Saturday 25 October, gaia rally
Within the framework of the conference "Sustainability and cities" that develop in the CCEB, Rallyconurbano invites you to participate in the rally to "Gaia Ecovillage, a sustainable community near the town of Navarro, 120 km from Capital Federal. Saturday October 25 we will meet at 10:30 am Once at the station for the full-day rally to the ecovillage. Train, remis collective means of transport will be required to access the bastion of Permaculture.
"What in the years ago was considered a utopian idealism is now a social and environmental emergency. The project aims to be a practical prototype where those interested in a sustainable society can be trained and inspired to realize other community initiatives in the country and various parts of the world "(
how could describe social ecology of this group? Under what laws governing the hospitality community? How to organize their economy? What is your relationship with the city?
To participate in the rally, send an email to stating your name and your personal motivations to the site, what question (s) would you do to the place you're going to go and through which mechanisms or tools would you propose "to make him talk?
As the rally further action will be sought from each rallyista to send by email (or posting on the blog with username and password assigned) at least one material resulting from the experience. It can be a photo, video, a chronicle, comment, link, or any kind of personal record. This will multiply the experience by putting on a network or making available a wider public space the information gathered. Rallyconurbano prosumers try to work with landscape, not just Traditional consumers of space tourism, but also producers of a relational landscape.
More information: - - is recommended to check
The visit offers Gaia Association has a cost of 8 pesos per person. Also provide public transport costs.
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