. does not disclose the photographs Osama bin Laden dead. However, Pakistan and its intelligence agencies, upset with the accusations against his country, decided yesterday to filter images of three of the dead in the mansion of Ben Laden and thus defy Washington. Reuters received some photographs that were the bodies of three men covered in blood, but no trace of weapons. The images are dated and made one hour after U.S. troops leave the residence of the terrorist and complete the operation. The first of all took place at 2:30 am. Neither the two men who wear clothes typical Pakistani nor the shirt look like Ben Laden. Source

Diario LA REASON "

An Apache Tribe calls on Obama to apologize for giving Bin Laden's name

Geronimo Geronimo was a leader of the tribe of the Apaches who, like Bin Laden, managed to avoid capture during
The Fort Sill Apache tribe has claimed in a letter to U.S. President, Barack Obama, to apologize for using the name of Geronimo to refer to the leader of the terrorist network Al Qaeda, Usama bin Laden, during the military operation that ended his life on Monday at his home in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Geronimo was a leader of the tribe of the Apaches who fought against U.S. and Mexican forces in the nineteenth century and, like Bin Laden, managed to avoid capture for many years. He was finally captured by U.S. forces in 1886 and continued as a prisoner of war until his death in 1909.

U.S. forces raided the residence of bin Laden in Abbottabad, about 60 miles north of Islam, used to refer to the leader of the terrorist network Al Qaeda's name Geronimo and when killed him confirmed the success of operation with the phrase "Geronimo EKIA (enemy killed in action)."

Although many media outlets have published, the Pentagon has not officially recognized the use of the Geronimo code name to refer to Bin Laden during the military operation carried out by special forces of the U.S. Navy and Pakistan. The use of the name of the famous warrior in the operation of the SEALs has prompted the Fort Sill Apache tribe has claimed in a letter to U.S. President to apologize. "Equal to Geronimo or any other Native American figure to Osama bin Laden, a mass murderer and a coward terrorist, is painful and offensive to our tribe and to all Native Americans," he wrote in his letter the president of the Apache tribe Fort Sill, Jeff Houser. Houser

stressed he is confident that the operation name is based on "prospects misunderstood and misinterpreted" the figure of Geronimo and his "armed struggle", as Obama has requested a formal apology. "What has brought this action is that the name and memory of Geronimo will always be attached to one of the most despicable enemy that has taken this country," Houser said, before stressing that Geronimo, "unlike the cowardly Usama bin Laden "," confronted the enemy in numerous battles. "

The controversy over the use of the name Geronimo has also reached the U.S. Senate. The Indian Affairs Committee of the U.S. Senate tomorrow will address the concerns raised by " linking the name of Geronimo, one of the largest Native American heroes, with the most hated enemy of the United States, as reported by the head of this committee, Loretta Tuell. Tuell stated that the committee should study the prevalence of "these inappropriate use of icons and Native American culture in society. "The impact on native and nonnative children is devastating," he warned.

One of the descendants of the famous Apache warrior, Chester Rodriguez, 55, resident of Bisbee, Arizona, has underlined its refusal to use the name of his ancestor in the military operation against bin Laden. "Geronimo was not a terrorist, was a good man telling the truth about the white man and what he did to his people. It was not like him at all, "said Rodriguez, whose name Apache is" Eagle-Bone '.

For its part, the Council of Heads of the Nation Onandaga in the state of New York has also considered the use of the name Geronimo coded for the military operation in Pakistan is "reprehensible." comparable to Osama bin Laden is illogical and insulting ", stressed in a statement." Geronimo's name could be called the Native American name recognized the world over and the comparison only serves to perpetuate negative stereotypes about people. The military leadership should have known " he added. The U.S. government recognizes a total of 565 Native American tribes who have lived in the United States, Canada and Mexico for several centuries to speak their own language and following their own beliefs based on nature.

The use of American Indian symbols, particularly in sports teams, has led to sometimes legal problems. In 2009, the Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit filed by six American Indians against the name of the football team Washington Redskins, as they consider offensive. U.S.

can accelerate the departure of its troops

Bin Laden's death could lead to a significant improvement the situation in Afghanistan, which would speed the withdrawal of U.S. troops whose withdrawal should begin this summer, as well as units from other countries in the area.

A possible effect of the decapitation of al-Qaeda leader who has lost a hard to replace, the progress in the negotiations held with the Afghan Taliban to end the war, according to officials consulted by "The Washington Post."

The Obama Administration negotiators believe that the disappearance of bin Laden may assist the head of the main faction of the Taliban, Mohammed Omar, to break their links with Al Qaida, which is required Washington to move towards agreement. "Bin Laden's death is the beginning of the end game in Afghanistan," said a senior U.S. government. Other sources corroborate this analysis, considering that the disappearance of the main sponsor of international terrorism "changes everything."

also considers it important that Pakistan has been exposed for not locating the shelter in Abbottabad, forcing Islamabad to greater efforts in monitoring the border areas with Afghanistan.

Optimism has returned to the polls on this conflict. 64% of Americans are now convinced of the triumph of the international cause Afghanistan, compared to 49% in December. Within a month, the discharge of Obama in Afghanistan is 44% to 60%.

"There can be many other Bin Laden ... and worst "

The popular preacher Mohamed Fizazi Tangier (1949) has spent eight years in prison on charges of having masterminded the 2003 bombings in Casablanca. On April 14 Mohammed ended his 30-year sentence and ordered his release along with a hundred prisoners. In this interview with ABC does not reject any matter. He claims he never saw bin Laden face to face. Is full of praise to the sovereign Alawite and condemns "barbaric" attacks in Morocco, Spain or the United States, but insists that jihad and terrorism are different. A English tourist kidnapping in Mauritania for terrorism, but it is less clear when asked about an attack on English troops in Afghanistan. For many Fizazi is a wolf who, incidentally, looks lambskin.

- Bin Laden was a mujahideen leader or head of terrorists? -For U.S.

was the biggest terrorist on earth. For many Muslims is a martyr, a mujahideen who defended Islam ... If the U.S. Bin Laden fighting as a person has won because he's dead. But if the ideas fighting, Al Qaida as a movement still exists. Bin Laden is, but there may be many other Bin Laden and may be worse.

When it comes to talking of Morocco, however, his speech was moderate. Fizazi believes that today's Morocco, after the King's speech in which he announced constitutional reform "is not the same as 2003." "Then they caught anyone they saw on the street with a beard and hijab. I was among those victims. "

"Then, now and always have been against terrorism," he says in response to that point as the instigator of the attacks. "That the physical evidence," are challenged.

- What jihad?

"As I talk of jihad in Afghanistan or Palestine has nothing to do with it. Fizazi

never joined those from the Movement February 20, manifested by a more democratic Morocco, while sharing with them the concerns about corruption and "injustice." "But if they want to tear down all the power, I am against. The King is the only form of government for Morocco. " Even recognize it as the highest religious authority. "In times like these, after the bombing that killed 16 people last week in Marrakech, Mohamed VI is the best" to take the reins of the country. "Morocco, thanks to King, he understood people's demands. Reacted wisely and fast. " Source

Journal ABC


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