Libyan rebels take control of a military base Tripoli Libyan rebels have taken control of a military base in the west of Tripoli Flying the flag of the rebels, said Tuesday the Qatari television station "Al Jazeera", citing its own sources.
The channel said rogue elements of the capital were able to occupy and control a military air base, located in the west of Tripoli, and which had previously placed the tricolor flag of independence, the rebels have taken as their own.
The same source added that on Tuesday there have been further clashes between protesters and security forces of the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in downtown Tripoli, without giving further details.
These conflicts have two days after an outbreak of rebellion in the neighborhood of Suq al Yuma in the west of the capital, which has remained relatively calm since the beginning of the protests on 16 February, with only a few demonstrations controlled and suffocated by the regime.
Meanwhile, the National Transitional Council (CNT), the highest body of the insurgent leader, welcomed the news from the capital.
"It shows the dissatisfaction of the population in Tripoli, who also wants to get rid of the Gaddafi regime and live free like us," said Jalal al Galal, spokesman for the CNT, based in Benghazi in eastern Libya donde la revuelta triunfó a finales de febrero y que permanece desde entonces en manos de los insurgentes.
Galal dijo que espera que, en esta ocasión, los habitantes de Trípoli puedan salir a la calle y manifestarse pacíficamente, y contar para ello con la protección de la OTAN.
Los dirigentes rebeldes han defendido en repetidas ocasiones que, si en Trípoli y otras ciudades controladas por Gadafi hubiese libertad de expresión y manifestación, sus habitantes retirarían su apoyo al Gobierno y se unirían a los insurgentes. "Esperamos que esto sea el principio del fin", afirmó Galal.
Los sublevados esperan que el empeoramiento de las condiciones de vida en Trípoli -con supply shortages and inflation triggered, and the NATO bombing, which has intensified its operations on the capital in recent days, may increase discontent and create a popular uprising. Source
newspaper "El Mundo"
The EU will open a diplomatic mission in Benghazi Ashton announces the opening of an office in the rebel capital to support security and institutional support to the rebels
Union EU plans to open a diplomatic representation in the rebel city of Benghazi Libya to provide assistance to the transitional council that brings together the rebels against the regime of Muammar Qaddafi, announced today the High Representative for EU foreign policy, Catherine Ashton.
"I intend to open an office in Benghazi and thus make progress in providing support to the Libyan people .. to support civil society to support the Transitional Interim National Council of Libya (CNTP) and assist them in building their future, "Ashton has said before the full European Parliament in Strasbourg. The EU diplomat explained that the functions of the future EU mission in Libya is to boost the security reform and strengthen the new institutions Libyan.
The Parliament, which claimed since the beginning of Libyan crisis that the EU recognized as a partner to the National Transitional Council of Libya, has welcomed the announcement with applause. "In Libya, many people have heard for the first time the word 'Constitution' referring to his country. I had long wanted to end the Libyan regime and Europe wants to contribute to building a full democracy," said EU High Representative .
Ashton, who has reiterated that Muammar Gaddafi "must leave" power, he pointed out that "everything the EU does in Libya follows the thread of human rights." The high representative also reiterated the readiness of the EU to deploy a military mission in Libya humanitarian support if requested by the UN after noting that "the first objective is to save lives." "Sometimes only the military have the capabilities for that. Therefore, if a request comes from the UN, we are willing to help," he assured.
Finally, Ashton has praised the improved cooperation between the EU and NATO, which has also recently decided to appoint a special representative in Benghazi. The European diplomat has hailed that "first time" the two organizations are exchanging information on military operations in Libya, the alliance took command on 31 March.
The European Union recognized the rebel government last March to Libya as a privileged political party but denied any legitimacy to the dictatorship of Gaddafi, after he unilaterally made France and the UK. However, EU sources continue to see more questions than answers on the board rebel. There is a risk that Gaddafi will finally regain ground lost to the rebels and the EU is linked to an ineffective group isolated in a corner of the country or in exile.
Rebels are no oil attacks Gaddafi loyalists against the Libyan oilfields forced to stop production of crude oil to finance the conflict
Despite being cornered in Tripoli and to have several fronts in the territory under its control, Muammar Gaddafi tries to win the oilfields of the rebel zone. The regime has intensified its military offensive in eastern Libya, and attacks on the wells have been forced to halt oil production. A blow to Benghazi, capital of the rebellion, which is thus deprived of a vital resource.
and a half months ago, optimism reigned in the offices of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCA). The main branch of the Libyan state oil company, based in Benghazi, had broken with the parent and had joined the rebellion. Oil production (425,000 barrels per day, almost one third of the national total) was reduced by the departure of foreign technicians, but the NATO air protection offered a promising future. Today everything is different. "We had to close our six camps for safety issues," said Abdeljalil Mayuf, executive and spokesperson for the company. "In the east there is no crude oil production. Zero."
Organized in mobile patrols with armored vehicles equipped with rocket launchers, Gaddafi's troops besieging the rich deposits Sarir region. Meslan facilities have been badly damaged. The sabotage of the pumping station on the pipeline linking the oilfields to the port of Tobruk has halted work on the other wells. "Put them back on track is expensive and will take time," says Mayuf. "It's what we tried to avoid."
Gaddafi's troops also are increasing attacks on towns in the region. On Saturday launched a new offensive against Yalu, located in an oasis about 200 miles south of Ajdabiya, phantom border between western and eastern gadafista rebel. Auyila neighbor has also suffered the onslaught. Benghazi authorities do not give details, but said that the enclaves, originally populated by Berber tribes still under your control. "The regime is attacking but can not hold their positions because the oasis are fighting with the revolution," Abdul Hafiz said Ghoga, vice president and spokesman for the National Transition Council.
However, the closure of private wells to the rebel forces of a substantial source of revenue. Until early April, AGOCA had exported 2.6 million barrels of crude to China, Qatar and Austria. "At the moment we endure," says Abdeljalil Mayuf. "We have reservations and this is a temporary situation. Hopefully."
Gaddafi's strategy seems to go beyond securing control of the wells or to strangle the economy of Libya released: the attacks of recent weeks suggest that attempts to enter rebel territory in the deserts of the south and ascend into the coast near the Egyptian border.
clearly inferior in terms of military, Benghazi authorities have reinforced the area with new quotas. But, again, all eyes turn to NATO. "They have done some interventions, but are slow .... I do not know, maybe they have other calculations," laments a rebel leader.
But yesterday was not a critical time in Benghazi, deafened by artillery rounds and Kalashnikov rifles. The fighters arrived at the front of Ajdabiya, frozen for weeks, they celebrated the progress of a few kilometers, provided by Allied bombing against the positions gadafistas. The rebels claimed killing 57 soldiers and destruction of 17 vehicles. Other sources indicate, however, that the casualties were caused by NATO.
addition to reactivate the Eastern Front, the coalition launched an intense attack on Tripoli in the early hours of Tuesday. The bombings hit two official buildings (one used by military intelligence, the other, an architectural jewel of the colonial era) and the headquarters of Qaddafi. The Libyan dictator has not appeared in public since April 30, when an Allied attack killed his youngest son and three grandchildren.
Meanwhile, NATO said Wednesday it has destroyed 30 military objectives Gaddafi loyalists around the besieged Misrata city, which is outside government control.
NATO Gadhafi is not known whether alive or dead after an attack on his residence in Tripoli The Libyan government accused NATO of bombing the headquarters of the High Commissioner for Children
NATO's offensive against the forces of Muarmar Gaddafi does not stop at the fronts of the war in Libya. At least five explosions were heard at dawn on Tuesday in the residential complex in Tripoli Libyan leader. The Alliance has confirmed that its planes attacked last night command and control centers of the regime in Tripoli, but did not specify whether the attacks reached the residence of Muammar Qadhafi, as point out some information from the North African country.
After repeated NATO attacks against the centers of power in Tripoli says the Alliance did not know whether the Libyan leader is alive or dead. Gaddafi has been lavished on television since they began the bombing of the allies but in recent days these apparitions have disappeared.
"We have no evidence (whether alive or dead), do not know what Gaddafi is doing now," he has said in a press conference in Naples, Brigadier General Claudio Gabellini ally.
On 25 April, a NATO airstrike destroyed a building complex in the Bab el Gaddafi Azizia, in Tripoli, in what a press officer of the regime considered a direct attack on the Libyan leader's life.
The Libyan government, meanwhile, accused the mission of NATO have bombed the headquarters of the High Commissioner for Libyan Children in the Libyan capital. In an official bus, the authorities today took international journalists to the neighborhood of Dahmani to witness the devastation suffered in the building.
officials point out that the assault occurred on Monday night and that the attackers made use of a missile. At 100 and 700 meters are placed two telecommunications towers, but none of them seem to have been reached, since no damage present simple view. Since the beginning of the riots against the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, has proved difficult, if not impossible, to verify the information provided by both sides.
turn ensure that it is the second air attack suffered by the construction in less than a week and the first bombing, on April 30, also was the work of the Alliance. For the moment, it is unknown whether the alleged offense has caused casualties, but damage to the building structure are remarkable. Humanitarian crisis
Meanwhile, fighting between rebels and forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi are forcing thousands of refugees to flee on foot to the border of Tunisia and ship to Europe, according to United Nations has said.
Fighting continues in several parts of the country, although the front is stagnant days, with the rebels dominate the eastern and western Gaddafi. In Misrata, the rebels trying to seize the port, where attacks on soldiers and mines Gaddafi hinder the entry of ships. Attacks have also occurred in the city of Zinta.
precisely, Brigadier General of NATO Claudio Gabellini explained today from Naples who, having stabilized the situation in the east, much of NATO's efforts are now focusing on destroying the centers from which the regime organizes its "systematic attacks" against the population.
On the other hand, the chief prosecutor of International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, will issue arrest warrants for war crimes and crimes against humanity against Gadhafi, his son Saif Islam Gaddafi and head of Intelligence, Abdullah al-Senussi, as reported by the online edition of the television channel Al Arabiya. On May 4, Moreno-Ocampo announced that in the "coming weeks" would issue three arrest warrants against "the greatest responsibility for crimes committed" since the protests began antigubernmentales and fighting between forces and rebels Gaddafi, but did not disclose the names of the accused. Source
newspaper "El Pais"