then a more or less disordered mails and edited exchange - A discussion with Eduardo Molinari and devout hiker file m7red Torroja.
> Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 24:26
> addresses open. > We apologize for the error
in developed countries, sustainable, government read emails of all "citizens." Of all.
And it's not public space, this is the first gesture of enganio the discourse of globalization in the context of the history of
> From: suburban rally > Subject: Re:
(...) > the previous mail was not clear why I say that > internet is not "public space."
> information about hierarchy, can not be > considered a kind of public space ...
Okey Martin, I agree that we may speak of "degrees of the public."
black hole of the public. I was thinking about it move on the Internet as a space of expression rather than communication.
Internet is like any corner, but there are corners and edges.
Ladagga remember, the project Trama immediately prior to 2001 (was November) said that "three people on the internet is public space" and I remember jacoby online selling T-shirts of the latest version of the parody: "Hasta la Victoria Ocampo ". In both cases I was interested in thinking about the features of both speeches "public." That's internet
outsourced Internet is public space.
a hug Martin,
me very interested in the sequence assembled texts and images of Martin, Natalia and the latest maps (the latter only being Peuser):
weapon a red thread is quite resonant in terms of Suely Rollnik (concept of resonant body in the text "ruffian Genealogy" book "Micropolitics, Cartographies of Desire", Rolnyk / Guattari, Ed.Tinta Limon, 2005).
is the red thread the first Peronism and its "expanded happiness" in the territory (perhaps also with effects on the temporary category of many generations of inhabitants of the suburbs) that leads, well disposed, relying on the known urbanism today hard-to neoliberal concept "sustainability."
The idea of \u200b\u200ban economy "sustainable" was one of the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, particularly when the then named "Shield" that obtained Domingo Cavallo. The prelude to the catastrophe of 2001.
for anything I do not feel comfortable talking about sustainability, strongly criticize this concept if CECEBA participate in the meeting. South America
not think like an ecosystem "sustainable" but rather as an ecosystem in the process of self-affirmation and liberation. Among other things, release of neoliberal waste. I think the worldview that holds the Andean Ekeko: less conflict with nature and more complementarity. That
IMF says what happens in the U.S. Today, anybody know? What is the risk
U.S. country Today, anybody know?
be homeless is sustainable for a mortgage anywhere in the world?
Country people returning to unemployment, want a sustainable Argentina?
bueh, this is an attempt to bring to your work, for the forum to come.
a hug to everyone. Eduardo
> However the concept of "sustainability"
> could also be thought of as a kind of new
> anti-capitalimo (said with all the naivete that I
> permitting) while most of its provisions will
> countercurrent "neoliberal consumerism?
> the most direct way to produce less waste is consumed
> least, from energy to goods and services of all kinds.
> longevity goes against the use and disposal chain.
> we
> hug!
> Martin
Hi Martin, hi all!
to answer this, eh??
going in parts, eg:
- after the sack which we live, I find it very difficult to allow certain naiveté. With all due respect, Martin!
- Maybe I have not read what you call "most of the provisions" of the sustainability concept.
- I think the two named in a reply I generate different types of reflections:
a) "eat less" strongly agree.
A we call "junk"? Here
strong open questions about what policy actions can lead to "eat less" today. Consume less than
Energia, goods and services listed in your mail. The problem is that there are still millions of people still has no potable water or gas, for example.
Services? I do not understand, it is clear that services are "disposable."
A test would try to make a list of 10 "products "(¿?) we should stop eating.
b) the "longevity" is to be long-lived to be sustainable?
not ... do not (they) ever happened? ... I remember seeing European retirees, not just Berliners, even those members of the Turkish minority in a state muuuuuuyyyy different from what I know about Argentina.
"old age" in Germany looks like a potato! jajajajaja!
types and graying blonde and ride bikes throughout the city,
swim naked in lakes in the suburbs (with water clean) of the city, going to shows, drink lots of beer, etc.. Not to mention the hospitals. Do not eat "less."
chain use and disposal of sustainable maps includes the "use and disposal" of human beings? Sometimes in South America all seem to indicate so. Until people have no water, gas and decent housing ...
ingenuity goes wild ..
hope I could convey the tone of my words, they have nothing to disdain think about this in depth together.
a hug and all. Moli
> stick a link here happened to me peep
> (moli: alright if I post the emails on the blog?)
> slds!
> Martin
> pd: you could have some of the red line concept
> vibrating? (I'm not familiar with the term)
> pd2: of course it is unbearably difficult the
> look naive on these issues, but can
> hold momentarily to prejudge the issue des-
> http://es / wiki / Informe_Brundtland
> Brundtland Report
> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
> Jump to: navigation, search
> Brundtland Report. Socio-economic report prepared
> by different nations to the UN in 1987, by a
> commission headed by Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland.
> Originally it was called Our Common Future (Our Common
> Future, in English). In this report, was used for
> first time the term sustainable development (or development
> Sustainable), defined as development that meets the
> needs without compromising the needs of
> generaciones.Implica future
> change very important as regards the idea of \u200b\u200b
> sustainability, especially organic, as a framework
> also gives
> emphasis to the economic and social development.
> satisfy human needs. Perform two types
> of
> restrictions: ecological, ie the conservation of
planet> Earth, moral: give up consumption levels to
> that not all
> individuals can aspire. Economic growth
places> where needs are not met before, is
> ie in the
> poor countries. Population control referred
> mainly
rates> birth. Not jeopardize the natural SYSTEMS
> hold
> life on Earth. The conservation of ecosystems
> should be
> subordinate to human welfare, as not all
> ecosystems can
> be preserved in its virgin state. The use of resources
> no
> renewables must become as efficient as possible.
> Sustainable development requires understanding that inaction
> CONSEQUENCES; structures must be changed
institutional and> encourage individual behaviors in relation to
> purpose
described above
course, if you find useful, post correspondence.
internet is it for me: letter without an envelope. like postcards that sometimes you send? saw that one does not put in an envelope?
the resonant body is for the Brazilian theoretical psychologist and Suely Rolnik subjectivity originating in the 60 and 70 and, basically, what is to be "vulnerable" to another. Do not generate relationships between subject and object, but moves within a field of forces that pressed.
perceptual capacity is at stake in this subjectivity, because the history of Judeo-Christian civilization has been its main denier,
systematically suppressing all the social and cultural movement that fostered open
whole body.
capacity exists in the human brain cortical and subcortical other capacity, other modes of perception of human beings (an example a bit obvious but very useful is that of the blind. They "see" with his smell, his touch, taste his ear).
Well, the resonant body is just that: a body that is significantly different, wake up in your organs, which come out of anesthesia that capitalism creates (in their latest version, neoliberalism, through visual overstimulation, systems education, sexual and gender repression, etc.)..
social and cultural movements of 60 and 70 opened up a large part of the resonant body, and precisely for this author, the answer is cultural neoliberal capitalism.
The "resonant subjectivity is rufianizada, after the orgy.
resonant Subjectivity is a whore today, which gives pleasure to its paymaster.
resonant Subjectivity is now also an unresolved power, which continues to embody. For example, in 2001 in many practices that resumed "thread" of 60 and 70.
Exactly the opposite of "68, I buckle your ass," which took the defeat as final. It is only when "parodies."
But for those who believe in the aesthetic and political activism, all this is super alive. So is a matter of locating the resonant red thread and pull it.
means a little more?
Pius, thanks for the document, very clear! Tremendous!
"meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations
is not very clear?
The Walking Archives (their ways of thinking about the story) asks:
is it possible to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations? or is exactly the opposite:
To meet our needs, we must compromise those of future generations, so that the compromise we are including in our repertoire of forecasts to sustain life on the planet.
I mean, the life of my children and grandchildren is already committed from the moment we're all here?
to call then "future generations"?
finally, not having children (this is population control) is a key issue in the core countries, developed, in which compromised the "ecosystem" just for this. Not guaranteed continuity.
I said in a passage that interested me more thoughts from pre-Hispanic cultures in America. Complementarity with nature before the conflict. Growth rather than development. These are concepts that interested me deploy.
is not bringing against, it is thought that just as the fall of the Berlin Wall collapse the "Marxist language" in a sense (not all of course) is also collapsed (especially since 2001 and we are seeing a new wave of this effect now USA) on "capitalist language." At least the versions of both so far knew.
Then, I will not reproduce the language of the latter in particular.
If not, we will buckle your ass to everyone.
a hug, thanks for the dialogue. Eduardo
Eduardo Molinari / Archivo Caminante
Martin, wanting me to send this to you:
In rereading what I just command, I remembered a way to define a resonant body
"is one that feels foreign as their own."
a hug, moli
very good controversy, I agree with some notes and questions. Thanks Steve and Martin.
course, if you find useful, post correspondence.
internet is it for me: letter without an envelope. like postcards that sometimes you send? saw that one does not put in an envelope?
I am not informed about the idea of \u200b\u200bresonant body (the name is excellent) but I make notes on which Eduardo writes.
the resonant body is for the psychological and theoretical Suely Rolnik Brazilian subjectivity originating in the 60 and 70 and, basically, what is to be "vulnerable" to another. Do not generate relationships between subject and object, but moves within a field of forces that pressed.
subject and object relations: a subject-object relationship is an asymmetry in the agencies, there is a passive and one active. Objectivity is "stone" (as if the stones do not kill or build) and subjectivity is "heat" (as if that subject was an autonomy that allows the feeling, or intention is the result of the action on the passive)
perceptual capacity is at stake in this subjectivity, because the history of Judeo-Christian civilization has been its main denier,
systematically suppressing all the social and cultural movement that fostered open
whole body.
Subjectivity is a humane policy?
capacity exists in the human brain cortical and subcortical other capacity, other modes of perception of human beings (an example a bit obvious but very useful is that of the blind. They "see" with his smell, his touch, his taste, his ear).
archeology should be made of this capacity subcortical, as I am and who share agency. And as, or where, is active today.
Well, the resonant body is just that: a body that is substantially different, wake up in your organs, which come out of anesthesia that capitalism creates (in their latest version, neoliberalism, through visual overstimulation, the educational systems, sexual and gender repression, etc.)..
Well I'm here I always pose a question: is capitalism (I particularly do not know) is not capitalism. Is different from what?
is one?
state capitalism is the same as neoliberalism?
neoliberalism is perhaps an area of \u200b\u200binteraction is more beyond the control of the states? Or is it a form of joint state and private economies globalized?
know nothing about economics, but I realize there are so many differences of emphasis and alternative ways of describing "The Beast", I wonder if we're talking about a single thing, even if we're talking about a one set of things, or rather we are talking about competing systems and ideas, different strategies and rivals, differences whose implications should not be less ... how political-economic-social-religious Templar was not the same as Catholic church itself, and the two were supposedly the same side of "evil" even became mortal enemies. Even if we consider two types (and had much more than two) are not desirable, would be analyzed separately and understand what kind of implications, connections, functions, limits, weaknesses, etc.. each has. Even so contentious and violent organizations like the Templars (we could talk about the Inca and Mayan civilization) led to a gray area of \u200b\u200bcontact (ambiguous itself) with the Muslim world.
is, few have capitalism? I have the impression that there are many more that we can count on the fingers. Now, if we deprive ourselves talking about capital, surely we have to sharpen and transform our conceptual and perceptual why not also, and I always welcome.
social and cultural movements of 60 and 70 opened up a large part of the resonant body, and precisely for this author, the answer is cultural neoliberal capitalism.
The "resonant subjectivity is rufianizada, after the orgy.
resonant Subjectivity is a whore today, which gives pleasure to its paymaster. resonant Subjectivity is now also an unresolved power, which continues to embody. For example, in 2001 in many practices that resumed "thread" of 60 and 70.
Exactly the opposite of "68, I buckle your ass You ", which is assumed as final defeat. It's just time to" parody ".
But for those who believe in the aesthetic and political activism, all this is super alive. So it is question to locate the red wire and pull the vibrating.
means a little more?
Pius, thanks for the document, very clear! Rhaatid
"meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations
. "It is very clear
The Walking Archives (their ways of thinking about the story) asks:
is it possible to meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations? or is exactly the opposite,
To meet our needs, we must compromise those of future generations, so that when we compromise our repertoire including provisions for maintaining life on the planet.
I like this twist!, Expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bcompromise seems like a good start.
I mean, the life of my children and grandchildren is already committed from the moment we're all here?
to call then "future generations"?
finally, not having children (this is population control) is a key issue in the core countries, developed, in which compromised the "ecosystem" just for this. No ensures continuity.
I said in a passage that interested me more thoughts from pre-Hispanic cultures in America. Complementarity with nature before the conflict. Growth rather than development. These are concepts that interested me deploy.
Dismissing the crazy idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment (textile metaphor has a certain grace by the way, translating the deployment) I wonder:
we have any kind of civilization that has been avoided, for example, the problem domestication of plants and animals? How to grow without growing to do not know if they ask us to grow (plants, animals, cosmos, etc.)? growth is not capitalism applied to certain agents? Growth
always engaged in a dangerous partnership that should be analyzed each time ...
When speaking of "complementarity" I wonder if the idea of \u200b\u200bsubjectivity that always leads to the same place: society and nature. Two perfectly separate entities, as supplementation, therefore, is always insufficient. This idea of \u200b\u200bcomplementarity seems preterit is enrolled in a chronic melancholy, which prevents, I think, receive current multiplicity of uncertain situations, amazing and challenging where it is not clear what nature and what society.
no resonant body will also be a body of uncertainties?
is not to contradict, it is thought that just as the fall of the Berlin Wall collapse of the "Marxist language" in a sense (not all of course) is also collapsed (especially since 2001 and are seeing a new wave of that effect now in the U.S.) the "capitalist language." At least the versions of both so far knew.
Then, I will not reproduce the language of the latter in particular.
If not, we will buckle your ass to everyone.
a hug, thanks for the dialogue. Eduardo
Following the controversy
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