Monday, February 7, 2011

What Does An Air Walker Do For You

BCN / BCN 11

tail out of the building, reached the final of the square and turned the corner, up the street Camp del Ferro. Numbered in the hundreds of waiting for the elevator to take that first block new drywall, plastic and wooden iron. The flamboyant denizens advanced a few centimeters per minute dragging tables washing machines, bookshelves, paintings, boxes of books, television ... shyly but full of enthusiasm I joined the queue, pushing my little fridge, and a box of basic goods on top. The rest would taxi during the week because all my belongings fit in a couple of boxes. I stood in front of a boy wearing a black shirt that said Manowar and wore a beard to his chest. Ten minutes passed without the tail is moved. I decided to start the conversation was a good time to make friends.
"Hi. What plant has touched you? -. I gave a smile to the bearded man, who was flanked by a double bar bigger than mine and a guitar case.
-Eighth Gate ... seventeen.
side I said, without turning the whole. I nodded with satisfaction.
"Good thing we have elevators," I stammered. Above everyone thinks of moving the same day. "And I added a fool: - Heh!
The guy returned a smile of courtesy, but immediately turned to his fridge.
Seven minutes later the queue moved again. Six or eight inches. At that moment I heard the bearded began to talk with the blonde in front.
"Hi. And you, what has touched you plant? Fourth
third, he said.
fantasized that the domino effect would reach to the very door of the lift automatically. Thanks to my initiative all talk would be made. I was given the perfect foot to build friendships. It was only a matter of pushing the first tab, the rest would fall alone. Yes, it was possible, could eventually form a large community of neighbors, a guild willing to share everything, to listen, to lend the missing screwdriver to finish the table Malmö or Kullen wardrobe, organize dinners every week, not needing to ask the music down because everyone will want to hear the same music, we are not bothered by noise from next door because we are almost always in the apartment next door sharing good times ...
But the blonde no interest in talking to the front, and the fantasy ended there. It took another ten minutes and I have twenty meters to cross the entrance to the building. Should be a wonderful day, everyone was about to start a new life, to take possession of our home, to imagine how eagerly color fill empty walls. However, tail seemed a gas chamber. The steps on the sandstone stunned me, some coughing, some ambulance silence chopping yonder. I tried again with the back. He was a young man wearing thick glasses some books in one hand and pushing a fan. My smile trembled, but I added the fervor to ask
"Hey ... you are many things to bring? How far away is your old floor?
I looked like someone watching a cent coin on the floor and I said,
"Yes. - ... And I did not understand whether that response was for the first, for the second question or both.
This time he managed to turn even to start the domino effect to the opposite side. Embarrassed, I sank into the collar of my shirt and I just push myself to the fridge. I decided not to issue another word, undeterred, looking only forward, breathing air and thick streams of small steps. "It's a wonderful day," he repeated. An hour after hour of long silences, friction of furniture on the floor, looks elusive, finally reached the door of the elevator. I pushed my fridge into the building without assistance. I dropped the box on the floor, I spilled silverware, books, clothes, CDs and a packet of biscuits which had been eating on the road, and nobody helped me pick them up. I took my time to put everything in the box carefully, and heard behind snorts of different tenors. Finally I went and pressed the button on the sixth floor. The last I saw the closing of automatic doors were angry eyes of a bald, green blouse a brunette, the mount of gafopasto and behind his eyes with annoyance.
The doors closed and began the ascent. But the device, perhaps exhausted from having gone up and down all day, for hours after being hauled couches, plasma televisions, washing machines or chairs Stefan, was stopped with a thud in the middle of the third and fourth floors. I felt the smell of burned cable and turned off the lights a spark. I panicked, put my hands on the walls and looked for the emergency button. Seized him came a beep, but no one answered. I searched for my mobile, but there was no sign. I leaned against the fridge, thinking. Five. Ten minutes. Sunk in the darkness, but rather floating in the succession of dark plates where to look, this children's expectation of hearing the creak of the door of my new floor, gave way to the gentle sound of my back sliding on the elevator mirror. I sat on the floor, turned to heavy breathing. Five. Ten minutes, but without thinking. Gently I reached over and felt the package of cookies. I ate a couple, I knew better than before. I did not think to scream, I did not even knock on the door for help. The elevator was warm and had enough room to stretch your legs. I slept with her head on the refrigerator, not expecting anything to happen.


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