Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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all remember the famous movie "Saving Private Ryan", this film tells the story of "rescue" from the front of last of the surviving siblings of a group of four who enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. The story is told in the film is fictional but we emphasized that it is based on a true story. As this is the story ...


According to historical records, State New York, in the town of Tonawanda, north of the city of Buffalo, the couple formed by Michael and Augusta Niland, saw the emergence of four children: Edward (1912), Preston (1915) Robert (1919) and Frederick ( 1920). These were educated according to family tradition, graduating from Canisius College. Preston attended the University of Buffalo.

Before the U.S. entered into war with the Axis powers, Preston and Robert, enlisted for military service. Subsequently, once the armed conflict broke out, Edward and Frederick enlisted as volunteers during the months of November 1942. As a result of the tragedy experienced by the Sullivan brothers, the Army High Command states that those listed sibling groups should not be part of the same unit. For this reason, the brothers are assigned to different units.

After an intense period of instruction in their respective units were ready to confront the enemies of his country.

June 1944: A tragic month for the Niland family

On the afternoon of June 6, 1944 (although some sources say June 8), Michel and Augusta Niland, received a telegram informing them that from the May 20, 1944 (other sources say May 16), Edward, his eldest son, was reported missing in action and possibly dead, as the B-25 bomber in serving had been shot down by the Japanese on Burma. Started

invasion of Fortress Europe by Allied forces, Robert and Frederick, both from airborne divisions 82 and 101, are thrown behind German lines. Robert, died the same day D (June 6, 1944) in the French town of Neuville-au-Plain.

Preston Niland, who had landed at Utah Beach, died as a result of military actions undertaken to consolidate the beachhead near Utah Beach, on June 7, 1944.

The Niland family received the news of the death of Preston on Wednesday, June 21 1944. The next day (Thursday, 22 June), a third telegram arrived announcing the death of Robert.

Frederick "Fritz" Niland, the "sole survivor" in the early hours of D-Day, had "landed" in Raffoville, southwest of Carentan. Along with members of his company, made their way to Carentan to join the rest of his Division (June 11, 1944).

Days later, Frederick received the news of the death of his brother Robert. 501 The Chaplain of the regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Francis Sampson, in his book of memoirs called "Look Out Below" indicates that a young soldier named Frederick Niland was very concerned to see him. Commander served the company where his brother Robert, had indicated that he was dead, having been buried in the cemetery of Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Both (Sampson and Noland) went to that village, and the list of the cemetery did not find the name Robert, but his brother Preston.

Chaplain Sampson tells a great sadness that gripped "Fritz", both lifted a prayer for the dead brother. Then, they headed for another block of the cemetery where they found the tomb of Robert, the heartbreak of "Fritz" was growing again and Niland Sampson, began a prayer in memory of Robert. When they returned, Sampson made inquiries respective learning that Edward Niland, the elder brother, had been reported dead weeks earlier. Frederick obliged to inform of the new "bad" news, it was extremely sad repeating at every moment what to do now? What will you do now? What will become of her? ... When Sampson asked whom he meant, Frederick said to her mother. In this situation Sampson, he indicated that Ms. Niland was still a child to comfort her and would do everything possible to repatriate Frederick. And it was ... (Although the return just became effective at the end of the summer of 1944).

The return of "Fritz" was not immediate, remained in Normandy with his regiment until July 1944. With the rest of the contingent of his regiment, the youngest of the Niland sailed back to England on a LST. His regiment was assigned to the base camp Lamborn, to enjoy a period of rest and reorganization. Indicated that when he finally received orders to return, protested against it because he wanted to return to battle and avenge their dead brothers. Their objections were heard, and must return to Tonawanda, to join his parents. The rest of the war, served in a Military Police unit stationed in New York.

The surprise after the war and the end of history

After the war, came news that gladdened the hearts of Niland. Edward, who had been declared missing in action and possibly dead, had in fact been taken prisoner by the Japanese, having been held in a POW camp in Burma, which was liberated by British forces. Back to Tonawanda with their parents, formed a family and lived a quiet life until he died in 1984 at the age of 72 years.

Frederick "Fritz" Niland, after the war, joining Georgetown University, graduating as a dentist, died in 1983 in San Francisco at the age of 63 years.

Robert Niland and Preston Niland, were buried in tombs surrounding the "Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer.

The four Niland brothers were not the only family members who served in the U.S. armed forces. His cousins, brothers Thomas and Joseph Niland Niland Division were assigned in 101 (but in a different regiment of Frederick) and the 2nd Armored Division respectively.

Thomas Niland, won the Silver Star medal for heroic actions during the Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne. BROTHERS

+ Edward Niland Niland .- Edward Niland, Technical Sergeant (radio operator and gunner) Air Force Army, for the Pacific theater of war. Disappeared on May 16 in Bruma

+ .- Lt. Preston Niland, intended Infantry Regiment Nr 22, framed in the 4th Infantry Division. Killed in action June 7 in the Utah beach

+ ROBERT .- Robert Niland Niland, Technical Sergeant, for the Regiment 505, belonging to the 82nd Airborne Division. Killed in action on 6 June in the French town of Neuville-au-Plain.

* Frederick "Fritz" Niland .- Sergeant, for the Regiment 501, belonging to the 101st Airborne Division. The only survivor of the four Niland brothers

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Rebels take
Misrata airport Ashton announces the opening of an office in the rebel capital to support security and institutional

the rebels Rebels have taken advantage in their particular struggles Misrata city with the forces of Muammar Gaddafi. According to a spokesman, the Libyan leader's allies have had to reverse their positions, leaving the way weapons and ammunition, and most importantly, they have lost control of the airport.

As he told the rebel Abdel Salam to the AP, the forces have taken antigadafistas total control of the airport south of Misrata after two days of fighting in which five people were killed and 105 injured. The rebels have released "mid-morning" and there were "hundreds of people" celebrating and making shots, meanwhile reported Al-Jazeera television. "This is a great victory," said Salam, while also confirmed that seek to advance positions west of the city, which is located Zliten.

Misrata is the only rebel stronghold in western Libya and the third largest city, 200 kilometers from Tripoli. Because of its location, with the sea and an airport, has become one of the basic strategic for both sides to gain control of the country. Shortly before the rebels won positions in Misrata, the UN secretary general, Ban Ki Moon, conditioned the declaration of an "immediate ceasefire and verifiable" cessation of attacks on that city and other in-command of the rebels . The South Korean diplomat replied to a request from the Libyan Prime Minister Al Baghdadi Ali Al Mahmoudi, to declare a bilateral cessation of hostilities under the supervision of United Nations and the African Union. "First and foremost is to stop the fighting in Misrata and elsewhere" to "facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and, in parallel, you can continue with political dialogue, "said the UN chief.

The EU will open a diplomatic mission in Benghazi

Meanwhile, the European Union plans to open a diplomatic representation in the rebel city of Benghazi Libya to facilitate the support of the board of transition that brings the rebels against the regime of Gaddafi, announced today the High Representative for EU foreign policy, Catherine Ashton.

"I intend to open an office in Benghazi and thus make progress in providing support to the Libyan people to support civil society and the Provisional National Transitional Council of Libya (CNTP) and assist in building their future, "Ashton has said before the full European Parliament in Strasbourg. The EU diplomat explained that the functions of the future EU mission in Libya is to boost the security reform and strengthen the new institutions Libyan .

The Parliament, which claimed since the start of the Libyan crisis that the EU recognized as a partner to the Libyan National Transition Council, has welcomed the announcement with applause. "In Libya, many people have heard for the first time the word 'Constitution' referred to his country. I had long wanted to end the Libyan regime and Europe wants to contribute to building a full democracy, "said EU High Representative.

Ashton, who has reiterated that Muammar Gaddafi "must leave" power, he pointed out that "everything the EU does in Libya follows the thread of human rights." The high representative also reiterated the readiness of the EU to deploy a military mission in Libya humanitarian support if requested by the UN after noting that "the first objective is to save lives." "Sometimes only the military have the capabilities for that. Therefore, if a request comes from the UN, we are willing to help," he assured.

Finally, Ashton has praised the improved cooperation between the EU and NATO, which has also made the recent decision to appoint a special representative in Benghazi. The European diplomat has hailed that "first time" the two organizations are exchanging information on military operations in Libya, the alliance took command on 31 March.

The European Union recognized the rebel government last March to Libya as a privileged political party but denied any legitimacy to the dictatorship of Gaddafi, after he unilaterally made France and the UK. However, EU sources continue to see more questions than answers on the board rebel. There is a risk that Gaddafi will finally regain ground lost to the rebels and the EU is bound an ineffective group isolated in a corner of the country or in exile. Source

newspaper "El Pais"

Libyan insurgents take the Airport City

Libyan rebels have seized the key city airport Misrata in western Libya, following violent clashes with forces of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.

The information is confirmed by an AFP reporter on the ground. Followers

insurgents took to the streets of the city to celebrate the symbolic conquest.

Taking this strategic location will improve the living conditions of the inhabitants, who are suffering a great shortage. The

gadafistas materiel have left in place, because it starred a forced flight. In fact, the rebels are now in possession of 40 missiles 'Grad'.

While in Tripoli, several explosions have taken place on Wednesday over an hour. During that time, several planes flew over the Libyan capital.

Since late March, NATO has taken command of military operations of the international coalition, which began on March 19.

On the other hand, the Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski, has visitiado on Wednesday the rebel capital, Benghazi, to show European support and deliver aid packages. "The only solution for Libya is the march of power by Gaddafi and the beginning of a constitutional process leading to democracy," said the Pole. Source

newspaper "El Mundo"

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Al Qaeda warns U.S.: "The worst and most damaging is yet to come '

The head of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Nasser al-Wahishi, has warned the U.S. that is willing to intensify the jihad after the death of Osama bin Laden.

Americans killed Bin Laden ... "But they should know that the roaring flames of jihad will be present throughout life," said al-Wahishi in a message.

Islamist leader was blunt: 'Do not think the matter ends here (...), what is coming is even worse, what awaits them is more intense and more damaging, "he continues in his letter .

According to al-Wahishi, America will be fought generation after generation. "Our battle was not directed solely by Osama," said paying tribute to the slain terrorist, who praises says that "he fought the enemies of Allah without surrender.

After coups perpetrated by Saudi authorities to Al Qaeda, the Yemeni and Saudi branches merged in January 2009 to form AQAP, established in southern and eastern Yemen where several attacks attributed to security forces.

On December 25, 2009 tried to blow up an airplane in flight connecting Amsterdam to Detroit, and claimed the bombs parcels to the U.S. in a cargo ship in late October 2010, discovered by police before it exploded .

Nasser al-Wahishi escaped from prison in 2006 with 22 members, Saudi and his deputy, Said al-Shihri, was released from American detention center at Guantanamo in November 2007.

Four days after the death in Pakistan for bin Laden, the Yemeni American radical imam Anwar Al-Aulaqi, wanted by Washington for terrorist offenses, escaped an American raid in southern Yemen.

The Saudi imam and leader of AQAP emerge unscathed from a missile firing last May 5 at his vehicle from 50 km southwest of Ataq, capital of the province of Chabwa which originates Aulaqi, local officials say .

other hand, another group in the sphere of influence of Al Qaeda, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Jihad also pledged to intensify after the death of Bin Laden. "The death of Osama strengthen our determination to fight the Jews and the Americans, to avenge all the martyrs of the Islamic nation, "said in a statement.

Abdallah Azzam, a Jordanian of Palestinian origin, was the intellectual leader of Osama bin Laden before die in an attack in Afghanistan in 1989.

Source Journal "El Mundo"