Basurama March 18 - New route
At 9 and a half we went to search for Potosi yatay and David, a cool driver speaker capable of playing everything that moves, get caught in bachelor parties that engage, pass slowly by the side of an accident and the water hacersele mouth in front of a gun ... - Which irons!
Aboard his school opossum orange 2007 engine arrived at San Martín Square at about 10 and 10. Parked and was talking and showing pictures of his new bride to Silvina, while I went to meet Reuben, Benjamin, Marina, Nico, Daniel, Bruno, Lucrecia, Ayelén, Griselda, Luciana, Judith, Augustine, Gabriela, Adriana, Marta Mariana, Maurice, Andrew, Lina, Juan Esteban, María Alejandra, Cecilia, Flavia, Hélène, Manon, Carolina, Luis María, Shinka, Kathrin, Diego, D `anger, Natu, Mariko, Manuel, Fernando, Sebastian and if I forgot anyone please do not be offended and tell me.
out 11 and finished fourth, but full throttle and began to recover, to the sound of roaring `07 mercedes benz, car horns and Vale FM, 97.5, always with you. A native of Smith, David begins to officiate as a guide as we move to the northwest. For some reason auto bureaucratic as we passed the toll us that if the police ask us for, say that we are all of San Martín. No need to put into play our acting skills and in ten minutes we arrived at Ceamse. Lucas also gets behind us, we came in his Volkswagen quantum escoltando1 from Camino del Buen Ayre.
Once inside we met Eric, who greets us and we are introduced to Gustavo, our guide during the tour. A total fan, pull your data with total passion though somewhat in dialect. Leachate, bentonite, felt, and many other beautiful words are happening as we travel the "park." A mountain of garbage they call "modules", against those who unleashed bloody struggles daily to keep them at bay by controlling their gaseous and liquid emissions. The protocol states that trucks must unload in a relatively small area, so trash can be covered quickly with a special compound and thus avoid excessive movement of foul smells. Just as there are "feeling" of insecurity, there are also "feel" of contamination: the presence of odors streams does not necessarily imply real health risks. The landscape also impacts: on one side are the hills of a green that seems to render, with grazing horses and everything. A criss-cross the hills the hoses that are transporting / extracting the leachate. There are also some concrete cylinders for the biogas. On the other side is a vast plateau surrounded by a giant pit, the preparation of a module to become landfill with layers of bentonite clay and felt very thick.
When we come to the composting area, we can finally get off. Gustavo continues to talk while stretch your legs. Here we reveal the social experiment of dividing the waste containers in brown and orange in the Ceamse all comes together, the 15,000 tonnes per day not discriminate. At the same time maintains the impossibility of complying with the law of zero waste. - "It may tend to reduce it, but it is impossible to make it disappear. In Japan incinerated everything, but then they have to bury the ashes "
After a while the sun by compost piles, everyone up to see the last part of Ceamse. We said goodbye to Eric and Gustavo and give non-stop to the Holy Land from Costanera Norte. There
make a stop in the shade and a makeshift picnic. The joss sticks are not enough for all but the rally is collaborative spirit and shared the food. Just before nap paint, Andrew began his talk by reading a survey by the University of Salvador, on the strange relationship of the residents of the city of Buenos Aires with their waste. Marcelo comes just in time and talks about zero waste law, mentioning some of its contradictions and also describing the phenomena of neighbors who defend "the fifth" against the installation of green schools in their neighborhoods. For its part Mauricio m7red described his work in exploring the conditions through which an issue becomes public, in this particular case related to the visibility of waste and its configuration as a public space.
(audio of the talk following the link)
Ruben and Cristina tells us that we wait a little while ago in the house of Ceibo. It does not expect, so we cut the talk and head turned to the cooperative. As no one knows how to get the call for giving us impossible by cell coordinates. Luckily comes the F-100 White Fernando and rescues us. Coast had to follow, take Salguero, go to the entrance / KDT roundabout and take the internal road in front. There had to turn left and then turn right, go to the bottom and toot ... ! Only one, David!
After much back, our driver dazzles us because we are behind the planned schedule and the demands by chief Horacio handy. If not, at this hour I have to be taking the kids from school, we send another micrero, wait a while back, that further, that this that that and David is leaving us with the promise of back in half an hour.
Meanwhile, Cristina has already been presented and shown the work of waste separation, collection and sale of the Cooperative El Ceibo. He presented his organization as the only one trying to fulfill the law of zero waste. The Ceibo, and other cartoneros cooperatives are the only ones that recover waste. They receive in their pre-separated waste shed from Palermo institutions (schools, hotels, restaurants), so that its removal should be completed shed to differentiate and packaging for wholesale. They perform a task of "awareness" from their headquarters in Paraguay for street people and those involved in separate buildings "in origin." Plastics, glass, cans, paper and board are well received since 1989, when the cooperative is created by the "cartoneros of domicile Ceibo, identifiable by their blue dress with bright orange. At the end of a round is armed and answers questions about the business garbage. - "For us, the trash is not trash, it is silver. And for the Ceamse more if they charge per ton, "Cristina
sentence while awaiting the return of David, Ben and Ruben cartonero shared manuals published by Eloisa Cartonera, Marina desperately seeking someone with the same cell to which I invited a Silvina some battery and serves afternoon tea with chocolate and gashes. Fernando invites a few mates gourmet coffee and sugar.
Just when the delay was troubling, it appears David to the plate and we got all your bondi in the same way. Retiro first stop after Suipacha, Plaza San Martín, Plaza Houssay, Sarmiento and finally Yatay and Potosi. We unloaded everything with Silvina and goodbye to Marcelo Flores Lower part due to see his beloved San Lorenzo.
Martin di sin x
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