Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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all remember the famous movie "Saving Private Ryan", this film tells the story of "rescue" from the front of last of the surviving siblings of a group of four who enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. The story is told in the film is fictional but we emphasized that it is based on a true story. As this is the story ...


According to historical records, State New York, in the town of Tonawanda, north of the city of Buffalo, the couple formed by Michael and Augusta Niland, saw the emergence of four children: Edward (1912), Preston (1915) Robert (1919) and Frederick ( 1920). These were educated according to family tradition, graduating from Canisius College. Preston attended the University of Buffalo.

Before the U.S. entered into war with the Axis powers, Preston and Robert, enlisted for military service. Subsequently, once the armed conflict broke out, Edward and Frederick enlisted as volunteers during the months of November 1942. As a result of the tragedy experienced by the Sullivan brothers, the Army High Command states that those listed sibling groups should not be part of the same unit. For this reason, the brothers are assigned to different units.

After an intense period of instruction in their respective units were ready to confront the enemies of his country.

June 1944: A tragic month for the Niland family

On the afternoon of June 6, 1944 (although some sources say June 8), Michel and Augusta Niland, received a telegram informing them that from the May 20, 1944 (other sources say May 16), Edward, his eldest son, was reported missing in action and possibly dead, as the B-25 bomber in serving had been shot down by the Japanese on Burma. Started

invasion of Fortress Europe by Allied forces, Robert and Frederick, both from airborne divisions 82 and 101, are thrown behind German lines. Robert, died the same day D (June 6, 1944) in the French town of Neuville-au-Plain.

Preston Niland, who had landed at Utah Beach, died as a result of military actions undertaken to consolidate the beachhead near Utah Beach, on June 7, 1944.

The Niland family received the news of the death of Preston on Wednesday, June 21 1944. The next day (Thursday, 22 June), a third telegram arrived announcing the death of Robert.

Frederick "Fritz" Niland, the "sole survivor" in the early hours of D-Day, had "landed" in Raffoville, southwest of Carentan. Along with members of his company, made their way to Carentan to join the rest of his Division (June 11, 1944).

Days later, Frederick received the news of the death of his brother Robert. 501 The Chaplain of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Francis Sampson, in his book of memoirs called "Look Out Below" indicates that a young soldier named Frederick Niland was very concerned to see him. Commander served the company where his brother Robert, had indicated that he was dead, having been buried in the cemetery of Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Both (Sampson and Noland) went to that village, and the list of the cemetery did not find the name Robert, but his brother Preston.

Chaplain Sampson tells a great sadness that gripped "Fritz", both lifted a prayer for the dead brother. Then, they headed for another block of the cemetery where they found the tomb of Robert, the heartbreak of "Fritz" was growing again and Niland Sampson, began a prayer in memory of Robert. When they returned, Sampson made inquiries respective learning that Edward Niland, the elder brother, had been reported dead weeks earlier. Frederick obliged to inform of the new "bad" news, it was extremely sad repeating at every moment what to do now? What will you do now? What will become of her? ... When Sampson asked whom he meant, Frederick said to her mother. In this situation Sampson, he indicated that Ms. Niland was still a child to comfort her and would do everything possible to repatriate Frederick. And it was ... (Although the return just became effective at the end of the summer of 1944).

The return of "Fritz" was not immediate, remained in Normandy with his regiment until July 1944. With the rest of the contingent of his regiment, the youngest of the Niland sailed back to England on a LST. His regiment was assigned to the base camp Lamborn, to enjoy a period of rest and reorganization. Indicated that when he finally received orders to return, protested against it because he wanted to return to battle and avenge their dead brothers. Their objections were heard, and must return to Tonawanda, to join his parents. The rest of the war, served in a Military Police unit stationed in New York.

The surprise after the war and the end of history

After the war, came news that gladdened the hearts of Niland. Edward, who had been declared missing in action and possibly dead, had in fact been taken prisoner by the Japanese, having been held in a POW camp in Burma, which was liberated by British forces. Back to Tonawanda with their parents, formed a family and lived a quiet life until he died in 1984 at the age of 72 years.

Frederick "Fritz" Niland, after the war, joining Georgetown University, graduating as a dentist, died in 1983 in San Francisco at the age of 63 years.

Robert Niland and Preston Niland, were buried in tombs surrounding the "Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer.

The four Niland brothers were not the only family members who served in the U.S. armed forces. His cousins, brothers Thomas and Joseph Niland Niland Division were assigned in 101 (but in a different regiment of Frederick) and the 2nd Armored Division respectively.

Thomas Niland, won the Silver Star medal for heroic actions during the Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne. BROTHERS

+ Edward Niland Niland .- Edward Niland, Technical Sergeant (radio operator and gunner) Air Force Army, for the Pacific theater of war. Disappeared on May 16 in Bruma

+ .- Lt. Preston Niland, intended Infantry Regiment Nr 22, framed in the 4th Infantry Division. Killed in action June 7 in the Utah beach

+ ROBERT .- Robert Niland Niland, Technical Sergeant, for the Regiment 505, belonging to the 82nd Airborne Division. Killed in action on 6 June in the French town of Neuville-au-Plain.

* Frederick "Fritz" Niland .- Sergeant, for the Regiment 501, belonging to the 101st Airborne Division. The only survivor of the four Niland brothers

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Rebels take
Misrata airport Ashton announces the opening of an office in the rebel capital to support security and institutional

the rebels Rebels have taken advantage in their particular struggles Misrata city with the forces of Muammar Gaddafi. According to a spokesman, the Libyan leader's allies have had to reverse their positions, leaving the way weapons and ammunition, and most importantly, they have lost control of the airport.

As he told the rebel Abdel Salam to the AP, the forces have taken antigadafistas total control of the airport south of Misrata after two days of fighting in which five people were killed and 105 injured. The rebels have released "mid-morning" and there were "hundreds of people" celebrating and making shots, meanwhile reported Al-Jazeera television. "This is a great victory," said Salam, while also confirmed that seek to advance positions west of the city, which is located Zliten.

Misrata is the only rebel stronghold in western Libya and the third largest city, 200 kilometers from Tripoli. Because of its location, with the sea and an airport, has become one of the basic strategic for both sides to gain control of the country. Shortly before the rebels won positions in Misrata, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon, conditioned the declaration of an "immediate ceasefire and verifiable" cessation of attacks on that city and other in-command of the rebels . The South Korean diplomat replied to a request from the Libyan Prime Minister Al Baghdadi Ali Al Mahmoudi, to declare a bilateral cessation of hostilities under the supervision of United Nations and the African Union. "First and foremost is to stop the fighting in Misrata and elsewhere" to "facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and, in parallel, you can continue with political dialogue, "said the UN chief.

The EU will open a diplomatic mission in Benghazi

Meanwhile, the European Union plans to open a diplomatic representation in the rebel city of Benghazi Libya to facilitate the support of the board of transition that brings the rebels against the regime of Gaddafi, announced today the High Representative for EU foreign policy, Catherine Ashton.

"I intend to open an office in Benghazi and thus make progress in providing support to the Libyan people to support civil society and the Provisional National Transitional Council of Libya (CNTP) and assist in building their future, "Ashton has said before the full European Parliament in Strasbourg. The EU diplomat explained that the functions of the future EU mission in Libya is to boost the security reform and strengthen the new institutions Libyan .

The Parliament, which claimed since the start of the Libyan crisis that the EU recognized as a partner to the Libyan National Transition Council, has welcomed the announcement with applause. "In Libya, many people have heard for the first time the word 'Constitution' referred to his country. I had long wanted to end the Libyan regime and Europe wants to contribute to building a full democracy, "said EU High Representative.

Ashton, who has reiterated that Muammar Gaddafi "must leave" power, he pointed out that "everything the EU does in Libya follows the thread of human rights." The high representative also reiterated the readiness of the EU to deploy a military mission in Libya humanitarian support if requested by the UN after noting that "the first objective is to save lives." "Sometimes only the military have the capabilities for that. Therefore, if a request comes from the UN, we are willing to help," he assured.

Finally, Ashton has praised the improved cooperation between the EU and NATO, which has also made the recent decision to appoint a special representative in Benghazi. The European diplomat has hailed that "first time" the two organizations are exchanging information on military operations in Libya, the alliance took command on 31 March.

The European Union recognized the rebel government last March to Libya as a privileged political party but denied any legitimacy to the dictatorship of Gaddafi, after he unilaterally made France and the UK. However, EU sources continue to see more questions than answers on the board rebel. There is a risk that Gaddafi will finally regain ground lost to the rebels and the EU is bound an ineffective group isolated in a corner of the country or in exile. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

Libyan insurgents take the Airport City

Libyan rebels have seized the key city airport Misrata in western Libya, following violent clashes with forces of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.

The information is confirmed by an AFP reporter on the ground. Followers

insurgents took to the streets of the city to celebrate the symbolic conquest.

Taking this strategic location will improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, who are suffering a great shortage. The

gadafistas materiel have left in place, because it starred a forced flight. In fact, the rebels are now in possession of 40 missiles 'Grad'.

While in Tripoli, several explosions have taken place on Wednesday over an hour. During that time, several planes flew over the Libyan capital.

Since late March, NATO has taken command of military operations of the international coalition, which began on March 19.

On the other hand, the Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski, has visitiado on Wednesday the rebel capital, Benghazi, to show European support and deliver aid packages. "The only solution for Libya is the march of power by Gaddafi and the beginning of a constitutional process leading to democracy," said the Pole. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

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Al Qaeda warns U.S.: "The worst and most damaging is yet to come '

The head of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Nasser al-Wahishi, has warned the U.S. that is willing to intensify the jihad after the death of Osama bin Laden.

Americans killed Bin Laden ... "But they should know that the roaring flames of jihad will be present throughout life," said al-Wahishi in a message.

Islamist leader was blunt: 'Do not think the matter ends here (...), what is coming is even worse, what awaits them is more intense and more damaging, "he continues in his letter .

According to al-Wahishi, America will be fought generation after generation. "Our battle was not directed solely by Osama," said paying tribute to the slain terrorist, who praises says that "he fought the enemies of Allah without surrender.

After coups perpetrated by Saudi authorities to Al Qaeda, the Yemeni and Saudi branches merged in January 2009 to form AQAP, established in southern and eastern Yemen where several attacks attributed to security forces.

On December 25, 2009 tried to blow up an airplane in flight connecting Amsterdam to Detroit, and claimed the bombs parcels to the U.S. in a cargo ship in late October 2010, discovered by police before it exploded .

Nasser al-Wahishi escaped from prison in 2006 with 22 members, Saudi and his deputy, Said al-Shihri, was released from American detention center at Guantanamo in November 2007.

Four days after the death in Pakistan for bin Laden, the Yemeni American radical imam Anwar Al-Aulaqi, wanted by Washington for terrorist offenses, escaped an American raid in southern Yemen.

The Saudi imam and leader of AQAP emerge unscathed from a missile firing last May 5 at his vehicle from 50 km southwest of Ataq, capital of the province of Chabwa which originates Aulaqi, local officials say .

other hand, another group in the sphere of influence of Al Qaeda, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Jihad also pledged to intensify after the death of Bin Laden. "The death of Osama strengthen our determination to fight the Jews and the Americans, to avenge all the martyrs of the Islamic nation, "said in a statement.

Abdallah Azzam, a Jordanian of Palestinian origin, was the intellectual leader of Osama bin Laden before die in an attack in Afghanistan in 1989.

Source Journal "El Mundo"

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Libyan rebels take control of a military base

Tripoli Libyan rebels have taken control of a military base in the west of Tripoli Flying the flag of the rebels, said Tuesday the Qatari television station "Al Jazeera", citing its own sources.

The channel said rogue elements of the capital were able to occupy and control a military air base, located in the west of Tripoli, and which had previously placed the tricolor flag of independence, the rebels have taken as their own.

The same source added that on Tuesday there have been further clashes between protesters and security forces of the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in downtown Tripoli, without giving further details.

These conflicts have two days after an outbreak of rebellion in the neighborhood of Suq al Yuma in the west of the capital, which has remained relatively calm since the beginning of the protests on 16 February, with only a few demonstrations controlled and suffocated by the regime.

Meanwhile, the National Transitional Council (CNT), the highest body of the insurgent leader, welcomed the news from the capital.

"It shows the dissatisfaction of the population in Tripoli, who also wants to get rid of the Gaddafi regime and live free like us," said Jalal al Galal, spokesman for the CNT, based in Benghazi in eastern Libya donde la revuelta triunfó a finales de febrero y que permanece desde entonces en manos de los insurgentes.

Galal dijo que espera que, en esta ocasión, los habitantes de Trípoli puedan salir a la calle y manifestarse pacíficamente, y contar para ello con la protección de la OTAN.

Los dirigentes rebeldes han defendido en repetidas ocasiones que, si en Trípoli y otras ciudades controladas por Gadafi hubiese libertad de expresión y manifestación, sus habitantes retirarían su apoyo al Gobierno y se unirían a los insurgentes. "Esperamos que esto sea el principio del fin", afirmó Galal.

Los sublevados esperan que el empeoramiento de las condiciones de vida en Trípoli -con supply shortages and inflation triggered, and the NATO bombing, which has intensified its operations on the capital in recent days, may increase discontent and create a popular uprising. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

The EU will open a diplomatic mission in Benghazi

Ashton announces the opening of an office in the rebel capital to support security and institutional support to the rebels

Union EU plans to open a diplomatic representation in the rebel city of Benghazi Libya to provide assistance to the transitional council that brings together the rebels against the regime of Muammar Qaddafi, announced today the High Representative for EU foreign policy, Catherine Ashton.

"I intend to open an office in Benghazi and thus make progress in providing support to the Libyan people .. to support civil society to support the Transitional Interim National Council of Libya (CNTP) and assist them in building their future, "Ashton has said before the full European Parliament in Strasbourg. The EU diplomat explained that the functions of the future EU mission in Libya is to boost the security reform and strengthen the new institutions Libyan.

The Parliament, which claimed since the beginning of Libyan crisis that the EU recognized as a partner to the National Transitional Council of Libya, has welcomed the announcement with applause. "In Libya, many people have heard for the first time the word 'Constitution' referring to his country. I had long wanted to end the Libyan regime and Europe wants to contribute to building a full democracy," said EU High Representative .

Ashton, who has reiterated that Muammar Gaddafi "must leave" power, he pointed out that "everything the EU does in Libya follows the thread of human rights." The high representative also reiterated the readiness of the EU to deploy a military mission in Libya humanitarian support if requested by the UN after noting that "the first objective is to save lives." "Sometimes only the military have the capabilities for that. Therefore, if a request comes from the UN, we are willing to help," he assured.

Finally, Ashton has praised the improved cooperation between the EU and NATO, which has also recently decided to appoint a special representative in Benghazi. The European diplomat has hailed that "first time" the two organizations are exchanging information on military operations in Libya, the alliance took command on 31 March.

The European Union recognized the rebel government last March to Libya as a privileged political party but denied any legitimacy to the dictatorship of Gaddafi, after he unilaterally made France and the UK. However, EU sources continue to see more questions than answers on the board rebel. There is a risk that Gaddafi will finally regain ground lost to the rebels and the EU is linked to an ineffective group isolated in a corner of the country or in exile.

Rebels are no oil

attacks Gaddafi loyalists against the Libyan oilfields forced to stop production of crude oil to finance the conflict

Despite being cornered in Tripoli and to have several fronts in the territory under its control, Muammar Gaddafi tries to win the oilfields of the rebel zone. The regime has intensified its military offensive in eastern Libya, and attacks on the wells have been forced to halt oil production. A blow to Benghazi, capital of the rebellion, which is thus deprived of a vital resource.

and a half months ago, optimism reigned in the offices of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company (AGOCA). The main branch of the Libyan state oil company, based in Benghazi, had broken with the parent and had joined the rebellion. Oil production (425,000 barrels per day, almost one third of the national total) was reduced by the departure of foreign technicians, but the NATO air protection offered a promising future. Today everything is different. "We had to close our six camps for safety issues," said Abdeljalil Mayuf, executive and spokesperson for the company. "In the east there is no crude oil production. Zero."

Organized in mobile patrols with armored vehicles equipped with rocket launchers, Gaddafi's troops besieging the rich deposits Sarir region. Meslan facilities have been badly damaged. The sabotage of the pumping station on the pipeline linking the oilfields to the port of Tobruk has halted work on the other wells. "Put them back on track is expensive and will take time," says Mayuf. "It's what we tried to avoid."

Gaddafi's troops also are increasing attacks on towns in the region. On Saturday launched a new offensive against Yalu, located in an oasis about 200 miles south of Ajdabiya, phantom border between western and eastern gadafista rebel. Auyila neighbor has also suffered the onslaught. Benghazi authorities do not give details, but said that the enclaves, originally populated by Berber tribes still under your control. "The regime is attacking but can not hold their positions because the oasis are fighting with the revolution," Abdul Hafiz said Ghoga, vice president and spokesman for the National Transition Council.

However, the closure of private wells to the rebel forces of a substantial source of revenue. Until early April, AGOCA had exported 2.6 million barrels of crude to China, Qatar and Austria. "At the moment we endure," says Abdeljalil Mayuf. "We have reservations and this is a temporary situation. Hopefully."

Gaddafi's strategy seems to go beyond securing control of the wells or to strangle the economy of Libya released: the attacks of recent weeks suggest that attempts to enter rebel territory in the deserts of the south and ascend into the coast near the Egyptian border.

clearly inferior in terms of military, Benghazi authorities have reinforced the area with new quotas. But, again, all eyes turn to NATO. "They have done some interventions, but are slow .... I do not know, maybe they have other calculations," laments a rebel leader.

But yesterday was not a critical time in Benghazi, deafened by artillery rounds and Kalashnikov rifles. The fighters arrived at the front of Ajdabiya, frozen for weeks, they celebrated the progress of a few kilometers, provided by Allied bombing against the positions gadafistas. The rebels claimed killing 57 soldiers and destruction of 17 vehicles. Other sources indicate, however, that the casualties were caused by NATO.

addition to reactivate the Eastern Front, the coalition launched an intense attack on Tripoli in the early hours of Tuesday. The bombings hit two official buildings (one used by military intelligence, the other, an architectural jewel of the colonial era) and the headquarters of Qaddafi. The Libyan dictator has not appeared in public since April 30, when an Allied attack killed his youngest son and three grandchildren.

Meanwhile, NATO said Wednesday it has destroyed 30 military objectives Gaddafi loyalists around the besieged Misrata city, which is outside government control.

NATO Gadhafi is not known whether alive or dead after an attack on his residence in Tripoli

The Libyan government accused NATO of bombing the headquarters of the High Commissioner for Children

NATO's offensive against the forces of Muarmar Gaddafi does not stop at the fronts of the war in Libya. At least five explosions were heard at dawn on Tuesday in the residential complex in Tripoli Libyan leader. The Alliance has confirmed that its planes attacked last night command and control centers of the regime in Tripoli, but did not specify whether the attacks reached the residence of Muammar Qadhafi, as point out some information from the North African country.

After repeated NATO attacks against the centers of power in Tripoli says the Alliance did not know whether the Libyan leader is alive or dead. Gaddafi has been lavished on television since they began the bombing of the allies but in recent days these apparitions have disappeared.

"We have no evidence (whether alive or dead), do not know what Gaddafi is doing now," he has said in a press conference in Naples, Brigadier General Claudio Gabellini ally.

On 25 April, a NATO airstrike destroyed a building complex in the Bab el Gaddafi Azizia, in Tripoli, in what a press officer of the regime considered a direct attack on the Libyan leader's life.

The Libyan government, meanwhile, accused the mission of NATO have bombed the headquarters of the High Commissioner for Libyan Children in the Libyan capital. In an official bus, the authorities today took international journalists to the neighborhood of Dahmani to witness the devastation suffered in the building.

officials point out that the assault occurred on Monday night and that the attackers made use of a missile. At 100 and 700 meters are placed two telecommunications towers, but none of them seem to have been reached, since no damage present simple view. Since the beginning of the riots against the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, has proved difficult, if not impossible, to verify the information provided by both sides.

turn ensure that it is the second air attack suffered by the construction in less than a week and the first bombing, on April 30, also was the work of the Alliance. For the moment, it is unknown whether the alleged offense has caused casualties, but damage to the building structure are remarkable. Humanitarian crisis

Meanwhile, fighting between rebels and forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi are forcing thousands of refugees to flee on foot to the border of Tunisia and ship to Europe, according to United Nations has said.

Fighting continues in several parts of the country, although the front is stagnant days, with the rebels dominate the eastern and western Gaddafi. In Misrata, the rebels trying to seize the port, where attacks on soldiers and mines Gaddafi hinder the entry of ships. Attacks have also occurred in the city of Zinta.

precisely, Brigadier General of NATO Claudio Gabellini explained today from Naples who, having stabilized the situation in the east, much of NATO's efforts are now focusing on destroying the centers from which the regime organizes its "systematic attacks" against the population.

On the other hand, the chief prosecutor of International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, will issue arrest warrants for war crimes and crimes against humanity against Gadhafi, his son Saif Islam Gaddafi and head of Intelligence, Abdullah al-Senussi, as reported by the online edition of the television channel Al Arabiya. On May 4, Moreno-Ocampo announced that in the "coming weeks" would issue three arrest warrants against "the greatest responsibility for crimes committed" since the protests began antigubernmentales and fighting between forces and rebels Gaddafi, but did not disclose the names of the accused. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

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The Syrian army bombarded a residential neighborhood in the city of Homs
Syrian army bombed from first hour of Wednesday's third largest city, Homs. They say human rights activists, who have detailed the attack is focused on the residential neighborhood of Bab Amro.

"Homs has dawned with the sound of explosions caused by shelling from tanks, and by the noise machine guns, "explained the activist Najati Tayra.

The people of Homs joined since the early days of the protests against the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and are being repressed, as citizens of other cities (including the capital, Damascus ), blood and fire. In fact, yesterday afternoon, Homs lived another protest in the streets, after a weekend in which Asad troops killed three civilians in the city.

A powerful cousin of President Assad says his family is not going to surrender. "We will continue here. We will fight until the end. They should already know that when we suffer, we do alone, "Rami Makhlouf has been sentenced to U.S. newspaper 'The New York Times. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

tanks bombarded a focus of the revolt in Syria

forces Asad punish the neighborhood of the city of Homs.-The Army released 300 people in Banias after giving to restore order and basic services restored

The Syrian regime is determined to drown in blood and fire that demand democratic revolts and a half months since the end of the dictatorship. The tanks sent by the government of Bashar Assad to the city of Homs, the third Arab country, have opened fire this morning against a residential neighborhood, according to Reuters quoted a human rights activist. "Homs is being shaken by the explosions caused by tank shells and machine guns," he told Tayra Najati.

In another scenario of the protests, the port city of Banias, the security and police forces have freed late on more than 300 people arrested during the many demonstrations that have taken place in that enclave, reports the chain Arabic Al Arabiya. The releases have been confirmed by opposition groups and came after the military turned a restored basic services and reduced the risk of further shocks. "Many of those released have been severely beaten and subjected to insults and abuse, "he complained Rami Abdelrahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

water, electricity and telecommunications have become a Banias, but the tanks remain deployed in the main avenues, as has been noted the observatory. Two hundred people, including several leaders of the revolt, have been imprisoned, as this agency has reported.

Bouthaina Shaaban, an adviser to Syrian president, has defended the actions of security forces and the challenge that in his opinion represent "armed militants" who have manipulated "the legitimate demands of citizens" and that no more than "a combination of fundamentalists, extremists and smugglers. "

" I think we have passed the most dangerous time. I hope that we are witnessing the end of this story, "said Shaaban to a correspondent of The New York Times, one of the few Western journalists have been allowed to visit the country for several hours. The rest of the international press is banned. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

Monday, May 9, 2011

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GAGOMILITARIA NOTICIAS.-Gaddafi, returned to the charge

The Syrian regime steps up its crackdown on rebellious cities

The soldiers are deployed in a suburb of Damascus, while columns tanks Homs. almost three-quarters of activists denounce the killing of four women in the coastal town of Banias

When met seven weeks of popular uprising against the government of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian army has intensified its crackdown on opponents in a final attempt to crush the revolt. Sunday After sending more tanks and troops to the rebellious cities already under siege (Deraa, Banias and Homs), the regime has deployed troops this morning at around Muadhamiya suburb, west of Damascus. Witnesses quoted by the BBC say that in that place heavy gunfire were heard as huge plumes of black smoke are up in the sky. The neighborhood remains without power and no telephone line is working, according to reports from activists.

Meanwhile, new battalions of soldiers and police have moved on Monday to Homs, Syria's third largest city 165 kilometers north of Damascus, where troops with the help of tanks and armored vehicles, searching house to house and detain many People from Saturday night. These three neighborhoods Sebaa-Bab, Bab al-Amro and Tal-Sour, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, "are completely besieged" and where an undetermined number of people have been arrested. In this city of one million inhabitants and has become one of the most active focus of the revolt, At least 14 people have died alone on Sunday and hundreds more have been arrested, according to reports from activists and advocacy groups for human rights.

Homs A neighbor has sent the distress of the population on condition of anonymity told the BBC: "We can not continue much longer under the threat of arms. Someone should do something abroad. The government should protect its population, not kill, "he cried.

In Deraa, a border town with Jordan that has been occupied militarily for two weeks in which dozens of activists have been killed, the army, which still holds the purse, has enabled its inhabitants to leave their homes for several hours for collection of food and staples before imposing the curfew. A witness quoted by Reuters reports that security forces have killed two protesters on Sunday night on the town of Deir al-Zor, east of the country.

The Army, meanwhile, is turning a deaf ear to these complaints and continues its campaign against "armed terrorists." According to his calculations, six soldiers and policemen have been killed and several others were injured late on in the fighting in Homs, Banias and other localities near Deraa, south of Saudi Arabia. The Government of El Assad questioned the civilian victims of repression and only highlights the death of a hundred soldiers. Meanwhile, Syrian state television still does not provide images of the protests but instead of a bus in which they have shot dead 10 Syrian workers returning home from Lebanon ambushed the scheme attributed to opposition groups.

Opposition groups have disputed these figures with new allegations of abuse against civilians since that last Friday the Government initiated a severe crackdown. Activists say hundreds have been arrested in the port city of Banias, including a child of only 10 years. On Saturday, soldiers opened fire on four women participating in a small demonstration near the city.

Sawasiah The NGO believes that more than 800 people have died since pulled out in mid-March protests pars claim political freedoms and an end to corruption, including 220 during the assault of the Army to Deraa. The revolt, in any event is the biggest challenge to Bashar al-Assad since he took over from his father, Hafez, in 2000. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

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European Military and NATO left to die at sea, dozens of immigrants

Dozens of African migrants died in the Mediterranean aboard the ship that traveled to ignore European military units of NATO and its requests for relief, The Guardian reported today.

The ship, which was carrying 72 passengers, including children and political refugees, broke down in late March after leaving the Libyan port of Tripoli in the direction of the Italian island of Lampedusa.

Despite the warning signals sent to the Italian coast guard and the ship was able to contact with a helicopter and a warship of NATO, no one tried to rescue the occupants, the British newspaper report. Only 11 people aboard the boat, which drifted at sea for 16 days survived.

"Every morning, upon awakening, we found more bodies, we left on board four hours before throwing them into the sea," he told the newspaper Abu Kurka, one of the survivors.

The international maritime law requires all ships, including military, to respond to distress calls from ships found in the vicinity and to provide assistance. They demand an investigation

organizations rights advocates for refugees have demanded an investigation into what happened and the UN agency for refugees (UNHCR) has asked for more cooperation to save lives among commercial vessels military and ply the waters of the Mediterranean.

"The Mediterranean can become something like the Wild West. Those who refrain from rescuing people in danger in these waters have to be punished," said Laura Boldrini, UNHCR spokesperson.

Zerai Father Moses, a priest based in Rome Eritrean and directs the organization for the rights of refugees Habeshia, was one of the last people who was in communication with the vessel before it ran out the batteries in your phone satellite.

"There has been an abdication of responsibility has resulted in the deaths of more than sixty people, including children. This is a crime, a crime that can not go unpunished just because they were African immigrants, not a cruise ship tourists, "complained the priest.

Source Journal" El Mundo "

NATO left to die of hunger and thirst to 61 immigrants in a boat to Lampedusa

According to the newspaper 'The Guardian', requests for help and the signs of distress of women, children and refugees were ignored by the Western military

Dozens of African migrants have died of hunger and thirst in the Mediterranean Sea after the European military and NATO apparently ignorant of their requests for help, as published by The Guardian. The British newspaper reports that a boat from Libya with 72 people aboard, including women and children, drifted for 16 days while trying to reach the Italian island of Lampedusa. Despite the alert launched by the Coast Guard and Italian immigrants established contact with a helicopter and an aircraft carrier of NATO, nobody came to his rescue. All

least 11 immigrants died of thirst and hunger. "Every morning we got up and we found more bodies, which we threw into the sea," she told The Guardian Abu Kurka, one of the survivors. The barge left Tripoli on March 25 charged with 47 Ethiopians, seven Nigerians, seven Eritreans, six Ghanaians and five Sudanese. Ran out of fuel near Lampedusa and without food or water. The boats that had come to his aid were ignored and even a ship of NATO, according to research from UK newspaper belonged to the French Army, did not respond to his rescue. After days adrift at sea, the boat finally arrived on 10 April to a town near Misrata.

international maritime law requires all vessels, including military, to respond to distress calls and help from nearby boats on request. Human rights organizations have called for an investigation into the deaths, while the UN High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR) has called for a strict cooperation between military and commercial ships in the Mediterranean in an effort to save lives.

The regime of Muammar Gaddafi used the thousands of desperate people seeking to flee the civil war in Libya as a weapon against Europe. In the last week, the increased flow of migrants trying to reach Italian shores has become a tragedy, the sinking of a boat on Saturday with 600 people on board near Tripoli. Yesterday, there were moments of drama thrown in the water the 500 immigrants who arrived in Lampedusa in another vessel, including many women and children, but have finally been rescued.

The barge arrived at the port of the Italian island about four in the morning, guided by three members of the Guardia di Finanza who had come on board. But the failure of the rudder caused aground on the rocks about ten meters from the shore, tipping due to the waves. Immigrants fell into the water or thrown out of fear, but could not swim. A human chain formed by members of the security forces, humanitarian volunteers and even journalists are citizens organized to save, the newspaper Il Corriere Della Sera.

Since the riots started in the Arab countries, 660,000 people have fled Libya for Egypt's borders and Tunisia, according to UNHCR data. In Italy have arrived by sea about 10,000, counting the 2,000 this weekend. After slowing down the exit of boats from Tunisia, Libya has now opened his hand. Source


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allies created a fund with money from Libya for the rebels

increase diplomatic pressure on the regime of Muammar Qaddafi, which he described as "piracy" international action

Given the evidence that the military solution will not resolve the conflict Libyan ever, all 22 allies that support the NATO's intervention sought in Rome yesterday to find new ways to increase political pressure on the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The Contact Group said that "time is running out" for the African dictator, adopted the road map to democracy proposed by the National Transitional Council (CNT) and announced the creation of a fund to channel, "so more transparent and under the umbrella of the UN ", government resources to Benghazi, suffocated and unable to meet basic needs of the population.

At the request of the rebels, now want to be called" freedom fighters ", the heterodox international summit (nine Arab countries plus the African Union, Arab League, UN and various Western powers with the U.S. in the lead) decided that the fund, which will oversee the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations, be provided with loans, Libyan donations and funds invested during the time of Gaddafi and now frozen by the effect of UN resolutions.

The CNT asked the allies 2,000 and 3,000 million dollars, but the host the second meeting of the Contact Group, the Italian Minister Franco Frattini, did not specify the amount. Kuwait pledged $ 180 million, and Prime Minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Jaber, said that his country had injected "between 400 and 500 million dollars." "There is a problem of quantity but of how to channel the money, and that's what we have resolved today," said Qatari sheikh.

frozen funds regime

Secretary of State of the United States, Hillary Clinton promised that promote legislative changes to "unfreeze part of the 30,000 million dollars" that Tripoli has invested at home, and put forward a project to bring equipment "non-lethal" to Benghazi. As expected, Qaddafi has not made an iota of grace this listing. "Piracy on the high seas, has solved the Minister of Economy of the regime, KhaledKaim.

When asked about whether Washington referred to Qaddafi as an operation carried out with Osama bin Laden, Clinton threw balls out: "Our work in Libya is to protect civilians. It would be better sooner Gaddafi stop their brutal attacks against population and resign. That's the goal. "

France estimated that the fund will only be operational "within weeks" and his foreign minister, Alain Juppe, said it will take "more work" to release the Libyan funds frozen in Europe.

All agreed on the need for "a ceasefire as soon as possible" to engage in the political roadmap designed by the rebels on the advice of Turkey and South Africa form a transitional government in which all sectors are country, including those of the old regime who have not participated in human rights violations, to approve a constitution by referendum and hold elections first parliamentary and presidential elections after all under UN supervision.

Turkish Minister raised Ahmeg Davutoglu summit on "ambition", as defined by Frattini, to silence the weapons "in a week", though few believed possible that hypothesis.

"Visitors so short time is difficult," said English Minister Trinidad Jimenez, "but the important thing is that we all agree that the military solution will allow Libya to reach a united, democratic and non-Qaddafi, that alone will possible to isolate the regime. "

Among other things, the summit decided to appoint dialogue initiatives special envoy of UN secretary general, intensify the fight against arms trafficking, combating the presence of mercenaries in the ranks of Gaddafi Satellite curb emissions of the scheme and ask the allies to isolate and do not receive the envoys of the Jamahiriya.

diversity of voices led to some misunderstandings. The CNT reported that Spain, Denmark and the Netherlands had recognized them as the sole representative of Libya, but the three countries qualify for this claim. Jiménez said that Spain "is not recognized by governments, but states", although he accepts that it is a "mere legal nuance," and that "the political decision to recognize de facto the Council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people" in the hope "It will be capable of bringing together all sectors of the country excluding Gaddafi to guide the transition. "Aid in English, Jimenez declined to quantify.

Source newspaper" El Pais "

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The Syrian regime launched a wave of mass arrests at other protests Friday

The army withdrew from Deraa after 11 days of the assault on the epicenter of the revolt

Despite the brutal repression of yesterday, when hundreds of people were arrested at dawn in Damascus, are now planned further protests against the regime of Bashar Assad.

Syrian Humanitarian organizations estimate the death toll at least 600. In protests no longer ask political and social reforms, but the fall of the Assad. And the unrest spreads to major cities, including Damascus, where there is relatively quiet until last week.

climate of repression does not subside even though the Syrian army announced yesterday that it began to withdraw from Deraa because he had done with the "terrorists" in the area. The city, however, remained incommunicado and under strict curfew, with tanks and snipers on several streets. The port of Banias seemed to be the next target of the military, with columns of armored vehicles patrolling the outskirts and a large troop presence in some neighborhoods.

Deraa The assault lasted 11 days and caused At least fifty deaths, according to local activists, and an unknown number of arrests. The Fourth Armored Division, under the leadership of Maher al-Assad, brother of the president, used tanks, artillery and helicopters to quell what the government described as "armed insurgency of Islamist gangs." A neighbor of Deraa equipped with a satellite phone (the army crippled conventional telephone networks) told Reuters that it had imposed a curfew, banned from the streets after two o'clock in the afternoon and had not completed the house by house arrest. He said that the bands of civilians with weapons that accompanied the military had placed everywhere portraits of Bashar Assad and signs with the praises of the regime.

No doubt that the president, who inherited the post from his father in 2000, he felt threatened. The regime fully controlled the army and the powerful domestic spy service and could still count as fingerprints taken diplomats and business media (the press is prohibited from entering the country), with the support of religious minorities, especially The Alawite, which belongs to the presidential family. But unrest in rural areas by drought and economic crisis and the old frustration of the majority Sunni that drove the first demonstrations in mid-March, had become the rage in the security forces started firing on the crowd. Fear

The Fear of the president and his family, who, like other Arab dictatorships dominated the main engines of the economy and had amassed a fortune hard to calculate because of endemic corruption, it was evident from the deployment of troops on the eve of today's manifestations. Banias was critical, for the numerical strength of the Sunnis and because they housed one of the two refineries. As in Deraa, the Army made all phones and established entry and exit controls. According to the Associated Press, quoting local sources, many residents began to leave Banias on Wednesday for fear that the event of an assault similar to Deraa.

in two suburbs of Damascus, Saqba and Erbin, police and soldiers made hundreds of arrests yesterday morning. Something similar happened in Tel, a town farther north, according to the network of activists who, equipped with satellite phones that someone (we do not know who) had been provided from Lebanon, disseminated information to the outside. The same sources said that police had broken up with batons and tear gas a student demonstration at the University of Aleppo, Syria's second city and so far almost unrelated to the protests. In another town, Rastan, activists denounced the entry of armored cars and numerous troops.

United States decided a few days ago to impose personal sanctions such as freezing of bank accounts abroad, on various figures of the regime and the European Union approved an arms embargo. These measures did not seem to impress Bashar Assad, who held the blood and fire suppression. International pressure was very smooth and showed little interest in provoking a change of regime, the absence of visible leaders among the Syrian opposition and fear that without the iron fist El Assad began a bloody conflict between religious groups. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

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The CIA spied on Bin Laden from a safe house near his 'strength'

They watched for months the internal movements of al Qaeda had a network
U.S. and Pakistani informants 'other sources' for details

The CIA had a safe house in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad to a small group spy who monitored exhaustively for months the movements of the residence where he was killed the terrorist Osama bin Laden, is conducting the daily Washington Post on its website.

The newspaper, citing an official source who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the CIA's secret house was used as a base for intelligence missions "more sensitive" to the recent history of agency espionage.

The official said the group had a network of Pakistani informants and "other sources" that helped them establish a pattern of habits and daily activities of the inhabitants of the complex in which Bin Laden was hiding.

The work of field monitoring was part of the intelligence that led to focus U.S. attention to the housing, which since August was traced in every way possible from satellite imagery, up to listeners to identify voices inside.

The effort was so intensive and costly that the CIA went to Congress last December to make sure they were going to have hundreds of millions of dollars into the agency's budget to finance the operation, said the official.

Most surveillance operation continued up until this past Sunday, Bin Laden died in an operation in which U.S. special commandos took part known as a Navy SEAL in the residence in which was hidden in the town of Abbottabad, on the outskirts of Islamabad (Pakistan).

The official said the safe house has been closed since then, partly out of concern for the properties of the CIA after the intervention, but also because the agency terminating the job.

"The work of the CIA was to detect and position," said the source, using the terminology used by members of special operations forces to identify and locate a high priority target.

"The intelligence work was as complete as it should be, and they played to end the military objective, "he said.

Only one was armed
Also, tonight is also known that only one of four killed in the raid made shots, according to Reuters on Thursday said a person familiar with the latest report from Washington about the operation.

The version on the raid 40 minutes on Monday with new descriptions of what happened, including the group of U.S. Navy SEAL shot a passenger in the complex that thought he was armed, but apparently was not.

The release also confirms that Bin Laden was not armed when he was shot dead, nor is there evidence that the leader of Al Qaeda directly threatened their attackers, according to the first source and a second U.S. government informant who is familiar with the discussions on the raid.

The sources requested anonymity because they were not authorized to make statements recorded.

The government of President Barack Obama has given many conflicting testimony about the raid carried out this week, and these versions may trigger further review of the facts.

Al Qaeda planning attacks on trains in the U.S. in the tenth anniversary of l 11-S

pretended 'handling rails to fall from the road in a valley or on a bridge '
The Department of Homeland Security warns that this could be just an' aspiration '

The material seized at the residence of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan indicates that the network Al Qaeda terrorist train bombings perpetrated raised in the U.S., according to a security advisory released Thursday.

The internal warning from the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), broadcast by U.S. media, says that "in February alleged Al Qaeda train bombings raised somewhere in the U.S. in the tenth anniversary of 11 September 2001. "

One option, says the document was "manipulating the rails so the train fell off the road in a valley or on a bridge."

According to media, this warning is issued based on information that has begun to draw from the documents and electronic material found at the residence of Abbottabad, near Islamabad, where U.S. commandos gunned down Bin Laden on Sunday.

However, the Department of Homeland Security has pointed to no evidence that the plot may have come to get going and was still only in the category of "aspiration", something that Al Qaeda would like to do.

The Department and the FBI encourage local authorities to be vigilant, but stressed they do not issue a terror alert because there was no specific or credible information pointing to a plan in place. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

Bin Laden continued at the head of Al Qaeda until the last minute

The documents found in the terrorist haven in Pakistan reveals its influence on the group. - The network tried to attack the U.S. rail system

After reviewing the documents and computers stored in the mansion of Abbottabad (Pakistan) in which Osama Bin Laden was hiding, analysts U.S. intelligence has concluded that the creator of Al Qaeda continued to play a key role in the organization. He supervised and inspired many of the bloodiest coups launched by terrorists in recent years

The hypothesis that the role of Bin Laden had been reduced to living symbol of jihadist terrorism has been contradicted by recent revelations. Bin Laden still had a say in decisions and future of the group.

Documents seized included a book that reveals that bin Laden was involved in the plans of Al Qaeda attack the U.S. rail network in February 2010 on the occasion of tenth anniversary of the attacks of 11-S. "We have no information about any imminent terrorist threat to the U.S. rail sector, but wanted to warn our allies about the alleged conspiracy. It is unclear whether they have carried out new plans since February last year," said department spokesman State, Matthew Chandler. Three

law enforcement and national security of the United States revealed to Reuters that the threat cited in Homeland Security Bulletin dating back a year and nuance that no new data have emerged pointing to the existence of a specific threat to trains or any other goal in the territory of the United States.

Already in 2008 the U.S. authorities warned of a possible terrorist threat to transport systems in New York City Area, precisely during the weekend of Thanksgiving Day.

Obama closes the loop opened the 11-S
President visit Ground Zero and stated that the U.S. shows that never forgets the victims .- "We are together after the tragedy and above politics," says

President Barack Obama has taken on Thursday to the victims of 11-S the consolation that finally justice has been done and those responsible for crimes has ended up paying with his life. "This is a message around the world and our country that when we say we will never forget, we mean it, "said the president on a day that closes a chapter of American history and puts Obama in an unexpected ecstasy of communion with their compatriots.

" I hope to represent some sort of consolation for you all to know that when those men took extraordinary risks to go to Pakistan, they were doing it in part on behalf of the sacrifices made by the United States, they were doing in the name of your lost brothers, "said Obama in a meeting with New York firefighters, one of the few acts of memorial ceremonies in which his words about the recent death of Osama Bin Laden were made public.

The rest was private and quiet, which added strength to a celebration of great symbolic impact which the highlight was the part of Obama offering a wreath at the tree managed to survive attacks by Al Qaeda and replanted in the place where the Twin Towers stood, has regrown strongly.

United States needed an occasion like this to close the circle opened on September 11, 2001 and which has turned, not only politics but the national emotions during this time. I needed that, at least from his particular concept of justice and defends the values \u200b\u200bthat leave no room for contemplation before an enemy that has tried to destroy him.

The event on Thursday was, therefore, a demonstration of firmness and conviction in the case that America claims to represent. In the eyes of all who were able to follow the images became clear that while Bin Laden's body rests on the bottom of the Arabian Sea, at Ground Zero began to rise again majestic buildings that will soon take the place of those who were shot down.

Obama, who was cheered along the way with chants of "USA, USA!" He wanted to go to certify this moment of national pride and to share with the families of the victims' memories and the pain it brings. Every Monday, so regular, Obama spend some time reading the letters they send anonymous citizens. A recent Wall was signed by Payton, a 14 year old girl whose father disappeared in the 11-S and asked council to deal with that loss. She was the first person the president embraced at Ground Zero and the cameras that captured a generation of Americans grown in the shadow of that event.

As surveys show, Obama has already achieved a great political performance of the death of Bin Laden. In the overnight, the country sees it much closer, his figure has gained stature, credibility and trust. It is unpredictable how long you can anticipate this last phase of his presidency sweet, subject to other economic threats that once again be a priority for citizens and are not easily resolved. Obama can not send a command with the mission to lower oil prices.

What Obama can do is to make this moment be the basis for rebuilding a lost political consensus in recent years and is trying, in the best spirit of Ronald Reagan, promoting optimism and unity. "Americans," he told New York police officers, "even in the midst of tragedy, you know being together over the years, above politics, above party, over governments, to ensure that justice is done. "When we're together we can achieve anything," he said Sunday in announcing the death of Bin Laden.

will not be easy. These hours of excitement always lend to excessive voluntarism. Obama did, for example, be accompanied at the ceremony of President George W. Bush, who has given some credit in the elimination of al Qaeda, but Bush refused. Sarah Palin, represents the most radical opposition, has joined the pack of skeptics about what happened in Abbottabad and called the photos of the corpse of Bin Laden. But the truth is that the maximum Republican leaders today, the chairman of the House of Representative John Boehner, has supported Obama and his decision not to publish the photos. Source

newspaper "El Pais"