Sunday, November 8, 2009
Prom Dress Donation Indianapolis 2011
Coventry (England), November 7, 2009. Organised by the Coventry Multi Faith Forum.
We were late but we just. The "Peace Walk" was announced at 10.30 and it was 11 less than ten. Luckily, the hooked down Fairfax St, opposite Pool Meadow. It was a twenty grupete people with a banner reading "Peace Walk" and had several religious simbolitos. As soon as we arrived we brochures and were surprised that we have on. And joined the motley crew, we turned to the north of the city, did not know. Cross the ring road and lined by Stoney Stanton Rd dodged the corner of the Methodist church, which apparently did not qualify for the multifocal forum. We few blocks and arrived at the mosque. Yes, the mosque of Coventry, which was fine. At the entrance we had to take out our shoes and leave them in a locker. Then there as a place to wash your feet, if you want, but no one wanted. We all go to a carpeted room, and there we spoke magnet was all white, also had a white hat and unshaven, but the mustache himself, and was introduced by a kind of PR, a bearded petisito , costume and fez . We were like a front room, carpeted and suitable for non-Muslims. Looked back room was the post, but not enabled for non-believers. The message was peace, even with the cassette position. So it was addressed in the round of questions by a priestess (a blond lady dressed all in white with a crown and a faux queen headscarf) that he invented his own religion and more or less asked
- " What's up women in Islam? "
To which the Imam replied something like:
-" And ... they have some rights more than goats and can do a lot of things that the desert sand "(note the face poker)
The atmosphere began to get tense, and petisito set a "well, we're a little late, I think the group has to follow, many churches go, thanks for coming, back when they want to be very well received. "The most important is that you could carry out a" refreshment ", a banana, a little juices and a milkibar. I went to see the toilets. The bathroom is basically a hallway with doors all around the pits with the Turkish toilets. On the floor of the hallway is a plastic panels, and the boxes are a sort of pot of water for hygiene purposes whatever they were. At the end of the hallway is a wooden framed mirror resting on a tiny ledge. "But in January we will inaugurate the expansion we are ending" barbette would say "all Muslims with twine, uh, here to the municipality or not we put a sope." It seems that the Koran requires all Muslims to put a coin to the mosque ...
But why are not Muslims and we did not worry us north, we crossed a greengrocers with tarps on the street (amazing that they have left, here you have to be licensed for up to watch TV, seriously) so it would become a "mini once" up to the Hindu temple. East and outside it looked more humildón. It was actually a big house, you put a fair type color bulbs throughout the façade, gadget as well like them, they threw all they could, and walls hung with banners ball in the big room, which was all carpeted, and to be there before we had to take out our shoes and leave them in the appropriate boxes. Here the speaker was civil, kind and spoke English Apu. As was the bush, had a friend with a bell, which rang every time I ordered fruit. At last he rang a campanota hanging from the ceiling, because she had gone to hell and we had to go. To summarize, the friendly copy talked about the tolerance of Hinduism to other religions: "When India ruled Afghanistan did not demolish not a single mosque, huh? "Outside also offered banana or apple. "I get two, boss." We must seize these opportunities. Also if not, can they take it as a contempt.
now descended to a channel re piola, cross it and continue on its margin, to the west. We turned a couple of blocks and arrive at the third stage, the spiritualist church . At the entrance to greet you with a handshake or yes, no nobody zafaba. Luckily here there we had to remove your shoes, and we sat in comfortable chairs. So there is no carpet, marble floor is gray. What there is a lot of exotic floral arrangement. And no images except the logo of them, which is an open book on the sand of a beach at dawn. The head of ceremonies was a cool black who presented the President of the Spiritualists and a couple who brought especially to make a demonstration session of spiritual healing. Not to be confused with manosantas, ie zero histrionics, we are in England. Is quasi-scientific discourse, talk about light in terms of energy and wave amplitudes. But at the same time call for a volunteer who wants to experience spiritual healing. It provides a character who thought he was in a supermarket tasting, but the case was good. They did sit in a chair, and the healer sitting in another chair behind him put his hands on his shoulders. After a few minutes shaking hands was pa 'low down to his hip. Meanwhile, the healer, presumably manocálida wife, had called for silence and we turn our thoughts / energy for those who need healing. She sat in front of the volunteer and put his hands on pile on his knees, palms up. After five minutes or so, eventually ended the session and asked the skinny he had felt. The chabón said, "... heat in the back." The Refreshments were in this case a very rich cookies, some ginger, some a little more spicy, others chocolate.
now turn to walk south, and arrived at the church Sihk. Here also barefoot, to enter or yes we had to cover his head with bandanas that you provided at the entrance. Even the police who accompanied us had to remove the cap . We drove up to the first floor, all carpeted, where he was a priest in a turban reading-singing non-stop a few sentences of their holy book (I guess, because nobody explained what was happening) in a sort of shrine. Beside him was a no less bearded assistant. As we entered the room we were sitting on the floor. Some went to communion, they approached and Towelhead the gave them a kind of host. Meanwhile, templetum barbette-in-turban-with-their language continued to read without stopping. Gradually we were raised, and down the dining room. Already had almost two in the afternoon, very late for the British. We tail, grabbed a glass and metal cutlery tray, and we were served a green puree, orange rice, a cookie and some species of peanuts and sticks. To take grab a purple and one orange juice. The wave was eating on the floor, in a slightly more padded carpets. The most bloody coat was able to sit in arm with camera in hand and knapsack on back glass tray filled in another hand. But it was accomplished, we set up a mutual and not dropped anything. Nor sit well with the meal, which hushed neo punks bikers about charlatans who came with us. The sticks were half sweet. The puree was picantísimo, rice was sweet and the cookie was fried in oil with garlic that I am still repeating. To lose a bit we took a very rich flavored tea, quite creamy and sweet. We stayed a while in case one desktop saying a few words, but at this late stage there was no discussion. The closure will be in the hearts of every one, so we're meditating with Silvina the Swanswell Park, which has a beautiful pond with ducks of various kinds, which are much more combinationes The ducks of Buenos Aires. Quite the opposite is true with cats, which are very wimp here.
Here are some pictures
View ecumenical Rally in a larger map
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Forced Milking Stream
The plane visited Rally Not Made in the protagonist of the death flights
source: page 12 - x Albano Garcia brought news
death Aircraft
One of the aircraft is in the museum Spore Commander base in Bahia Blanca. The other, in an area of \u200b\u200ba private company in Esteban Echeverría. Página/12 reveals two new evidence on the methodology used by the armed forces to get rid of the disappeared.
By Diego Martínez
Two of the planes used by the Navy to disappear from the land to its enemies kidnapped in the ESMA remain on display. These are models AF Lockheed Electra L-188, the same as the former captain Adolfo Scilingo used in his second flight, fourteen years ago confessed. Both integrated during the dictatorship the 1 st Naval Air Squadron Mobile Logistics Hold, based on the sector military airport of Ezeiza, the last stop before death. Meanwhile, the Justice does not outline any strategy to identify the pilots and crews who participated in the death flights.
The best preserved Electra, registration 5-T-2, named Ushuaia, is at the Naval Air Museum Spore Commander in Bahia Blanca, and wears a "color scheme of low visibility, dark gray, colorless by years, with the flag of Argentina in the queue. The second plate 5-T-3 Rio Grande, is since 1997 in an area of \u200b\u200bthe firm Irupé Shipyard Marina del Sur SRL, on the Camino de Cintura 8300 April 9 village, district of Esteban Echeverría. Preserves the original colors of navy, white, sky lines, although the emblems of the force were covered.
The 1 st Hold Naval Air Logistics Squadron Mobile, who participated in the last stages of the process of abduction, torture, death and disappearance depended on the 5 th Fleet Naval Air. Their commanders were the masters of corvette César Enrique Avila in 1976 and Jose Roberto Fernandez in 1977. Certainty about the use of both devices to throw people into the sea comes from combining the confession of a data Scilingo originated in the naval bureaucracy, until 1982 the Navy had only three Electra, all "with rear gate capacity to be open in flight, "explained a source with access to Navy records journalist Robert Lewis, the Chronicle newspaper. Third, registration 5-T-1, Antarctica Argentina, have been scrapped and turned into scrap.
The pilot and blogger Carlos Abella, in his article "The Electra del Camino de Cintura", explained that the decree of the fleet purchase was signed by the dictator Agustin Lanusse, but who entered the country after the return of Peronism to power. The naval source said the date: December 1973. During the Falklands War the Electra "served with Task Group 80.4 commanded by Captain Jorge Vildoza" torturer the ESMA run since 1986. "The grand interior of the Electra" served to transport military equipment, personnel and cargo, Abella said, he did not mention the story of Scilingo.
businessman Jorge Ramirez bought the device with the idea of \u200b\u200b"getting a sponsor to paint and get some income from the advertising, offering the chance to win a aerocartel than 36 feet long on the Camino de Cintura, forced to bystanders, "he told the pilot. The project included "a confectionery with seats facing each other in front of a recreational park with artificial lake for water sports activities, a situation that even this was unsuccessful. "
lawyer and journalist Paul Llonto, sponsored Arrostito Norma's father, killed and disappeared after a year of captivity in the ESMA, Sergio Torres asked the judge to issue an injunction on the two Electra on display and have custody with a view to future site investigations and surveys. Still no reply.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Irregular Heartbeat Omron
Our special envoy estate, Monsieur Kelo we pass this note from Christine Legrand June 23, 2009
Link: -salt-marche-des-pauvres-de-buenos-aires-attire-Désormais-la-classe-moyenne_1210280_0.html
It is still dark and soothing background music, cumbia, hundreds of people pour into the narrow alleys of La Salada. This is one of the largest informal markets in Latin America. At the border between the city and province of Buenos Aires, three warehouses covering 20 hectares. A maze in the middle of slums and vacant lots covered with garbage. A picture of Third World Argentina, only 20 kilometers from Buenos Aires, who broke into the campaign for parliamentary elections on Sunday, June 28 The Salada
opens on Sundays and Thursdays, from dawn until early afternoon. Its turnover is estimated to 6 million per week. It employs 6,000 people and receives up to 50,000 visitors per day come from the poor suburbs of Buenos Aires, but also other provinces, and even Brazil or Paraguay, organized shopping tours, aboard Hundreds of buses. The wholesalers sell the goods on other informal markets.
Despite the human tide, almost religious silence reigns. Little is said, to request a price or size. No changing rooms or invoices. You must pay in cash. The clothes, which are worth half as much as in the capital, are manufactured in sweatshops employing a workforce cheap and black.
In the 15 000 stands, you can buy everything: watches, electronics, CDs, DVDs, lingerie and wigs. "Everything here is Trucho (forged)", launches a kid, laughing that sells baby turtles and small parrots crammed into a shoebox.
The Chambers denounced La Salada as a temple of counterfeiting and a paradise of tax evasion, one of the scourges of Argentina. A 2007 survey by the European Union (EU) on piracy has designated as a mecca of commerce and the production of counterfeit goods.
Conversely, La Salada has been defended by a young economist trained in the United States, Alfonso Prat Gay, former president of the Central Bank and the centrist candidate in the parliamentary elections. For this defender of SMEs, the workers of La Salada are "contractors who take risks." He denounces the hypocrisy of a country where tax evasion is the main large fortunes and large enterprises.
About 40% of Argentines are moonlighting, tax evasion reached 40% in agriculture, 54% industry, 73% in construction, according to the Tax Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires (ARBA ). His former manager, Sergio Montoya, who has distanced himself from The Kirchner government has called in vain for a crusade against the salad.
But the province of Buenos Aires is crucial at election time. That is where will the future of the presidential couple formed by President Cristina Kirchner and her husband, former President Nestor Kirchner, candidate for a parliamentary seat. The province accounts for 40% of voters. The majority live patronage of local authorities.
"Salad is a thermometer of the country," says Enrique Antequera, one of the leaders of the market. Galloping inflation and the crisis led to a decrease of 40% of popular consumption. The market poor now welcomes middle-class customers, who have dropped their prejudices and comfort of luxurious shopping malls. Affirming
pay municipal taxes, Mr. Antequera admits that the majority of goods from La Salada are imitations. "But here, at least it gives work to thousands of Argentines and it offers products for those who can not afford sneakers to 80 euros," he defends.
"In Buenos Aires, clothing prices have doubled in one year," added Marta, a psychologist who came shopping with her husband and brother. It never goes alone to the salad, for fear of jostling and theft.
A handful of Bolivians, who sold imported clothes and offered cheap food, launched the site in 1991. Under the presidency of General Juan Peron in the 1950s, these lands were abandoned pools popular with salt water, hence the name La Salada.
strong stench rising from the Riachuelo river, which separates the province of Buenos Aires and the capital, severely contaminated. For twenty years, successive governments have promised to clean. Unanswered. On the shore, throngs of children playing with kites. They may dream of fleeing one of the most unhealthy suburbs of Buenos Aires. Christine Legrand
Monday, June 22, 2009
Egyptian Revolution Survey
are entrepreneurs. Made garments and handicrafts in his studio-home. Thursday at midnight move in groups or remises loaded with trash bags with the fruit of their work and are dedicated to selling to retailers throughout Argentina and neighboring countries. Welcome to the fair of La Salada.
is impossible to be in favor of micro-and anti-La Salada. Is it not hypocritical to punish the informality of the excluded when they were sure of a way to formality?
The social phenomenon of the Salty often pursued with simplistic prejudices:
1. That is one of the largest illegal trade fairs Latin America.
defined as illegal the informality of the vulnerable in society, as are most of the peddlers of La Salada, is tell them how to be poor is illegal, de facto offenders. A hopeless situation.
2. Sold stolen goods.
a dangerous simplification. I traveled home workshops, across the country in which manufactures the clothing sold in La Salada. I've seen the pride of the children who help their parents to regain their dignity in the work of their hands.
3. That fake brands.
True, there are trademark counterfeiting. It is a matter for resolution, but not jerky police operations and media in which confiscates merchandise. Would sit and think better solutions that do not kill the activity that occurs there.
4. Which operates in black, they do not bill for tickets or shopping.
How many times we have to ask the ticket or invoice in restaurants or shops in affluent neighborhoods? Many clothing stores offer discounts if you pay in cash ... of course without an invoice. But when the poor do we accuse and condemn.
What is Salt? In 2002, during the worst crisis in Argentina, La Salada grew through the efforts of thousands of merchants. Initially selling their wares in the open, now generate a lot of confusion among public policy makers, instead of working with this success and help to sort and integrate it into the formal economy, tight.
The three main exhibitions are organized and taxed taxes. Urkupiña called Punta Mogotes and Ocean. Each owner pays as expenses, and clean restrooms Urkupiña that cost $ 1 to use a new first aid room, a machinery exhibition hall, a chapel and an internal radio.
La Salada has stories like that of Walter and Carmen. They came from Bolivia, with virtually nothing. They settled in a villa, because "it's cheaper, do not pay electricity or water." They worked from the beginning in the Ribera, "another show" outdoors without formal organization, and more precarious, to collect the $ 8,000 needed to leave the villa.
Why $ 8,000? For a monthly rent of $ 1000, workshop and machinery. They succeeded. Now, in addition, average rental place in Urkupiña.
La Salada also involves risk. Monica, who with her husband knitting sweaters for children, told us: "You never know how much you sell, if rains do not sell anything, you still need to pay the remise and risk, and when it's hot as last year, not for sale" .
risky workers and entrepreneurs is what this country needs. If we paco we are discouraging and encouraging violence in the villages. Most carnies are living below the poverty line or highly vulnerable. But some have not.
will be important to find a solution that does not endorse the escape of those who can already afford. It will also be important not to pursue the vulnerable. As a society, we must understand that in many cases, informality is not an option and that those in debt are not excluded but those who are lucky to be within the system.
must learn to live with this informality and find ways that formality accompanies the growth of those who, through their own efforts, have increasingly abandoned poverty.
Santiago Montoya La Salada that shows us not want to see the entrepreneurial spirit of those who have fewer resources and more difficulties. The Government should work to integrate the system not to marginalize them further.
The peddlers of the Salty perform an activity they consider worthy. They are not selling cocaine and ephedrine, but paco or goods that people want. Never work and not depend on handouts or plans. There are NGOs doing charity. The fairground has no time to beg, work to bring to its Argentina forward.
To see the original post and comments:
About Wikipedia Prat Gay, Alfonso Prat Gay
(Ciudad de Buenos Aires, November 24, 1965) is an Argentine politician belonging to the Civic Coalition. Bachelor of Economics degree from the Universidad Católica Argentina is currently a candidate in legislative elections in 2009 by the City of Buenos Aires by the Civic and Social Agreement (ACYS) [1].
graduate studied in the United States and worked for JP Morgan in New York, London and Buenos Aires. [2] He was president of the Central Bank of Argentina [3] between December 2002 and September 2004 during the presidency of Eduardo Duhalde and Kirchner. It describes itself as Keynesian.
Mario Cafiero, a former member of ARI, reported that the entry of Prat-Gay "had as its object cover everything that happened around the reserve and the contingent repo agreement, made in the JP Morgan was seriously committed" and involved an immediate agreement with the IMF and compensation to banks for the asymmetric pesification. The former ARI Graciela Ocaña, current Minister of Health of Argentina, recalled that the Special Commission of Inquiry on Leak of Foreign Exchange issued a report that included Prat Gay in a list of people who had turned silver exterior. The current candidate would have turned $ 786 000, despite the existing ban. [5]
In an interview with the newspaper Página 12, Prat Gay said: "[Ocaña I] reported in 2003 by evader, I took the trouble to ask the AFIP AFIP was issued and told me I had overpaid, was a media report and do not know if it was not until a proof of love for Kirchner ", [6] in the same interview referred to the claim of Cafiero," was an indictment on those responsible for the yard, in 2001 there was in the country and bad I can be responsible for the yard "
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
When Will My Dog's Hair Grow Back
Artistic Research Center calls the competition for 20 scholarships to participate in all activities Center.
Since August 2009 conducted an extensive program of courses, workshops, seminars, presentations and lectures by artists and researchers about theoretical issues, historical and poetic.
In the second half of 2009 will be five projects by international artists who will participate only in the trainees.
local and international jury will select the scholars from their projects. These projects will be developed under the Centre for a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years, without needing to be completed within the period.
The call is open to practicing from different disciplines: architecture, theater, dance, performance, video, film, photography, painting, sculpture, video, installation, writing, music, sound, net-art, multimedia and other media.
Projects can be submitted until July 15, 2009.
For more information visit:
Sunday, May 24, 2009
How To Read Pregnancy Test Paper
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Laptop Connected To Mitsubishi Tv Hdmi No Sound
On Tuesday May 5, at 19 pm., Will open this show created and curated by the architect Florencia Rodríguez, professor at the College and editor of Architecture UP, with a debate in which guests discuss various professionals the importance of sustainability. The activity will take place at Headquarters Abasto, Jean Jaures 932, Auditorium, and the sample can be accessed until Thursday, May 21 from 9-21 pm.
The sample was submitted during September and October 2008 at the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEB), institution that made possible the realization of this project.
Team: Socorro Baires, Jennifer Harvey, Caroline Huffman, Florence Medina, Noelia Medina, Fernando Primucci.
Life in the cities does not distance us from nature. Rather, nature creates and makes us perceive charged meanings. This is our way of living, to learn, experiment, and is not limited to a finite space or the infrastructure that conditioning.
The cities are made up of layers that suggest a poorly defined coexistence between artifice and nature. Factors such as energy consumption, control-or uncontrol-waste, public transport and private spaces for the abused everyday life, the growing awareness of what our actions generate the environment, genetic engineering, the market, accessibility to information or actions that different cultural tribes generated by outside institutions, are just some of the issues that define the relationship that is sure to compete and conditions to all.
The proposed "We were never Eternal" is to open a discussion that goes beyond the separation of garbage or orientation of a building, looking for creative proposals for possible application and trying to unravel the true meaning of this concept to make it useful and hazard out of fashion.
Exhibitors: A77
María Noel Alvarez Monica Bertolino
Gonzalo Casals
Felipe Correa Luciana De Luca
Jorge Díaz Peña Fernando Diez
Urban ecosystem
Flavio Lucio Morini Malca Mizrahi
Zaida Muxi
Takayuki Nakajima
Plan B Rally
Ana Rascovsky
Suburbs -
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Women Face Sitting Women
talk Andrew Grippo, Marcelo Corti and Mauricio Corbalan.
Rallyconurbano / Basurama. Wednesday March 18, 2009. Costanera Norte, next to the Holy Land, close to the Aeroparque Jorge Newbery.
Marina Zuccon: We want to introduce our first guest called Andrew Grippo, swordsman and social communicator ... Andrew Grippo
: Well I said I brought a survey done by the University of Salvador in August last year about the relationship of people with their waste and preferred to bring the survey and any officer, any of the City Government. I would like to read the results, and then discuss the reasons for these results ...
C: And what neighborhoods ... there was a specific place or ...?
AG: It was in the Capital and Greater Buenos Aires one thousand families, so it looks like it is fairly representative: I read some results ... 87 percent of households in the city of Buenos Aires today have household collection services waste and that 82 percent of people said they were very satisfied or satisfied with your waste collection service and the time in which we collect waste ... Well, all these families in Buenos Aires only 16 percent of people currently classified waste, or separating recyclable waste or organic reusable and unusable. Or is that 85 percent of people not currently classified waste, takes the bag with everything you eat as is. 63 percent of the people ... pass a plane passing noise pollution ... well 63 percent of people are willing to sort waste in the future ... (but) there is 10 percent that did not classify their waste in any way.
B: Not if you give money ..
AG: Not if you do give some advantage.
77 percent of people say they do not have enough information to separate the waste: the problem is that he knows how. And 70 percent do not know that there are advantages in separating the waste and remove them separately.
What excuse if you are not to separate? A 27 percent misinformation, 25 percent argue that it is uncomfortable or not interested or it is the responsibility of others and not the neighbor. 20 percent argue that it is lack of time, space or resources, and a 16 percent separation is not mandatory.
In what has to do with what happens with the waste once it left the bag in the corner, container or door of the building they live in a pool, only 30 percent did list a handling mechanism when you go away from our homes ...
B : Can you repeat?
AG: A 30 percent can list a mechanism, at least one treatment mechanism of waste disposal, such as we saw today. 63 percent do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happens when garbage goes, when the board the truck, no one does, if it burns, if it is buried, nothing.
D: mmm
AG: 67 percent or so of people do not know where landfills, those who know what landfills are not ... know where they are located where they are installed ... that in the federal capital. In the province of Buenos Aires are closer to almost 80 percent do know where they are located.
B: I smell ...
AG: Because the smell, of course ...
D: mmm
AG: The biggest complaint of the people against the landfill is its proximity to urban centers. With this complaint that are near urban centers most of the people who say that this is the big problem is capital, where there are no landfills. And he blamed the landfill as the main problem? ... Well, 60 per cent said complains which is close to urban centers, 14 percent can cause infection and cause ecological damage, the 11 percent by odors, and 6 percent by the outbreak of diseases. Or is that the worst of the landfill would be around ... To work up some options this pollster, gave some options of where they should be located landfills within that 60 percent of people said the problem was that they were near cities. And the answers were that it should be located: in the field, inside, in the south, at sea or in the delta.
D: jajjajaja
AG: Well well ... here are some conclusions but I would like we bring them out ...
Daniel Prieto: Who commissioned the study?
AG: The Universidad del Salvador ... It is not commissioned by the city or anything. Employment.
DP: So is an independent work but behind it is as if you have an idea ... When someone tries to learn something or some reality is that attempts to respond to ...
AG: So here are the conclusions that do not want read (laughs), so that we remove ourselves and we have no reason to have the same conclusions as did the one who did the work ...
E: Are students in the faculty?
AG: Yes
E: Is it a practical?
AG: Yes
C: What was a matter?
AG: Yeah, yeah, yeah ...
F: What was the matter?
AG: No, I have that figure ... I know it's engineering faculty ...
Rubén Lorenzo, the survey reveals little information of what happens to it once in the street, no? On the one hand why does no sorting at source? why not working? that only the cardboard is the only separating, then why the state is not able to take this separation? I find it that interesting because we saw a place where the greatest concentration of the waste here in Buenos Aires, which ends up being landfill, which everything is there and nothing is returned to the cycle.
AG: Here are a few things. One is why not separate? and the other is that nobody knows what happens to their waste when they leave the door of his house. So, are fully related in so much that people do not separate because they have no conscience, he knows not what happens to their waste ...
Benjamin Castro: Or maybe the current situation can not separate it because she knows what happens to waste, because he knows that although separated end up going all the papers ...
AG: but you could do ...
C: It seems logical that people do not separate if there is no collection system ...
AG: Well today we can say that there is an informal system of separation, which is that of the cardboard, in which one could relate directly to the cartonero neighbor today you could interact directly with the material and give cartonero separately
D: mmm
F: Here too there a matter of dedication because cartonero maybe a neighbor would say I need this type of material and then would not have separated so things ... ... that would be the responsibility of the State that does ...
C: There is another thing ... the pickers are not well regarded by the population of the city
AG: Well, here we go
C: So when I'm cartonero you ring the bell, you did not open the door, then, I never I can tell you that interests me, so I'm not interested ...
H: Is that one of the biggest problems we see is that behind the trash is a big business tell big business where the State argued, even, well, this management itself, if coupled by the ton, which is the form that comes together to make it more profitable for the company that meeting. And there is an interest group very strong, very powerful, which skews a lot of state policies (noise) ... this is a function of prevention campaigns, the largest campaign that ensued in the management was "Clean Juga" was framed throw trash in the baskets and not on the problem of how to recycle ...
AG: Focusing on the "clean" rather than waste management.
B: (interrrumpido) with the image of cleaning
H: There is a view of public policies that go to an aesthetic, "which is clean, the city", no matter what, it still seems to me the other side and that the city is clean according to the company that is a big deal about garbage. They said in the CEAMSE, "us, we pay per ton"
D: mmm
H: Well here in the city had a terrible dispute whether it was a ton or if it is gathered and clean, which was a mechanism "sociario" ("+ social solidarity?), which had social audit, which had control mechanisms, which could become interesting in terms of a cultural change must be sought, ie waste is not something you do not want to see, but something that we face, take care ...
AG: Well open discussion about twenty fronts at the same time, pear ... I mean is this: do not know what happens to it when it leaves the door of our house is not just the government making or this administration or any previous efforts that make the waste in an aesthetic problem, cleaning and hygiene. This is a matter of years, people can not see well to the cardboard as a matter of hygiene ...
H: Well, I work with the rubbish, the problem is that cardboard is a social sector that took place, which appears in the public arena after the 2001 crisis in Argentina, that there was no alternative, they had no alternative but to seek a laburo in revolver, together, together I say things to be done for a wage.
C: knowledge is a matter of social, economic and environmental state (noise) do not see them ... do not see ...
AG: If one of those do not know, seems to me now is getting used a little more to the relationship with cartonero, but it's not just the government, the media, neighbors, all have turned away in a hygiene problem. You can turn on the radio, not so much now, but four or five years ago and spend hours listening as journalists said "that this corner is dirty, why is that dirty." It is always "that dirty" is not disputed what happens to it after leaving home.
C: And ... sorry, these citizens have heard little or ecological responsibility is ... what we were talking trash now ... is every citizen ...
AG: The general idea is that my responsibility ends when I leave the bag at the door. (Noise) that is thought by most people, we do not get that one exquisite shopping for the store and choose the product of smaller container to avoid generating waste
C, F: Nooo ....
AG: We have yet to understand what happens with the waste we generate before thinking of reducing what we buy.
C: Sure, but to think that one must think that the city has responsibility in this regard (noise)
DP: It is now all that matters to people who take the trash to the street is that your home is not smell bad, and no matter in which a large chain implies that little incident ...
AG: And that is why they ended the problem ... but just do not know if anyone here is ... having one week of cardboard boxes, empty glass bottles at home but I get a moment, the fourth day my wife told me the bag or bags or go you. Take those cartons, newspapers ...
B: jejej
AG: That is two weeks of daily, all accommodated in the living room is starting to be much ...
F: Also for me depends on the neighborhoods because what you said recently that was an informal system, it is true, my parents in Coleraine give the cardboard carton. Separate, but give the pickers and suppose to be recycled. Almagro I sort garbage and building manager after mixing, where I spoke a moment but did not give me ball and I also started to mix well because if he mixed ... (noise) Not that I believe that the State has to be put in everything but it should have a certain formality in how to manage ...
AG: Well is now trying to make a formalization
RL: only now we are going to shed the Ceibo, a cooperative that works in Palermo Cartoneros
BC: The question is whether it formalizes the separation of the waste if it is for the better .... is not guaranteed to be for the better. ... and also the possible consequences ... why I think I can, not for better ... not saying you have to be necessarily so ... I mean there is that danger, starting because there is a 16 per cent of people according to the survey that separates ... and actually .... the formal treatment that is given away does not break anything, except as explained Gustavo, 30 people per floor, 6 plants, as with most social function where you really have the impact on the level of waste is minimal. If you suddenly formalizes the separation of garbage, but the government does not assume and develop an infrastructure to give exit to the separation of garbage, then they are complicating the work ...
AG: A level infrastructure here are managing the construction of plants separation (noise)
H: Only cartoneros groups have been organized, were able to provide a social and political battle on the one hand to the state and secondly to society, formailizándose, there are some unions that have now advanced, there are others that are worse ... but the state also ends to take care to say good invest to formalize the chain ...
AG: That's right, the drawing will have to be accompanied, say, if 80 percent or 70 percent say they are willing to separate in a future and says the system will obviously have to be accompanied with a lot of things ... not just give a uniform to each cartonero and social work (noise)
BC: ... yet is the challenge that way that integrates heterogeneous group informal census daily living and getting to feed themselves and their families every day to see how it is integrated in Montevideo we're seeing right now as it is formalizing the process Garbage collection not separated, and as an industry that is risky and that it is marginal as that of the pickers are further marginalizing and is suffering a situation of constant threat of criminalization ... then ... in what way will punish the formalization of what today is informal ... for me that is like the great challenge that, because then separate the waste, there will be some plants that have both paid with funds from the World Bank, there will be a very modern and fantastic plants, but all those people and all that lot of songs or hundreds of thousands of people every day of the informal gathering of how they are integrated into the system, or maybe it is not up, is that a private company directly is occupied ...
AG: Well, that's also a job that does all the time because there is also a sociological issue cartonero, which is not a person working in cooperatives by nature, that is not that originally appeared in groups of one hundred, two hundred, are people who went out alone, with their families ...
BC: In theory and 98 percent of the pickers working on the other hand ...
AG: Well, that's a challenge too, what was done in the Ceibo to achieve a cooperative is a successful example of how you can join, but not everyone wants to join ...
DP: The cartonero is a very convenient figure for the power, because it solves a part of one of the things, one of the shadows that have always all states, in this case the garbage, a of those things that they always send the margins, the outskirts, and then solves the one hand, well that cartonero is supposedly working on the street, because we live in a system in which only appreciates people who work, somehow get a better appreciation by the general population that villero, who goes there on the street, and in that sense as it is considered that at least out of what would be the danger or violence to a few people and well resolved, not resolved, but simply cover the issues in terms of what that population, but it has to do with the underlying problem of garbage ...
AG: I'm not saying we get to the point where the entire population of the city will see what we saw today, and by the way I make more than four, five years working on these issues and had never seen a landfill for the first time I actually have this shtick volume of 15,000 tonnes I write daily in all reports and I read in the newspapers. But I think that even that is not understood, until each one of us understands that we saw today, there is no way to value what they throw ... not to value what we throw away and knowing that we can be responsible in what we produce or to reduce what we generate, not to buy boxes and large for a ring, I say all these things are not going to be able to solve until you understand what the real circuit waste ...
Julián D'Angiolillo: You have to see the responsibility companies, because if everything is on the side of consumers ...
AG: ... but you're not going to deny that the neighbor, the consumer, is a source of power that is the main input from the manufacturer ...
JD: It's utopian a change from that side ...
BC: (noise) the reason for me, the cardboard they are related closely to the problem of garbage and I have tried to relate it ... is because the garbage generated goodwill ... or garbage is a value that most of the people as evidenced by the study, has no idea., is not aware of the value of waste, that is a non-recourse, and there is a group that produces capital gains through the trash and can survive ... today ... what is the cartonero, or cardboard. In Europe, in Spain, a number of companies who are aware of the value of waste and generate more capital gains thanks to the institutions that previously have settled as a series of waste separation systems so that businesses and give them the containers in a bag, separate them what can be recycled and generate more profit. Here, let's say that value is latent. The cartoneros more or less separate, and get get a return to a waste it is very difficult to recoup because it is all mixed. So that makes it much more difficult to monetize and generate more profit ... to simplify the danger it has the issue of business on the previous trip we did was a campaign Poster Wall Mart and Coca Cola, which were supposed to be concerned deeply about the environment and then made a call for people to take separate containers to Wall Mart, shopping centers, so that they would to do essential work for the environment. In reality what they are doing is getting a return of those containers, because that is a material that can be used and can be used to produce new packaging and are also asking those who will themselves, that moves and take him at the door of his house. So it is important that people be aware of what is garbage? Because in reality the trash too is a value, is a resource, and how that resource is capitalized? To me, it's the key, if capitalized and that goodwill is used to integrate within a system pickers and improve their living conditions and decent work more interesting, if that goodwill is capitalized and are useless, so that there are a number of private companies that generate revenue, because then I see it as more dubious ...
AG: What you were saying about the companies is absolutely true, there must be regulation on businesses because exactly what we said today which generates waste is responsible. It's yours. But while it instill the neighbors, we must inculcate companies. Because, for example in this application is the first time you move the onus on producers of batteries, Ponele. Although no batteries manufactured in Argentina. For the first time. But the pressure did not come from the brains of the government or companies or anyone else, came from the neighbors, or batteries together for ten years and say, companies do not give me ball, no ball gives us, what we do with batteries. Di Peco
Martin: Excuse me to interrupt, Andrew, wanted to introduce Marcelo Corti, developer and publisher of the magazine "Café of Cities" ... this problem you mention you on the pressure from neighbors, in this case on the treatment of battery is something positive. There are also forms of pressure from neighbors to share a bit more controversial, I am referring specifically to the movement "NIMBY" (not in my backyard) quintita conscious people and not allow the facility in their neighborhood centers and green cardboard waste treatment. A little of that, I had asked if we could count Marcelo some such moves, and if you have desire and time, we talk about the law of zero waste. Marcelo Corti
: Well thanks for that law to me it seems like so much else in the city of Buenos Aires that legislators adopt laws that promote the general happiness, immortality of the soul, the prohibition setbacks have love and then ... let the current government to implement them ... which from a technical point of view is quite simple because lesgislativa enough to know law. From the point of view of efficiency in the practical management has its problems. So the city has emergency for all, have emergency housing in the neighborhood of La Boca del Riachuelo, a lot of things, but very little effect in solving emergencies.
The law of zero waste, but to me that I am not an expert on garbage, I do not think a law is wrong, is a law that is clearly very ambitious ... but I can list some contradictions, eg Article 6 shows that by the year 2020, or here is a horizon of 11 years, a horizon at least for me ... quite immediately ... say ... 11 years passed fairly easy, at least when you spend fifty ... but for the year 2020 the disposal of recyclable materials will be recycled as well as prohibited, or generate waste ... shall be prohibited in Buenos Aires in 2020, something I could not disagree, but it has its consequences ... Article 54, however, contradicts a bit of that goal, he says that "... in the event achieved the goal of 75 percent reduction (...) will be evaluated include and disposal methods other technologies, including combustion, as long as they ensure the protection of human health and the environment ... ", or the picture shrink a bit ... but advanced by law, there is a theme sincerely is not resolved that is Article 58 which says that the little trick is a little of the matter, "the period specified in Article Six may be extended for a period of time equal to or below since the adoption of this law to approve the change of urban planning code that incorporates the type of use comparable to the central role of selection or green center. " Or, in a good Christian, green center is not built ... (noise)
H: I did not understand the sense of showing the contradiction within the law
zero waste ... MC: I think on the law of zero waste ...
H: No, but tell your opposition or do not understand your position. So, why show us the contradiction ...
MC: To say that the law has contradictions ...
H: No, I do not understand that the brand ...
MC: I was asked to speak of a law and the law found contradictions ...
H: No because maybe there are interesting things, I say ...
MC: Yes, it has very interesting things indeed I fencing is a law that seems to me it seems to me that would carry out a management effort by the government, this government, of whom he was preceded and follow him that I think not running or if you really want to meet the objectives of this law, it seems to me ... do not say "is a law for Switzerland," which is what usually says, "is a perfect law, but For Switzerland, it is for a society like ours, "no, I say, is a law, which is good, is perhaps too ambitious, but it is good that we have ambitions and let's get the batteries to go about this. I think ... I do not see or society Argentina or in political leadership and business leadership in an attitude that makes me assume that you are going to accomplish this, I think we are far away, on this controversy: consumer empowerment, corporate responsibility, responsibility government ... I think when we throw these things that "the fault of all is to not blame anyone and so you can continue. So I think that yes, there's a consumer responsibility, I here take the opportunity to answer some of what Martin said about this policy, this attitude of the neighbors, which is summarized in the phrase "not in my backyard" to be made things but not so in my neighborhood.
D: Yes ...
MC: In any neighborhood in the city of Buenos Aires where you want to or try to put a green center is a tremendous opposition from the neighbors ... and I think that part of an issue that some would say education ... it is primarily education, but I also have to apply the disciplinary matter of the state ... or state in this case the Government of the City and not necessarily the government, assumed no obligation to this society. If I were prime minister and I have a law that tells me that in 2020 I have to have no waste disposal would be moving heaven and earth to convince people and above all, to act on business. It is very funny to notice that they are happening now on television on plastic bags that pollute. The example that place, not if you saw the ad, is a lion of those of the Lion King, I think it's a cartoon where a lion comes out, choke on a plastic bag, and the lion head of the pack Lions are going to town to see what happens and the problem is that people go to grocery bags. Well, in Argentina, at least in Buenos Aires do not have many lions so it's a rather naive position in that sense ... but it is not naive by example is the advertisement that says: "We are all guilty "is everyone's responsibility" obviously that is "all": it is my responsibility but I take care of producing less waste, if I take the trash bag in such and such, but there is a core responsibility, which seems to me me, in any area of \u200b\u200blife, who most likely have, who have more power, more responsibilities are. The responsibility of having to fractions of millionths of a millionth of a fraction is about who has a political or economic power. In this sense he not much more than eleven years, not much more than the time available to us to meet the final objectives zero waste law, there were ads where for example the issue of disposable plastic containers was presented as an advantage for the consumer, or as a benefit to the consumer. Mineral water containers were disposable soft or something that allowed you to use and throw, as a great benefit, I say, no more than ten years, much of the period we need to comply with the law period trash zero (noise) If you look at the media, it seems that the only problem of Argentina is insecurity, the ecological problem, the problem of garbage do not occupy any place on the agenda of the media .... (Noise) I am very pessimistic that can be law enforcement in these conditions, where taking out the trash in a different form appears to be a cool thing to do, not a cool thing, is to stand up in front of a red light, is well educated we are and what understand what it means to comply with certain laws but at some point, I regret to say, but you must meet the state's coercive power and, I say, for me the state's coercive power must be applied in principle to those most able to ... when we have achieved that supermarkets are not only enliven and we ask him to carry the bag us to not be the ones responsible for the generation of waste but actually in their packaging systems, We provide the bags are made from biodegradable materials, etc. well then we can begin to ask the man who takes away a little more responsibility. In that, I say there's a pecking order, and there is a hierarchy of powers, by acting on the most responsible, we are likely after downloading to other levels of society. And finally, I agree with something that was said here, say, all the problems of society and involving the city will, then obviously from resolving the problem of garbage is not going to solve the problem of poverty, that is, that's fine, I think it's fantastic that cartonero has become an urban recovery, which has been milled, a boy to make sure you go to school, having a social work, etc ... But ultimately, we can not ask to solve the garbage problem which also solves the problem of poverty in Argentina. I think you can contribute something that is simply create environmental waste is transformed into an economic activity, but we can not pretend that the whole problem of exclusion of Argentina society is resolved by transforming the urban garbage pickers in because there is no such a need for urban garbage as people cartonero need to work there, then the solution will come by other side.
Rubén Lorenzo: We are waiting in the Ceibo ...
MDP: We have to go now?
RL: Well, we can continue here thing ... why the driver also warns that half-past four he has to go ...
MDP: Well ...
RL: Lack also Mauricio Mauricio Corbalan
submitted: Yes
MDP: it starts and continue in the shed ...?
RL: Dale
MC: Well, my name is Mauricio Corbalan, I am part of an organization called M7red. We do research in which we are trying to figure out or trying to build is like a problem or an urban political conflict a situation that reaches the public sphere, in that sense we are interested in determining the level by which a matter becomes public and specifically we're trying to attempt a dialogue process with a Ministry of Environment of the Municipality of Buenos Aires (noise) this political division, social, legal, which arms the government of the City of Buenos Aires with the area known as the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, where the issue of waste management is perhaps one of the more contentious because now appearing above has to do with that of invisibility, the law of zero waste is quite interesting in that regard because I think which is made more for waste management is done in the city of Buenos Aires rather than on the management of Greater Buenos Aires, in what in my view, and I wanted to talk a bit, I seem to have much to do with a sense of citizenship building very specific. And where waste also plays a neutral role in which everything seems to be under the same conditions to generate and even part of the chain that gun away. I recently read in the magazine just does Marcelo, Raquel Rolnik a phrase that is the director of UN Habitat, no? Well, I had a phrase that in Latin America, one of the most interesting challenges is often a formality intended to consolidate, through the practices of citizenship, but sometimes you have to work in environments that are heterogeneous in the sense that there are totally different dynamic that seems to be integrated under a single format. It seems to me that the Law of Zero Waste has to do with that, right? As if people in Greater Buenos Aires, not surveyed, including ghost towns of more than 100,000 people living in cities, living on garbage management, do not even appear in the register of those municipalities, then, places where there are sewers, where you can not resolve certain issues minimally inclusion in what would be called urban fabric ... the scale of waste management is completely different because even those communities have to waste management for reasons of survival, I mean in the sense of living with the garbage in a very different taking out the trash in a place where there is a garbage collection. It's very different where there is not even the way to enter the truck to produce the collection of waste. But I think that as the policy projection system that always works saying well, there is a threshold that in twenty thirty years is going to solve, because it advances a project seems to me that the challenge is not long term The challenge is short term how to manage all this level of heterogeneity, where there are actors involved in a very different from a universe that seems simply to draw on the contingency of being included or not. I'm trying to monitor such practices and how these actors emerge. One of the most interesting is that the world of cardboard made visible something that no formal citizen of the city of Buenos Aires was in charge, the issue of garbage was visible in the middle of a crisis, and the city of Buenos Aires was formatted after a crisis, a crisis such as yellow fever, which resulted in fifty years of urban hygiene, for which the city of Buenos Aires has the form you have. I think garbage like what is now part of those things that are no longer an object but are like a network (noise) but there is something that interests me a lot of garbage that has to do with this ability to make visible a lot of systems that make more waste is no longer an object, in the sense that it is not something that can be treated as an object, but an integrated system, ranging from regulatory, political, logistics, territorial patterns, I think that garbage is a rather condensed in which today you can see that certain objects, we can not just talk about an issue of where to bring them, is a matter of if that will be defined as citizens of this world a hundred years that kind of responsibility is going to fit into the environmental discussion to every citizen, I say, why someone who is supposed marginal in the process of garbage has a place so prevalent as cartonero, if one measured the incidence of environmentally cartonero the cartonero is a model citizen, and people living in urban areas is not much better (noise) in this whole rating system, there are more political dynamic in the sense of actors who come into a conflict that exceed the problem of constructing a formal citizenship, inclusion of these new systems are not based on a formal model of citizenship where it always seems that day will come, someday will be completed someday everyone will be included in the same way and will meet the same standards and technology will understand the situation from a consensus view ... I think it's a dynamic that leads to failure. As you can not with this, then you need to remedial action, because it will never reach this ideal system.
MDP: Sorry to cut you ...
MC: if ...
MDP: we going, because we have to go
MC: yes, give
RL: Well, we can go there with him talking
Lucas Gilardi: Part ...
B: together all
D: Well there's a bin ...
F: separate?
M: will it all together, right?
L: Ask Ruben ...
D: No, leave it here so that someone else pick it up someone, heh ...
F: Here is plastic and steel ...
B: with ice and everything ...
D: yes, no matter ... thanks ... FIN
transcribe by Juan Manuel Di Peco, March 28, 2009. Andrew Grippo
is communicator, Environmental Protection Agency Buenos Aires Marcelo Corti
is an architect, editor of the magazine "Coffee Cities " Mauricio Corbalan
is an architect, co-director of the group "m7red" -
This rally was part of the cycle of actions and events co-organized Basurama in Buenos Aires from 15 to 19 March 2009, as part of its investigation RUS Solid Waste, supported by the AECI.
Friday, March 20, 2009
How Do Make The Emoticon Of Crossed Fingers
At 9 and a half we went to search for Potosi yatay and David, a cool driver speaker capable of playing everything that moves, get caught in bachelor parties that engage, pass slowly by the side of an accident and the water hacersele mouth in front of a gun ... - Which irons!
Aboard his school opossum orange 2007 engine arrived at San Martín Square at about 10 and 10. Parked and was talking and showing pictures of his new bride to Silvina, while I went to meet Reuben, Benjamin, Marina, Nico, Daniel, Bruno, Lucrecia, Ayelén, Griselda, Luciana, Judith, Augustine, Gabriela, Adriana, Marta Mariana, Maurice, Andrew, Lina, Juan Esteban, María Alejandra, Cecilia, Flavia, Hélène, Manon, Carolina, Luis María, Shinka, Kathrin, Diego, D `anger, Natu, Mariko, Manuel, Fernando, Sebastian and if I forgot anyone please do not be offended and tell me.
out 11 and finished fourth, but full throttle and began to recover, to the sound of roaring `07 mercedes benz, car horns and Vale FM, 97.5, always with you. A native of Smith, David begins to officiate as a guide as we move to the northwest. For some reason auto bureaucratic as we passed the toll us that if the police ask us for, say that we are all of San Martín. No need to put into play our acting skills and in ten minutes we arrived at Ceamse. Lucas also gets behind us, we came in his Volkswagen quantum escoltando1 from Camino del Buen Ayre.
Once inside we met Eric, who greets us and we are introduced to Gustavo, our guide during the tour. A total fan, pull your data with total passion though somewhat in dialect. Leachate, bentonite, felt, and many other beautiful words are happening as we travel the "park." A mountain of garbage they call "modules", against those who unleashed bloody struggles daily to keep them at bay by controlling their gaseous and liquid emissions. The protocol states that trucks must unload in a relatively small area, so trash can be covered quickly with a special compound and thus avoid excessive movement of foul smells. Just as there are "feeling" of insecurity, there are also "feel" of contamination: the presence of odors streams does not necessarily imply real health risks. The landscape also impacts: on one side are the hills of a green that seems to render, with grazing horses and everything. A criss-cross the hills the hoses that are transporting / extracting the leachate. There are also some concrete cylinders for the biogas. On the other side is a vast plateau surrounded by a giant pit, the preparation of a module to become landfill with layers of bentonite clay and felt very thick.
When we come to the composting area, we can finally get off. Gustavo continues to talk while stretch your legs. Here we reveal the social experiment of dividing the waste containers in brown and orange in the Ceamse all comes together, the 15,000 tonnes per day not discriminate. At the same time maintains the impossibility of complying with the law of zero waste. - "It may tend to reduce it, but it is impossible to make it disappear. In Japan incinerated everything, but then they have to bury the ashes "
After a while the sun by compost piles, everyone up to see the last part of Ceamse. We said goodbye to Eric and Gustavo and give non-stop to the Holy Land from Costanera Norte. There
make a stop in the shade and a makeshift picnic. The joss sticks are not enough for all but the rally is collaborative spirit and shared the food. Just before nap paint, Andrew began his talk by reading a survey by the University of Salvador, on the strange relationship of the residents of the city of Buenos Aires with their waste. Marcelo comes just in time and talks about zero waste law, mentioning some of its contradictions and also describing the phenomena of neighbors who defend "the fifth" against the installation of green schools in their neighborhoods. For its part Mauricio m7red described his work in exploring the conditions through which an issue becomes public, in this particular case related to the visibility of waste and its configuration as a public space.
(audio of the talk following the link)
Ruben and Cristina tells us that we wait a little while ago in the house of Ceibo. It does not expect, so we cut the talk and head turned to the cooperative. As no one knows how to get the call for giving us impossible by cell coordinates. Luckily comes the F-100 White Fernando and rescues us. Coast had to follow, take Salguero, go to the entrance / KDT roundabout and take the internal road in front. There had to turn left and then turn right, go to the bottom and toot ... ! Only one, David!
After much back, our driver dazzles us because we are behind the planned schedule and the demands by chief Horacio handy. If not, at this hour I have to be taking the kids from school, we send another micrero, wait a while back, that further, that this that that and David is leaving us with the promise of back in half an hour.
Meanwhile, Cristina has already been presented and shown the work of waste separation, collection and sale of the Cooperative El Ceibo. He presented his organization as the only one trying to fulfill the law of zero waste. The Ceibo, and other cartoneros cooperatives are the only ones that recover waste. They receive in their pre-separated waste shed from Palermo institutions (schools, hotels, restaurants), so that its removal should be completed shed to differentiate and packaging for wholesale. They perform a task of "awareness" from their headquarters in Paraguay for street people and those involved in separate buildings "in origin." Plastics, glass, cans, paper and board are well received since 1989, when the cooperative is created by the "cartoneros of domicile Ceibo, identifiable by their blue dress with bright orange. At the end of a round is armed and answers questions about the business garbage. - "For us, the trash is not trash, it is silver. And for the Ceamse more if they charge per ton, "Cristina
sentence while awaiting the return of David, Ben and Ruben cartonero shared manuals published by Eloisa Cartonera, Marina desperately seeking someone with the same cell to which I invited a Silvina some battery and serves afternoon tea with chocolate and gashes. Fernando invites a few mates gourmet coffee and sugar.
Just when the delay was troubling, it appears David to the plate and we got all your bondi in the same way. Retiro first stop after Suipacha, Plaza San Martín, Plaza Houssay, Sarmiento and finally Yatay and Potosi. We unloaded everything with Silvina and goodbye to Marcelo Flores Lower part due to see his beloved San Lorenzo.
Martin di sin x
some photos:
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Where To Buy Wooden Fingerboards Toronto
schedule - updated itinerary:
10:30 (Spot) Departure from Florida CCEBA
943 11:30 Visit to CEAMSE in Joseph Leo Suarez Micro-debate
13:30 14:30
mobile offices in Palermo
The Ceibo 15:00 Visit to the collection center in Retiro
16:00 End of activities
Friday, March 13, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Everyime I Eat I Have Pain In My Chest
Basurama / Rallyconurbano: Rally of urban garbage
Wednesday, March 18
In the context of actions and events that the English group Basurama taking place in Buenos Aires, Rallyconurbano invites you to join a possible route of municipal solid waste . We
a tour of the new settlement "November 17" (Lomas de Zamora), where all kinds of material " Discard "shape box in the neighborhood.
Then we find the organization The Ceibo, developing a neighborhood work recovering waste in the area of \u200b\u200bPalermo, and getting better opportunities from its "co-operative."
During the trip we go with Mauricio Corbalan, Marcelo Corti and Andrew Grippo, three experts will give short talks on their views on the issue of trans-urban circuit of solid waste, then opened the public discussion to generate a " micro-debate "walking.
The experience will be recorded collectively by all participants of the rally. Each rallyista take photos / videos / notes / etc. which will then be shared through the blog
To register yourself, send an email to before Monday.
Hurry! Seats are limited!
Schedule for Wednesday March 18 10:30
Meeting at the Florida CCEBA
943 11:30 Visit the new "neighborhood November 17" in Lomas de Zamora
Micro-street debate 14:00 offices in Palermo
The Ceibo 14:30 Visit to the collection center in Retiro
16:00 End of activities
This cycle of activities are supported by the AECI - CCEBA
Mauricio Corbalan is an architect, co-director of the group "m7red"
Marcelo Corti is an architect, editor of the magazine "Café of the Cities"
Andrew Grippo is social communicator for the Environmental Protection Agency - www.rally-conurbano.blogspot . com a77
How To Build A Concrete Tub
presents: Comuna
Triptych (environmental testing)
a77 + + His trip Not Made in China
A construction made entirely with traces of the automotive industry shielding Dwelling Unit hosts a web television channel and an NGO, a synthesis of privacy possible, public life, and life partner.
Habitat, media and organization merged into a constructive experiment not only the material transformation of urban fear that represents the source of the inputs but also from social relations made from it. A module of coexistence of urban forces in a hybrid environment, minimum, nomadic, transformable and transitory. A compact city.
in COUNTRY CODE. 11 to 15 March. Libertador 4405.
Activities Programme
-Not-Not Made in China Made TV
17:30 Wednesday 11
Ariel Jacubovich (Open interview)
Thursday 12
Diego Bazzigalupi 16hs (Interview open)
17:30 Thursday 12
Basurama Group / Madrid (Interview open)
Viernes 13 16hs
Leandro Costa (Open interview)
17:30 Friday 13
hustler (Open interview)
Viernes 13 18hs
No Use Plastic Bags (Open interview)
Saturday 14 16hs. Paola
Salaberri and "makes" Live with aircraft-making workshop with found objects (for children 6 to 10 years)
17:30 Saturday 14
Martin DIPEC / Rally Suburbs (Open interview)
Sunday 17 16hs to 19hs
Interviews Surprise.
"Not Use Plastic Bags
The five days of 17 to 19 hours. Fabrication shop, sewing and involvement of cloth bags made from old shirts. Exhibition intervened bags
Friday 13 17:00 pm
Eme Pe Ce (street art). Graffiti and intervention facility
a77-Gustavo Dieguez and Lucas Gilardi, are architects who enjoy building projects in their own hands. His work involves the production of a variety of everyday objects with materials discarded by industry that can reach the size of works of architecture. Working in various countries on developments that unify the material construction of social dynamics. Currently built in Barcelona in an initiative of the Centre for Contemporary Culture and Mataró Generalitat de Catalunya under the program of art and innovation dissonance.
His trip is a communications consultancy specializing in new media. The Journey of Odysseus, responsible for the Usage No Plastic Bags campaign, presents a live intervention that transforms the concept of reuse in a collective act and organic. With a live studio set, The Journey of Odysseus invites people to convert their old shirts into shopping bags, and reflect on the importance of individual responsibilities towards the environment. Launched in early 2008, NUBP was the first mass campaign against the use of plastic bags in Buenos Aires. Then, the impact on the Web and traditional media, the campaign became a topic of national interest. Responsible for Not Using Plastic Bags on The Journey of Odysseus: Luciana De Luca, Joaquín Barros
Celeste Wall and
Not made in China is a platform for small batch production, quality particular functional craft and resolutions developed by Mariano and Daniel Goldaracena Baqués. Through its web signal NOTMADETV carried live footage of his usual utilitarian objects with different designers in the promotion of low self productive use of the copy left. Http://
Dementia Sample Cover Letter

:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
Basurama presents:
Creativity from cardboard and
public space design and improvisation Days
We invite you to participate in the project RUS Buenos Aires between 13 and 18 March in four working sessions to be held in various public spaces in the city. We will work with cardboard reused as base material and develop intervention techniques and revitalization of public spaces.
We put together a working group of 10-15 people to act as a catalyst for generating structures experience walkable, livable, games, furniture and everything that comes to mind creatively using cardboard. Work sessions are open to all who wants to participate we hope to incorporate new designers / users discover the activity throughout the process.
Days to be held intervention sessions are:
March 13, Costanera Sur. 12.00-20.00 hours
March 15, Caminito, Boca. 12.00-20.00 hours
March 17, Plaza de Mayo. 12.00-20.00 hours
March 18, Plaza San Martín . 17.00-20.00 hours
The workshop is aimed at those interested in design, production and creativity manual.
If you are interested in participating send an email to with the name and a telephone to coordinate the working groups depending on your availability.
Urban Solid Waste
The sessions are part of RUS Buenos Aires. RUS is an international project by Basurama carried out an approach to the different cities that have been developed (Miami, Mexico City, Santo Domingo and Buenos Aires) and developed in the future (Montevideo, Cordoba, Asuncion, Lima , Santiago de Chile and San Juan de Puerto Rico), based on the specifics of your trash. Waste as socially and culturally defining elements. In the case of Buenos Aires we plan around a phenomenon that we consider essential to understand the reality of waste and social conflict in Latin America: informal collection and waste separation and its protagonists (The cardboard).
Organization Basurama
Basurama is a group founded in Madrid in 2001 he has focused his area of \u200b\u200bstudy and performance in production processes, waste generation they imply and creative possibilities raised by this contemporary situation. Aims to study phenomena inherent in the mass production of real and virtual garbage on the consumer society by providing new views that act as generators of thought and attitude.
A77 / The Ceibo / Eloisa Cartonera / Rally Conurbano
They finance
Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires / English Agency for International Development
More information
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sophia Caperelli Stores
As a result of international competition, the selection committee iD # 5 has proposed the following projects to be part of the fifth edition of IDENSITAT .
L'equip d'IDENSITAT agraeix to them the seva Participació propostes 310.
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As a result of international call, the selection committee iD # 5 has proposed the following projects to be part of the fifth edition of IDENSITAT.
IDENSITAT team is grateful to the 310 proposals for their participation.
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Dear All,
A a result of the international open call for projects, the selection committee of iD#5 has proposed the following projects to take part in the fifth edition of IDENSITAT.
The IDENSITAT team thanks all 310 proposals for their participation.
Horizon TV [Garí Clara, Hugo Barbosa, Pamela Gallo Alex Muñoz, Félix Pérez-Hita]
Walter Gam
LUL (Landscape Urbanism LABS) [Sigal Barni, Yael Moria Klain, Adi Gura, Yael Caron, Assaf Evron ]
Dinamik (TT) AK
AMASTÉ [Ricardo Antón, Txelu Balboa, Azkorra idiot, Frederico Javier Morino, Seba Domato]
Patrick Raddatz
Jozua Zaagman, Maartje Dros, Jacqueline Schoemaker
PROJECT motorcar
Zeyno Pekunlu, Aylin Kuryel, Bob Pannebaker
Tomas Ruiz-Rivas
Martin Di Peco
Ottonello Mocellin, Nicola Pellegrini
M1ML (Send me a message then)
Paola Di Bello
TUP (Public Utility work) [Paul Cottet Soto, Patricio Castro, Enrique Venegas Flores]
KUNSTrePUBLIK [Markus Lohmann, Harry Sachs, Philip Horst, Daniel Seiple, Matthias Einhoff]
Loreto Varela, Isaac Gimeno