Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can Guinness Cause Black Stool


"'pilgrimage' to Abbottabad?

Local traders say the terrorist leader was his client
Civil, military, researchers and journalists come together to million-dollar mansion
Hamida, resident, says he has photos of their three adolescent girls with housing

devoid of whom, now the curiosity turns to Abbottabad where. On the day after the lightning attack that killed Osama Bin Laden, a resident at the same time as clandestine as illustrated, the Pakistani town awoke with a thirst for information and in the center of global media attention.

Dozens of civilians, military mobilized by Islamabad, researchers, journalists around the world and generally curious of all ages have been stationed along the journey along the so-called million-dollar mansion, in which the main entrance looks a deterrent as a police precinct pink scribbled several firms.

Some visitors have come driven by professional duty. Most, presumably propelled by the sleaze, hunting the 'souvenir' Yankee-the helicopter wreckage left by the Seals could quote a good price in certain auctions' online'-or naive hope to find at the perimeter of clues fortified house on the last moments in life of the leader of Al Qaeda. Washington notes in this regard that the 'public enemy number one' even been able to live in the complex since five or six years, and not in a spartan cave of the Afghan-Pakistani border.

The absence of the body, therefore, leave the residence as a scenario for the fetishism dressed up as ritual. Recent history is generous with examples of shrines erected on a foundation of blood and idolatry. But others, like 'Führerbunker' Berlin or the school in La Higuera (Bolivia) where Che was shown the body present, to name a few figures like totemic impact do not appear in this macabre map of worship.

Pending what holds for the next few days, especially if the terrorist leader's lifeless picture is worth waiting for and skepticism among the public in the Arab world increases, the legend goes through Abbottabad following his own script. Baker and another shopkeeper Mohammed Asif have already revealed a timely manner to the news agencies that one of the sons of Bin Laden hiding behind the name Tariq, and he regularly frequented business. "I am proud because he is a hero who defied the United States," proclaims Asif.

Hamida, also resident, says he has photos of his three teenage girls in jeans and colored shirts. "We will upload them to Facebook to show our friends who live next to Bin Laden, "joked one of them, Hiba, 14.

Arshad Khan and Tariq Abdullah also speculate on the identity of those who shared neighborhood." I always thought they were both Pakistani Pashtun, "they say in reference to Bin Laden and his alleged son," but now that I think, some things do not fit. "

and listed:" They had white skin and beard had been cut as the Arabs. "No doctor's visit, says Abdullah, when Bin Laden has said on numerous occasions that he suffered from the kidneys and needed dialysis. Perhaps the umpteenth example of the confusion and glorification that has existed and will exist around his figure.

key Guantanamo Confession

The CIA director acknowledged that have been practiced 'coercive interrogation techniques. "
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confirmed the identity of trusted mail bin Laden.

The identity of the person who put the U.S. on the trail of Osama bin Laden remains a topic that has aroused more interest after the death of the leader of Al Qaeda.

According to Barak Obama's chief adviser on terrorism, John Brennan, "there was no specific information obtained in a particular time we have been successfully Abbottabad [Place where the residence of bin Laden]. "" The information on the whereabouts of Bin Laden has acquired over the years, "Brennan said on CNN.

Other means, however, if they have dared to put date and name the key elements in the pursuit of terrorists. According to the 'Daily Mail', the final track the given mail name, Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti.

This mysterious character was identified after a commanders of al Qaeda detained at Guantanamo admitted that he knew and had relationship with Bin Laden. According to reports the British newspaper, once the U.S. military obtained the information, 'Swamped' Pakistan intelligence agents desperate to find a trace of it, that would lead to the lair of the world's most wanted man.

But getting the name of the mail was not easy. For many years, Ahmed was known only by his "nom de guerre," Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, an e-Pakistan used to navigate in a white Suzuki. The first evidence of its importance came to the CIA after 11-S and the confessions of several of those detained after the attack.

He was identified as one of the messengers of Bin Laden, an aide to terrorist leader in the utmost confidence. But details were scarce and the track was cold quickly.

was not until 2004, after the capture in Iraq of an al-Qaeda, Hassan Ghul, when the CIA began to move. Ghul norteramericana the agency said that Al-Kuwait was the key messenger that he was near Faraj Al Libbi, a former operations chief of al Qaeda, who replaced Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. American persecution increased until it managed to capture Al Libbi, reported the New York Times. CIA Interrogation

Under questioning by the CIA, Al Libbi admitted that when he was promoted to succeed Mohamed, was announced through a messenger. This made the whole strength of the interrogation of Khalid Sheik Mohamed fall. But this always denied knowing the email. He did so so adamant that their refusal was regarded as a lie by the CIA. Sheik

183 times underwent torture in the bath ('waterboarding'). The grueling session dives into water to confess she underwent a secret CIA prison in Poland in 2003. These practices have been recognized by the CIA director, Leon Panetta, in an interview with NBC.

"In this case, coercive interrogation techniques were used on some of these detainees. And the debate about whether we could have obtained the same information through other approaches, I always will be an open question, "said Panetta.

Still, Sheik Mohammed confessed to not using the controversial technique of waterboarding. He did it two years later, during a conventional examination. It was then that the CIA was convinced that if were to Abu Ahmed, also would Bin Laden. And he did.

Spain enhance the security of embassies in hazardous areas jihadist

The Government will strengthen the security of the English institutions present in the Maghreb, the Sahel, Afghanistan and Pakistan after the U.S. operation that ended with the death of Osama bin Laden. This shall be used of the English police and other countries. However, the alert will be maintained as it is in "high-high."

first vice-president and interior minister, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, has announced at a press conference to present the conclusions of the meeting which he attended with President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and the owners of Foreign and defense, Trinidad Jimenez, and Carme Chacón.

To cope with the threat of jihadist terrorism, the Executive also plans special protection for companies, NGOs and donors present in areas with higher risk of jihadist attacks.

But Rubalcaba said that the death of Bin Laden "is not a major threat to Spain," and "not a substantial change in the Al Qaeda." On Monday, just know the U.S. operation, the vice president spoke of a "clear risk" of "retaliation" by al-Qaeda cells. Missions abroad

On Monday Defense announced that he had instructed officials of the English troops deployed in missions abroad in order to be especially self-protection measures in the areas of operations involving the Armed Forces English.

Prior to this announcement, Rubalcaba also noted he does not believe the time is right to rethink the international operation in Afghanistan, because it is "another draft." "Bin Laden was an important person for al Qaeda because of his charisma and leadership, but their structure is much more complex, with a presence in Afghanistan and Pakistan," he recalled. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

The death of Bin Laden

U.S. Attorney says the operation was legal

Holder avoids blame for the capture of Bin Laden to the torture techniques the CIA

The U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder defended yesterday without doubt the legitimacy of the U.S. military operation in Pakistan which resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden. The actions were "legal, legitimate and appropriate in every way. The people responsible for the operation, the decision to carry out as run, performed well," he said Holder before the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.

Holder said in his testimony that the information which led the hunt, capture and death of Bin Laden came from a mosaic of different sources. To the question of whether techniques such as waterboarding or simulated drowning had made possible the folding of the leader of Al Qaeda, Holder responded: "I do not know." The prosecutor and settled a controversy that arose after former Vice President Dick Cheney will ensure that the military operation put on a plate to say that the controversial interrogation program "a euphemism for torture, the CIA has paid off. However, the White House has been very careful to avoid any relationship between the success of the operation and extreme techniques applied in the Agency's secret interrogation between 2002 and 2003, and used at Guantanamo.

To another question, if it had been better captured alive and bring Bin Laden to trial Holder was very clear: Osama bin Laden to justice has been done. Holder, who for years opposed military commissions at Guantanamo and assumed the duty to close the prison by order of Barack Obama, changed course last month. Unable to close the prison, announced that these same committees will resume with the trial of the alleged ideologue of the 11-S attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The information released by the White House indicate that the CIA could have gotten Bin Laden's whereabouts through an interrogation of the suspected terrorist, captured in 2003 in Pakistan. Holder refused to leave the Capitol without ensuring that "the use of all available resources and appropriate tools, including our federal judicial system, we will be vigilant to threats international and national. "

Several members of the previous administration on Monday rushed to praise Obama and claiming, in a more or less patent, anti-terrorism policies of George W. Bush. Cheney left no room for ambiguity , claimed the past, but also hedge its bets. "I have enough information to speak with authority on this subject but I understand that the special interrogation program we produced some of the results that led to the capture of bin Laden's legitimate" , Cheney said in an interview on Fox News. "We need these policies remain intact in order to have a successful final in this field. "

The toughest decision Obama

He ordered the assault only with 60% guarantee of the presence of Bin Laden in the house without the consent of his team - The terrorist was disarmed

On Friday 29 April, at eight o'clock, in a meeting with her four closest collaborators in security at the White House, Barack Obama said the hardest decision of his career ground to attack the residence which thought it could be Osama bin Laden. It was a decision that involved high operational risks, which had no full consensus among his advisors and may have led to a clash with Pakistani troops. But it was the opportunity to deal a decisive blow to terrorism and the president, after thinking for 16 hours, said: "Forward."

was one of those moments when a whole is at stake presidency, and Obama faced quite daring, considering that the CIA director, Leon Panetta, but recommended the intervention only gave 60% assurances that the leader of Al Qaeda were inside the mansion that was thought to attack.

"I told him, taking everything into consideration, we have the best evidence from the battle of Tora Bora, and that we made it clear that we had an obligation to act," Panetta recalled in an interview yesterday.

Other Cabinet members did not see Obama the same way. Defense Secretary Robert Gates warned of the enormous difficulties of a ground operation and bowed to recommend a barrage of B-2 aircraft, which would have ensured the destruction of the residence of the city of Abbottabad, about 60 miles Islamabad, without the risks involved the use of a command.

According to the reconstruction of events that can be done by attaching the information provided by U.S. official sources, Obama participated in five sessions devoted to the matter. The first, on March 14, most recently, Thursday 28 April, the president closed with all available information in hand, asking for time to meditate in solitude way to go. Three alternatives

Throughout those 40 days, he had presented three options: the assault command, the bombing with B-2 and a joint operation with Pakistani forces, which would make preparations in a more open and avoid the danger that the army of the country where he had to act had just attacking what should be an invading force.

Panetta, as reported yesterday, spoke out against the latter option by distrust that offered the military and the Pakistani secret services, who have always made a double play in his attitude to the war between the U.S. and Al Qaeda. "It was decided that any attempt to work with the Pakistanis would have jeopardized the operation, could have alerted the target," has confessed to the director of the CIA.

Obama was interested in the precise manner in which the bombing would be executed, it seemed the easiest option. He was briefed by officers of the Air Force in order to ensure the destruction of the residence and death of its occupants, would need 32 bombs thrown a ton each, which would have caused a crater that would have been almost impossible to identify human remains.

The president said that such an action would never have served to show the world that the U.S. had killed bin Laden, so that every effort would have been in vain. He did not like the proposal from the beginning, and the idea of \u200b\u200bordering the intervention of the SEALs, the elite force of the Navy assigned to the Joint Special Operations Command, made his way, despite all its drawbacks, as the only viable alternative .

same April 28 in which Obama declared that the discussions on what would be called Operation Geronimo, appeared in public to present their birth certificate to the doubts that had been circulated some of his most bitter political rivals.

Operation without absolute guarantees
Before that day, and meetings where the president spoke, the primary responsibility for security had been accumulating evidence for the presence of Bin Laden in Abbottabad from made-up is not clear whether from July / August 2010 - the messenger of al Qaeda who had been identified by prisoners at Guantanamo. It was a good deal of material, obtained from spy planes and field workers, but not enough to give the president absolute guarantees of success.

The Deputy Minister of National Security Denis McDonough, who was in the April 29 meeting in which Obama announced his decision, admitted yesterday that when the president laid down the following Sunday at 2.05 pm in the War Room of the White House to follow the story Panetta was a live operation, "I had full confidence" of what lay in Abbottabad. "I was, yes, absolutely confident that his team had worked effectively," said McDonough.

What he saw Obama on the War Room since then, according to the account provided Thursday by the White House spokesman, Jay Carney, was the decline in two helicopters from the SEAL command on the residence, breaking into the house, killing two men, apparently, messengers, who offered resistance, and his climb to the top floor, where they found and killed Bin Laden.

Carney yesterday gave few new details about the operation: Bin Laden was unarmed, women, apparently, his wife, after that was protected was not dead, as stated in the beginning, but was only wounded in the leg . The White House spokesman said that Bin Laden was unarmed not affect the status of that offer resistance, because "there are other modes of resistance than to wield a weapon."

Once the military operation, members of command carefully tracked the building and seized several computers and disks that rely on American researchers find clues to pursue other leaders of Al Qaeda. One of the helicopters was damaged by rubbing a fence of the mansion was destroyed by American soldiers themselves, but are not sure whether these left after the place where the only helicopter that was available or made use of other vehicles. What does the White House confirmed that Bin Laden's body was flown by helicopter to the carrier Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea, where he was thrown into the sea after the funeral rites observed that the Koran requires.

The director of the CIA safe to be published the photo of the corpse of Bin Laden

The White House believes that showing the image of the leader of Al Qaeda may be "incendiary", but will "sooner or later ".- The Taliban doubt the reliability of DNA evidence

The CIA director, Leon Panetta, has no doubt that sooner or later, the U.S. government decided to disclose the photograph of the body of former leader of Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, dead early Monday in Pakistan. In an interview with U.S. network NBC, the head of the U.S. intelligence agency, said that "the Government has been speaking clearly on the best way to do this "and added that he has no doubt" ultimately will be presented a picture to the public ".

The White House has acknowledged through his spokesman, Jay Carney, the visual image video of the body of Osama Bin Laden in its possession that could have an "incendiary effect." That is one of the factors that are debating the appropriateness of publishing. Another is that the images are very "tricky." Carney has called for patience and assured that it will take "appropriate decision".

Several U.S. lawmakers have asked the Executive to give them the definitive visual proof that the body that soldiers released into the ocean was the Saudi terrorist leader of Al Qaeda. Until now, the government has only said that, after the team of Navy Seal killed Bin Laden several shots, one of them in the head, took his body and buried at sea. Several members of the Government believe that the image of Bin Laden with a gunshot to the head may give fuel to the anti-Americanism in the Islamic world.

There are at least three sets of photos to confirm that Washington has done with Osama Bin Laden: the operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the military hangar in Afghanistan that took the body, and the ceremony in which the body was released the ocean. "We are considering whether to publish information, details of the transaction and other material, probably those photos," said Barack Obama's adviser on terrorism, John Brennan. "We want, first, understand what kind of reaction can give rise to the publication of such information." The photos could spread at any time would show, among other details, the hangar where the body was taken, reports the BBC.

Some media in the U.S., as Drudge Report assume that Obama has decided to give a pretty picture "graphic." Official sources quoted by the AP have said that in the images is the face of Bin Laden deformed by the impact of a bullet a few inches above his left eye that destroyed part of the skull. The body also has bullet wounds in his chest. The same sources claim that the military recorded a video of the alleged burial at sea. Other official sources which includes CNN say that there is an image too gruesome and that publication will select the least impact.

President's National Security Committee of the Senate, independent Joe Lieberman, has asked the White House to disseminate those photos to dispel any doubt. "My gut tells me that will probably be necessary to publish these photos, but will respect any decision to take the president, "Lieberman said at a news conference on Capitol Hill." For my part, based on some information I received, I am totally convinced that the man was killed yesterday was Osama Bin Laden. "

Republican Sen. Susan Collins also asked for the dissemination of these images, although he was "totally convinced" that the body was that of Bin Laden, because DNA tests had yielded almost 100% coincident with samples of various terrorist's family. "Still, I recognize that there are those who want to create a myth that is still alive and that somehow we missed," he said at a press conference also.

The Taliban themselves, associates of al Qaeda in the Afghan war, have expressed doubts that the U.S. has really killed the Saudi terrorist in Abbottabad. Through his spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, Muslim fundamentalists have expressed doubt that the DNA tests are convincing and have requested photos. "This is news that we are only part of Obama's office, and Americans have not shown any evidence that helps confirm that information," Mujahid said in an e-mail. "Sources close to Osama Bin Laden has not confirmed or refuted this information." Source

newspaper "El Pais"

The White House confirmed that Ben Laden was not armed, "But offered resistance 'n The military consider the possibility of bombing

" He was unarmed "

Like every good weather Sunday that President Barack Obama got up early to go play golf. Nothing suggested to the rest of the White House staff was going to be a different day. Then everyone will go unnoticed by the Democrat played only 9 holes instead of 18 than usual.

- Seven French in the spotlight
- Embassies and aid our weaknesses
- Manual not to create a myth

May 4, 1911 - New York - Marta Torres

At one in the afternoon (the seven CET) met with a team of war in the Situation Room of the White House. There was the Pentagon chief Robert Gates, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton and the head of state, Mike Mullen, among others. With golf shoes still on, Obama left to go back just before half past three (nine and a half in Spain), time at which the operation began the hunt for Osama Ben Laden. A

Obama was not moved a muscle of his face during the 38 minutes flat-long attack. The seconds passed as if they were hours. Biden fastened at all times a rosary in his hand. And there was a moment when he missed a helicopter by a mechanical failure, in which Obama almost stopped her heart. Meanwhile, satellite, the CIA director, Leon Panetta, who was at the headquarters of spies across the Potomac River, said what happened in Pakistan: "They have reached the target," Panetta said when the team SEAL elite came to the house of the terrorist.

The minutes passed and not hear anything in the room. They feared military air, land and sea had dropped by two helicopters to the house where Ben Laden. The SEAL carrying explosives, weapons and night vision devices. According to the White House, Bin Laden was unarmed but "resisted." Minutes later, the director of the CIA announced: "We have visual contact Geronimo", the code name he had given the leader of Al Qaida.

A few minutes later, Panetta announced: "Geronimo EKIA"-the acronym for''Enemy Killed in Action''(Enemy Killed in Action, in English) - to which Obama replied: "I have kids" . Thus ended the operation of hunting and capture of enemy of the United States. Gone are the doubts of Obama's advisers on the information I got on the whereabouts of the terrorist.

was on Friday before going to Alabama to visit the victims of the tornado when Obama made his decision. During the past two months, the National Security Council had five meetings with the president about it. Examined the pros and cons of a small group of elite troops attacked the house where they believed was bin Laden. There were two options: an air raid or wait to receive more information. As usual, Obama chose the intermediate decision. "Come on with it", his advisers said last Friday when he got up in the morning.

So, the night of Sunday to Monday in Pakistan a couple of helicopters left Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. BlackHawk The two entered the airspace of Pakistan using a sophisticated technology to evade radar Pakistanis and not to be identified. Officially, the mission was to hunt or capture. According to the policy of Washington, United States does not kill unarmed people who intend to surrender.

The two helicopters came down in the complex leaving the SEAL inside. Then, still had not started the shooting. Just then, one of the Blackhawk crashed and rolled on the ground due to mechanical failure, although none of the soldiers was wounded. The mission continued. Meanwhile, the CIA and the White House followed the operation from Washington. These men knew that the family of Ben Laden was in the second and third floors of one building. They went from room to room in search of terrorists until they found him and shot him in the head.

SEALs chief, Admiral Edward Winters of Naval Special Warfare Command yesterday sent an email to his men in which they welcomed, but also reminded them that they should continue with the mouth closed. The undercover operation that culminated in the death of the leader of Al Qaida was developed four years ago. Then one of the conspirators of 11-S, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is in Guantanamo confessed to the CIA the names of the messengers of Osama Ben Laden. The spy agency has always known that the terrorist was smart enough not to live or their commanders and their soldiers. But I also knew I had to give orders in a way.

And so they gave him. When Mohammed was arrested and taken to Guantanamo, bin Laden came to Abu Faraj al-Libi to occupy his post. The CIA knew that the mail that had reported this rise to al-Libi could only bring it by the mouth of the head of Al Qaida. If you met him, give the Saudi and it was. Last year, this email had a phone conversation intercepted by the CIA. The call led to the intelligence services to give to this man and, as I had thought, with Osama Ben Laden.

His body, on the coast of Oman
Nobody knows where the body was released the terrorist. As reported by the "New York Times, was thrown into the waters of the Arabian Sea. Before launch, U.S. forces conducted a funeral ceremony on the USS Carl Vinson, following the Islamic tradition. Depending on the version of an American official, an army officer had read a religious text translated by a native Arabic. From there he was transported by helicopter to an undetermined point of the coast Oman to hit the water, wrapped in a white sheet into a heavy bag. The White House weighs publish photographs of the body, although he admits that takes into account the effect of "incendiary" that might have those pictures, very "atrocious." Why

call Ben Laden "Geronimo"
names as place names, are never random. Always denote a reality. When the CIA chose the nickname for Ben Laden Geronimo uncovered the collective subconscious of the U.S., a company used to build his story on a mythology ephemeral icons. The Apache leader, who lost his wife killed, vowed to avenge death- advocated a legitimate cause of a people dispossessed of ancestral lands and forced to live on a reservation. His forays have threatened to Washington, who finished sending a contingent of troops to reduce disproportionate to the guerrilla Indian. His position is far from it preached by Osama Ben Laden. The Saudi claimed the caliphate that nobody remembers. But if something share Geronimo and Ben Laden is that the two became a ghostly mirages U.S. REDUCING chased and tried for too many years.

crisis committee met with Zapatero launches a security plan. Concerned about the kidnappings

Embassies and aid are our weak

The death of Osama Ben Laden has forced the Government to strengthen the security of the English embassies in North Africa, the Sahel, Afghanistan and Pakistan and contact the companies and aid workers in these areas to alert that we must take extreme measures.

May 4, 1911 - Madrid - MG

This was announced by the executive vice president, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, after his meeting at the Moncloa Palace with the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and the ministers of Foreign Affairs , Trinidad Jimenez, and Defence, Carme Chacón. "I do not think Ben's death Laden assume additional risk to Spain, "Rubalcaba said in discussing the possibility that Ben Laden's number two, Ayman al Zawahiri, who has threatened to Spain on several videos over the past years, it happens in front of the terrorist network.

still insisted that there may be retaliation and stated that "the coming weeks and months can be sensitive" to English interests abroad. The Government was "concerned" some embassies, so strengthened their security. It will boost the protection of state institutions in certain geographical areas. In addition, the Executive considers that the undertakings and aid workers working in these areas also need to improve their safety and will contact them to inform them of the risks that may lie ahead. Also discouraged, through its website, "every trip" to Pakistan before the "high risk of terrorism and sectarian violence."

At the meeting in La Moncloa, for almost an hour and a half, Zapatero and ministers shared the information available so far on the new scenario is drawn with the death of Ben Laden.Las English troops deployed in Afghanistan like the rest of the international coalition troops were for some days past high alert for the arrival of spring, when increasing insurgent attacks and has decided to take "additional measures" of protection to prevent attacks.

According to Rubalcaba, the faction Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is "the more we should be concerned" because it is operating closer to Spain, but insisted he did not believe there is an additional danger for the country. The minister justified to maintain the level two (high) fixed warning last October, when it rose after receiving information from the intelligence services of several countries on the risk of a jihadist attack in Europe.

In his view, that level warning is "adequate", but the Security Forces of the State will review their priorities within that framework to make changes and improve the response to the threat of Islamist terrorism. The minister said the U.S. administration had contacted the Government to provide details of the operation carried out in Pakistan and highlighted the cooperation with the Moroccan security forces to ensure that the United States provide any information that is relevant to safety European interests. Manual

not to create a myth

there anything more dangerous than a man: his legend. U.S. has learned some lessons from the past and do not want to repeat old mistakes. Should show photographs of the corpse of Ben Laden? Will they contribute these images to build the figure of a new myth?

May 4, 1911 - Madrid - J.
At the White House is still alive snapshot "Che" Guevara died. His body lying on a table, with open eyes, curly beard, dirty, disheveled and looking crystallized by vacuum. The Obama wants to prevent the terrorist death becomes a martyr. Has taken precautions. Not a video, not a single photo. Has buried the body at sea, within twenty-four hours, as stated in the Islamic tradition. Waves seem an appropriate place to de-fit. The best I could find. A tomb would lead to ever birth of a cult that, in this case, everyone wants to avoid.

Some voices have been raised and now a test call to verify to the world that Bin Laden is dead. There are several images. Those taken at the funeral and after the assault that captured one of the soldiers involved in the operation and was sent to the intelligence of the U.S. to carry out identification and confirm that the bomber had killed more pursued the planet. But what filter? Will it contribute to his exaltation? According to the journalist Enrique Meneses, who photographed the "Che and Fidel Castro, that would not happen:" There has been a myth of Hitler, although he has continued having fascists.

I do not think that having survived 10 years to become a legend. Stalin nor is "he says. A picture helps to cement the legend? For him, the answer is also negative: "A myth is never based on a photograph of a dead man. "In the case of 'Che', for example, everyone remembers the instant Korda. It is what it has endured. That resemblance to Christ, however, very excited. " For another expert in the history of photography, Publio Lopez Mondejar, the reason that a figure jump the step that becomes more than just a last name has an explanation: "No matter which one image is bad.

only to be effective. The image of "Che" dead nothing special. Everything is in the subconscious of the viewer, of his followers. They bring that added value to the image. " In the case of Ben Laden, for Mondejar, is clear: "With the portrait of his body or not, is a myth for all who believe in this leader. I do not think that helps the spread of that particular instant to be formed. " For him, however, photos taken of the dead, whether they are known, drag a connotation that others do not possess. "To me they are the ones I have moved independently of whether they are famous or not." Source Journal


Thus fell Bin Laden: "Geronimo, who died in action

were months of preparation and execution just minutes. Lived in the White House remained tense moments as the operation led by the 79 elite American soldiers who killed the most wanted terrorist

The agonizing pursuit of Osama Bin Laden always ended up empty handed. This was for years until last July, Pakistani officials on the orders the CIA followed a white Suzuki on the streets of Peshawar, and pointed his tuition. One of the men inside the car was the main Mail Bin Laden, Abu Ahmed. The CIA followed suit. Finally discovered the most wanted terrorist hideout: a fortress surrounded by walls Abbottabad and barbed wire at the end of a long dirt road 56 kilometers from Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

also had a tap on his phone. The CIA team in charge of liquidating the head of Al Qaida was clear that all that was vulnerable to bin Laden were his messengers. He was too smart to let soldiers "ceilings" of his terrorist network, or even high-ranking, know their whereabouts. Even so, the supreme leader needed someone to take your message to the outside. Someone I could trust your life.

Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, several detainees confessed to the CIA in secret prisons that there was an e very close to Bin Laden who went by the nom de guerre of Abu Ahmed. When the U.S. captured al-Qaeda number three Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, he said he knew the man, but denied he had anything to do with the terrorist network.

After the call, and enrollment of white Suzuki, on a dark night eight months later in July, 79 elite American soldiers aboard four helicopters entered the home of bin Laden. Shots were fired. One of the helicopters failed and could not take off. Pakistani authorities waited for orders from allies in Washington while the American elite force rushed to finish his mission and leave before the outbreak of a direct confrontation. The operation resulted in five deaths, including a tall, bearded, who died of a gunshot wound to the head. Bingo. The man with the bloody face was Bin Laden. The Americans killed 18 years after the first attack on the World Trade Center in New York in 1993. He was killed a decade especially after the largest terrorist attack in U.S. history, 11 September 2001 when nearly 3,000 people died in direct, in the eyes of the entire planet, the twin towers.

A member of the Navy Seals took a picture of bin Laden dead and passed to an expert, who introduced a face recognition program. Thus ended the most expensive and frustrating hunt public enemy number one in the West. His body went up in a helicopter and taken to the sea so that nobody can ever find.
redemption, success, redemption

History, success and secured a chapter in history. Those are the three main conclusions of the end of the Saudi terrorist. Redemption for U.S. intelligence services that unable to find Bin Laden, have been harshly criticized in the past decade, with their shameful acts interrogations in secret prisons. Success for the military, which has already entered its third war against a Muslim country after seeing his men lost their sanity in Abu Ghraib. And a chapter in history insured for Barack Obama, which is pending the closing of Guantanamo and whose presidency touched the sky on Sunday night, his triumphant message announcing the sweet taste of revenge.

As published today in the American press in recent weeks were a great mystery of negative scenarios. "In every meeting, someone always mentioned the dreaded 'Black Hawk Down', referring to the disastrous battle of 1993 in Somalia, when shot down two American helicopters and killed several soldiers in full operation, "says The New York Times a senior official of the Obama Administration. Also failed mission to rescue hostages in Iran in 1980.
Three options to kill Bin Laden

Thus, opinon in the White House is divided between those who wanted to launch the operation and those who thought it best to wait, continue to monitor bin Laden's house to make sure it really was there or choose to bomb the place, running less risk. In the end Obama discarded bomb (do more damage and could not really sure bin Laden reached) and decided by the assault of the elite forces Seals, with two helicopters following every step of the commands in case something fails.

Everything was ready for Sunday afternoon. The soldiers at their posts in Pakistan. Obama's advisers on their chairs in the "Situation Room" White House, from where they would continue the operation. The director of the CIA headquarters in Washington. Most of the time is spent in silence. Their faces in the photo that has been around the world say it all: the stone face of Obama, the gesture of concern for Hillary Clinton, uncertainty in the eyes of Vice President Joe Biden, with a rosary in his hands.

"The minutes seemed days," recalls John O. Brennan, head of counterterrorism in the White House, insisting on the "guts" of the president. And remember: "There had to bin Laden, living in a mansion over a million dollars in a very remote from the front. This can give us a false idea of \u200b\u200bwhat their messages have been for years."
"Geronimo EKIA"

A DNA test also served to ensure that it was the leader of al Qaida, comparing the DNA of the dead with his family. In addition, a defense official says that a of Bin Laden's wives identified her body to American forces.

The code name for bin Laden was "Geronimo." Obama and his advisers follow the explanations of Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, through a videoconference from his office across the Potomac River.

- "They have reached the goal," said Panetta, for a few minutes later saying: "Geronimo EKIA" (Enemy Killed In Action; enemy killed in action).

At that moment there was silence in the Situation Room to that the president broke it in two words: "We made it." Controversy

for a corpse

The success of the whole operation is clear, but some "fringe" have planted at least doubt

support of the U.S. population to the action of his government to eliminate Osama Bin Laden is overwhelming, with rapid rises in the assessment of President Barack Obama and his ability to deal with the terrorist threat. A survey of half of The Washington Post and Pew Research Center indicated a rise of 9 points for Obama, placing him in a 56 percent approval rating, the highest since 2009 when it was 61 percent. Such backing encouraged the president to claim for themselves the magical spirit of American unity that followed the tragedy of 11-S. But it does apply loose ends with Operation Geronimo. Fronts emerging controversy, issues with which not everyone is clear if you agree. Some of these fronts are matters of detail, others less so. For example:

PHOTO Was or was not necessary to show the world the picture of Bin Laden dead?

On this issue there have been many questions and discussions at the core of the White House. On the one hand it was feared stoking the flames of controversy and fanaticism in the light giving the images available, some very graphic, the leader of Al Qaeda after he entered a bullet in the head below the left eye and another in the chest. Choose a less gruesome could take to shoot a falsely benevolent icon like Che Guevara's face repeatedly over the years in millions of shirts.

Finally doing nothing could give wings to those who from the outset have requested proof of the death of Bin Laden with such fury as others call the birth certificate in the United States Barack Obama. Where some saw caution others denounced a lack of transparency, unhappy with promises of immediate family members of al Qaida had identified his body and his DNA matched a sample from his sister died in Boston. Certainly, the government and the CIA may lie in many things but not an issue of this magnitude, not in society and call-twitterers hypermediatic today. Furthermore, if the leader of Al Qaeda was alive, why would not come out and say? Why would collaborate with the enemy is hidden and silent? DEAD OR ALIVE

Do tried to catch Bin Laden alive or the whole operation was looking for his summary execution?

This debate, more alive in Europe than in America, probably has a point idle: it is quite unlikely that someone like Bin Laden were allowed arrest without resistance. The decision of President Barack Obama to authorize the selective (and risky) Prompt CIA and SEALs, instead of just plain bombed from the air, may suggest that the White House was not one hundred percent sure of the presence of Bin Laden on the strength of Abbottabad ... or really wanted to give yourself a chance take him alive. The vox populi

tends to assume that the goal was to "find and kill Bin Laden" Obama "they promised on the campaign trail, of course-but the government has admitted this and the CIA has come to that he would have preferred to take him alive and ready to confess. This makes sense if one thinks in terms of obtaining intelligence. Common sense says that these terms conflict with other political considerations and even security. Bin Laden to keep a prisoner, let alone bring him to trial would be a torment for the heads of the fight against terrorism in any country where this happens. THE CORPSE

Was ethical and respectful of Islam to rid the body thrown into the water?

Probably not, and probably the invocations of the Sharia are a mere excuse, which some would interpret as a mockery even of Islam by people who clearly do not practice it. But from a strictly secular point of view of the body get rid of Bin Laden was the smartest thing for the U.S. to avoid becoming a relic very uncomfortable and rather dangerous. The choice of the ocean as a place of "rest" for Osama bin Laden plot the threat of any place where he buried it became a mecca for jihad. Less is emphasized that also conjures up the threat that someone ask for an autopsy and question whether the death was as fast and as clean as they say. MERIT

Did you find the CIA to Bin Laden because they achieved a deserved success, or because he was very lucky?

This great triumph of the U.S. Central Intelligence so surprising, so intriguing after a long series of missteps and failures of the CIA in their fight against international Islamic terrorism, the temptation to question the official version is strong.

What if the door to the mansion-fortress of Abbottabad had been a tip from within the Al-Qaida or the Pakistani secret services and not, as stated, years of painstaking research of the American secret services, many who would have to go back to the presidency of George W. Bush?

U.S. Intelligence Experts dismiss the simple tip but believe it is embellishing a bit what happened. Scott Stewart, vice president of Tactical Intelligence Stratfor, says that "there was a chain of events in which eventually played a key role lucky. " That is, or that following a minor piece fluke charged for more, or even with the most, there was no absolute certainty until the end. Obama is moving the tab played and won. Source

Journal ABC


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