Monday, March 29, 2010

Can You Get Herpes From A Spinning Bike

Kaipa - Angling Feelings (2007)

After tremendous remise, the Life goes on and I will not kill the blog, so now I'll put the batteries and keep raising records, in some way or another there to return to normal.

To begin the history of this Swedish band is a bit long, but the main thing is a band that was out-standing in Europe during the 70 `s. Legend has it that in their ranks who just happened Roine Stolt was 17 at the time of the hearing.
The band was created by Hans Lundin its current leader, composer and current keyboardist, also one of the leading voices of the group, Tomas Eriksson in the basement also accompanies the chorus. After
stable alignment making live presentations were noted immediately, but after a few years (in the 80 `s) are separated for a long time to return in 2002 almost as fresh as possible.

By joining names like Agren, Aleena Gibson, Lundstrom, Reingold and Per Nilsson, Lundin manages to make an orchestra wonderful, where conjuega the aroma seventies symphonic rock, progressive folk and masterfully.

is a long but beautiful drive, dive into the wonderful keyboards and jazzy riffs and epic environments is actually almost completely professional taste.

No doubt it is a promising drive in my difficult times.


Many thanks to all who have posted, Mexican, Argentine, English, Costa Rican, Uruguayan, Peruvian ... of Santiago, Valpo, Conce, etc, thank you very much indeed.

Part 1 Part 2

pt1 download in megaupload

megaupload Download pt2

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why Does My Jaw Hurt When I Drink Wine

How to destroy a life in 5 minutes

Incredibly, nearly a week after the earthquake the internet came to my house but the water still is at least paradoxical.

undoubtedly have lived on most frightening of my life, I live in Concepcion, one of the cities most trimmers by the earthquake of 8.8 degrees and the subsequent tsunami that changed my life 180 degrees and may never again be the same .

That morning came from a small party at home, he knew he had to work like every day, amazingly I do not remember anything had done before the earthquake, just remember that he had gone with my friends downtown to drink some beer and laugh a bit, then we went to eat and about 3 and a fraction left me at home. When I go to bed and turn off the light began as a trembling, stiff left me thinking I was just a tremor but immediately hit the house completely, boto me out of bed, drag me desperate to get my sister to get her out of bed , all this I live on a hill and sleep in the 3 rd floor, drag my sister to the middle of the floor as he fell all by us, the arms and began to pray that finally my life was over there, I felt like jump house, my mother sleeps on the floor below and I thought at all times that would befall her, she cried for mercy to God when I asked him a chance to get out of there, the sound of the land was ensordesedor while the bulbs burst and fell all the furniture, everything was dark, when the first step got home as I could while still moving, I could not stand up, I fell down the stairs, take my sister and my mom and take the dept, shouting and crying out were awesome, went barefoot on the street and take a seat open at the front of my house was the safest place, my mother was shocked, I ran back home and the furniture and remove the slab blown things like blankets, shoes and carp ... were almost 5 in the morning and I was shivering but not cold. Then I

that the replicas Medeja not write well, every now and then shaking with Grade 5 and 6, I also slept little and I'm tired. Thank you for your expressions of love, now I go to fetch water.