Thursday, October 30, 2008

Episode Does Goku First Meet Vegeta

ecovillage gaia rally

be held on Saturday 25 October, the ecovillage gaia rally. Gathered at the station Eleven: Andrés Arnau, ANABELI Raverta, Paul Ferraro, Julian d'Angiolillo, aceto francisco, ana guerin, solange Regnier, sebastian mejia, ricardo stand, July Fraga, nicolas Mastracci, nicholas d'Avella, Flavio Romero, Alejandro montesano, marcelo dimentstein, Silvina Esposito, Diego Bianchi, Martin di sin, Ana and Martin

Following the record-breaking streak (Not Made Rally was the wettest and the rallyBarrionuevo was the most popular) this rally will be the farthest ecovillage, we venture to the deep pampa near Navarro, 120 km from capital, ready to combine two trains, a bus and a wildlife walk

Started at eleven 11.00 to take us to the branch
brown - what they give in grants? asked the ticket sellers in front of the repeated request of almost twenty ralliers.

So the seats:

Silvina - Julian Alejandro - x
Martin - ANABELI x ------- x



- Sebastian --- Kelo
Ricado Francisco - July Solange G ----
Diego ----- --- Flavio

The train goes straight through without much change Rivadavia the landscape. Merlo Just to Pass King feels a burst rur-urban: the streets become ground, is the manufacturing plant Massalin Owners, a creek and a highway crossing.
Meanwhile, danger kelo debate on the future coach. Grondona said that put the people want, or Diego + Bilardo. Bianchi
candidates Kelo
Just after passing a vendedro of packs of free samples of Pantene shampoo + conditioner + gel we Moreno and make the transfer. We went up and down stairs and we got on a train platedo, for tourists, with seats upholstered in brown and careful enough to take us to Mercedes. As soon as we

Moreno feel the smell of freshly cut grass, is a fifth zone.
The tracks run parallel to the route, there are mills on the side. The first season is "The Grid" and gets a DVD peddler, with little screen and everything. It looks and sounds the great Dyango.
At the station we passed by Paul Marin Spa Cormillot doctor.
Station "Las Malvinas" is more urbanized. There is a race torino oxidized as a monument / sign of a large local parts / bikes / zinguería. The locomotive, which is diesel, not to play trumpet and smoke.

Pass the ticket sellers and argues with a couple of assumptions rock workers, which sweetened its cans of Quilmes with individual pills. Were seeing in that town would stop for the weekend, uncontrolled.

General Rodriguez station to be well populated again, is an 8-story building of brick and tile roof. Now the soundtrack to the classic put mp3 music stand, it sounds like "the final countdown" and puts the epic tone that the rally was crying. When the train passes by the cemetery of Rodriguez, it sounds "Life is Life", then we open ourselves to the total pampa "Tarzan Boy"
to the station and had ventured Torrezuri danger when doing research for his book "displaces" the Lezica owned a part of the actual Rivadavia, with strategic presence in the western axis of the road, had financed much of the Basilica of Luján.

Olivera at the station restrooms are not men, are women (Where were the ladies and gentlemen? Do you believe to the word and we think there is civility in the field? Finally we

grants, but now had to find the bus station. We asked a taxi and sent us to a shelter orange. We asked the shelter orange and tell us about 5 or 6 blocks later. We hurried to get in time because we are very fair. Luckily the bus comes a few minutes later, and gives us just enough time for a stop and buy snacks and refreshments. The bravest are encouraged to complete mila sandwiches. Above the micro

ask the driver to stop at the ecovillage gaia and calculates the time with pinpoint accuracy. We got on a pole spent some it was painted orange and white, the only sign of the ecovillage on the road. Now as it is actually the back entrance, we must do about 15 blocks down the field to reach the gate. To our right, a few cows grazing quiet and leave when they see us. We arrived at the gate and move a little more. In the distance we see a man who greets us.
- "We come in peace."

After more than three hours of travel and transfers, we finally met the people of the ecovillage. The tour had already started so there is no time for lengthy greetings. Gustavo, a community leader, and was explaining the precepts of the toilets and the benefits of permaculture to a group of 15 to 20 people.

system looks like bin Laden, his cap spots denoting respect for water as a nonrenewable resource. Too much information all together, we were carried by the "facilities", explained the workings of the Californian worms in composting toilets, as coprophagous loving and fertile soil converter.

Respect for the environment made in his field to grow by almost extinct grasslands, winter brings the amount of biomass needed to protect other plants. As an example of permaculture was the example of a tree, planted next to a kiwi, makes both species complement in terms of the nutrients they take from the land and contributing to the environment, in favor of a crop species wise complementary and in harmony with the land ecosystem.
Nature is so wise that apparently the same earthworms do the earthwork necessary to aerate the cultures.
- "They're just wankers that not shovel the earth", is obfuscated silvina. the shower room, also by modern windmills and energy almacenadota house with solar panels and batteries out inside. We can see a house under construction, according to Gustavo, it takes 8 months to work with 4 to 6 operators.
then entered the Argentine Permaculture Institute for a little talk, story after the installation of "grain bank" non-transgenic and non-castrated. To keep fresh, developed a ventilation system that draws air at ground level, it passes through the ground and out by the pressure difference top of the hut - home, traveling at 18 ° for large file. Silvina

question by the use of digesters, and Gustavo are considered inefficient for a small community like them, 12 people.
Then we invite a mate round solar heating apparatus with a direct tv antenna type a little bigger aluminum and all seems to work perfectly.

Diego asked about his creative process and design method, in which Gustavo replied that they built forms are the result of previous meditations.
- "improvise?"
- "no, meditate" obfuscated answers, there seems to be understood that the question was to cool.
- "meditate ... Fahsssssoo is talking about! "Discovers

Gustavo Alejandro sits on the table and not to rant against the banks, which are not supported (very good two-way, this was good) but the humor disappears quickly, and starts to talk about the price of a barrel of oil and date the global meltdown in late November, and grab catalina. Those responsible for this disaster would be a secret societies have websites, which are present in one-dollar bills, which come from the lodge of ilumintati, whence come from a scientist who advised Bush, who advised Berlusconi buy the milan and also Macri advised to buy a mouth so he can get to govern.
We recommend reading the books of Walter Graciano, "Hitler won the war" and "no one saw matrix", also recommends the movie "zeitgeist" and another on the soybean production that is destroying our land and destroy our economy. TV
ranted against cell phones, with their little games of war.
"some boys came a needy schools to ask us not charged for the visit, and 70% of boys were playing with phones and war games"
also talked about the "amero" coin which the new states would be for bringing together, and that China would have already bought and do not know how you ameros

Kelo says a community may contact points with their experience, vill'aldea, some Italians who settled in the last twenty years or so canes but finally broke five years ago. He also discussed the case of Claudio Caveri of Earth Cooperative
Moreno - "were co-opted by the CIA" is your answer

wave ralliers disappears and we begin to irritate. So we called a remise, but we are cut off communication ...
- "caught in gaia .... ahah aahaha has "Somebody from inside jokes.
The group panics and some go to the gate. But we decided to relax and sit to wait for a micro drinking mate would happen in an hour or less.

Soon Gabriel bike comes to tell us that there is a remis at the door and that "someone will have to pay." No one had confirmed the trip, so I just feigned to rise. But minutes later we Gustavo challenges himself, suggesting that "we move the skeleton" and we went to see what happened, but that they were going to have to pay this transfer and that it could not be. When we reached the gate, so good with the taxi driver, was passing and had come "just in case"

Between one thing and another, arrived just in time to the bus stop on the route.
A tense silence dominates the group ..... and if the group is over .....? but luckily five minutes to get the "206" and we got victorious. in on the radio sounded "glory" Incredible as it is running the soundtrack of the rally. We arrived
mercedes with some time to buy some bread, some cold cuts, a pepsi and a CESR to try in training, but did not get to see the square and the basilica by far painted very well

We tranqui to brown and there is total synchronization for the transfer. We got seats and everything. And closing the rally in the shoot, shoot a piedrazo Merlo up to, but luckily we all hurt.

some photos can be viewed at:


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