Thursday, May 5, 2011

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dies at 110 years Ultimate Fighter of World War Choules

Claude Stanley, the last fighter left alive in World War I, died in Australia at 110 years, ABC radio reported.

British, Australian citizen, Choules fought in the war while still a teenager and died last night at a nursing home in the city of Perth, as reported by his family.

Born in 1901, with only fourteen Choules enlisted in the Navy of the United Kingdom shortly after it declared war on Germany, and aboard the destroyer "HMS Revenge" witnessed the surrender of the Teutonic fleet in 1918.

then emigrated to Australia, whose armed forces served more than four decades, and in 2009 published his memoirs, entitled "The Last of the past."

After the death of Choules almost a century after the end of the race war, and more fighters are not alive, although a woman, the British Florence Green, employed as a waitress in an Air Force base in the UK. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

Ultimate Fighter Dies
left alive in the First World War Choules
Claude Stanley, who lived in Australia, joined in the Royal Navy as a teenager

Choules Claude Stanley, the last known soldier left alive in the First World War, died late Wednesday at a nursing home in Perth, Australia, as reported by his family and the Australian Army. British

Australian citizen, Choules was born March 3, 1901 and just 14 years old - lied about his age - he joined the Royal Navy shortly after the UK declared war on Germany. On board the destroyer HMS Revenge, witnessed the surrender of the Teutonic fleet in 1918.
'The last of the last'

In 1926 emigrated to Australia, whose armed forces served more than four decades. Served as an officer of the Australian Navy during World War II. In 2009 he published his memoirs, entitled The Last of the past.

One of the sons of Choules, Adrian, 76, explained that his father "hated" the war. "For him it was just a way of earning a living," he noted. According to Adrian, the British Navy taught him that the Germans were "monsters, terrible people, but then he realized that" all were exactly the same, only young people. " Deaf and blind

Choules, who was deaf and blind, enjoyed juice mango and chocolate mousse, "said his daughter Anne Pow. The deceased had three children, 13 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

After the death of Choules, almost a century after the end of the race war, more fighters are no longer alive, although a woman, the British Florence Green, who worked as a waitress at an Air Force base in the UK. In that struggle, one of the bloodiest in history, involving some 70 million soldiers.

Source Newspaper "El PeriĆ³dico"


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