Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sms To Congratulate A Pregnant Woman

Flaneur BCN / BCN 4

In the balcony overlooking Sert Passatge Indian citizen named Ammit managed to levitate a few millimeters. At the corner of Sant Pere Mes Alt, meters, Marien was the first kiss of his life, and was surprised to feel that kind of sucks. In Josep bar, Marius drank a cut and watched Spain Direct, while the display, after the crowd at the reporter who asked about a toxic spill in the Douro, honored his daughter Joanna, runaway from home six years ago. Just then left the bar Tarik holding in his hand a bouquet of dried flowers on display and found twelve mobile missed calls from Islamabad. He passed Pròleg library where Carmen Somonzano presented his book Water in your blood with only nine participants, a book that years later would be considered cult. A few steps Anna believed water breaking while reading the back of Mrs. Dalloway , revised and annotated. Behind the counter, the cashier called Esther was wrong for the third time in his first day at work make change. Opposite, across the door of the building called Crixmina Lluís snagged his pants arranged by his mother, who died a week ago. Hector found ten euros, Jaime opened an email with the subject Farewell, Montse changed the pack in the wrong bathroom, Augustine again with the tongue touching the teeth loose, Mary boasted not have listened to the weather forecast as he opened the umbrella of three euros, and Joaquim, just go home after four days of flu, felt that the doorway was the very edge of the world.


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