Friday, April 29, 2011

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The arrests disappear from the barracks and only apply to serious offenses

Minister Chacón introduces the new discipline of the Armed Forces

The new Basic Law of the Armed Forces Disciplinary suppresses the arrests of the daily life of the barracks and only maintained for cases of serious or very serious. This is the main novelty of the draft that has been presented today by the Minister for Defence, Carme Chacón, the Council of Ministers and that in the coming weeks will be forwarded to Parliament for debate. This new regulation replaces the previous Organic Law 8 / 1998 and complete the Bill of Rights and Duties to be approved next week in the House of Representatives, as the PSOE has secured the support of the PP. Indeed, popular support had conditioned its delivery of the disciplinary system, which establishes penalties for the new "code of conduct for members of the Armed Forces.

The draft law is a review of the essential elements of discipline, such as the type of offenses, the list of sanctions, officials and managers with disciplinary powers and procedures. Disciplinary sanctions are under intense review, with loss of arrests for minor offenses (over ninety percent of the violations committed in the barracks habitualmenter not be punished with imprisonment). Thus, the arrests will be restricted to serious or very serious as a specific instrument of maintaining discipline. Similarly, economic sanctions are implemented, depending on the degree of guilt, through the temporary suspension. New classification of faults

The sanctions may imposed for minor offenses are the rebuke, which is aggravated if noted in the record and the suspension of activity of one to ten days. For serious offenses, the penalties include the suspension of activity, arrest and loss of employment. Finally, very serious offenses are punishable by detention for a longer duration, suspension from two months to a year, permanent loss of ability aeronautics, separation and resolution of commitment.

regard to the types of offenses, you start a new classification of faults (minor, serious and very serious, eliminating gubernatorial record) and review the violations discipline to meet the legal reforms carried out, changes in the armed forces and those areas that meet their missions.

introducing new types of faults, consistent with the Bill of Rights and Duties, relating to the law of armed conflict, the rules of engagement, the principle of equality and non discrimination within the military. Source

Journal ABC


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