Sunday, November 8, 2009

Prom Dress Donation Indianapolis 2011

Rally ecumenical alternative - of religions "other" Daily life incident

Coventry (England), November 7, 2009. Organised by the Coventry Multi Faith Forum.

We were late but we just. The "Peace Walk" was announced at 10.30 and it was 11 less than ten. Luckily, the hooked down Fairfax St, opposite Pool Meadow. It was a twenty grupete people with a banner reading "Peace Walk" and had several religious simbolitos. As soon as we arrived we brochures and were surprised that we have on. And joined the motley crew, we turned to the north of the city, did not know. Cross the ring road and lined by Stoney Stanton Rd dodged the corner of the Methodist church, which apparently did not qualify for the multifocal forum. We few blocks and arrived at the mosque. Yes, the mosque of Coventry, which was fine. At the entrance we had to take out our shoes and leave them in a locker. Then there as a place to wash your feet, if you want, but no one wanted. We all go to a carpeted room, and there we spoke magnet was all white, also had a white hat and unshaven, but the mustache himself, and was introduced by a kind of PR, a bearded petisito , costume and fez . We were like a front room, carpeted and suitable for non-Muslims. Looked back room was the post, but not enabled for non-believers. The message was peace, even with the cassette position. So it was addressed in the round of questions by a priestess (a blond lady dressed all in white with a crown and a faux queen headscarf) that he invented his own religion and more or less asked
- " What's up women in Islam? "
To which the Imam replied something like:
-" And ... they have some rights more than goats and can do a lot of things that the desert sand "(note the face poker)
The atmosphere began to get tense, and petisito set a "well, we're a little late, I think the group has to follow, many churches go, thanks for coming, back when they want to be very well received. "The most important is that you could carry out a" refreshment ", a banana, a little juices and a milkibar. I went to see the toilets. The bathroom is basically a hallway with doors all around the pits with the Turkish toilets. On the floor of the hallway is a plastic panels, and the boxes are a sort of pot of water for hygiene purposes whatever they were. At the end of the hallway is a wooden framed mirror resting on a tiny ledge. "But in January we will inaugurate the expansion we are ending" barbette would say "all Muslims with twine, uh, here to the municipality or not we put a sope." It seems that the Koran requires all Muslims to put a coin to the mosque ...
But why are not Muslims and we did not worry us north, we crossed a greengrocers with tarps on the street (amazing that they have left, here you have to be licensed for up to watch TV, seriously) so it would become a "mini once" up to the Hindu temple. East and outside it looked more humildón. It was actually a big house, you put a fair type color bulbs throughout the façade, gadget as well like them, they threw all they could, and walls hung with banners ball in the big room, which was all carpeted, and to be there before we had to take out our shoes and leave them in the appropriate boxes. Here the speaker was civil, kind and spoke English Apu. As was the bush, had a friend with a bell, which rang every time I ordered fruit. At last he rang a campanota hanging from the ceiling, because she had gone to hell and we had to go. To summarize, the friendly copy talked about the tolerance of Hinduism to other religions: "When India ruled Afghanistan did not demolish not a single mosque, huh? "Outside also offered banana or apple. "I get two, boss." We must seize these opportunities. Also if not, can they take it as a contempt.
now descended to a channel re piola, cross it and continue on its margin, to the west. We turned a couple of blocks and arrive at the third stage, the spiritualist church . At the entrance to greet you with a handshake or yes, no nobody zafaba. Luckily here there we had to remove your shoes, and we sat in comfortable chairs. So there is no carpet, marble floor is gray. What there is a lot of exotic floral arrangement. And no images except the logo of them, which is an open book on the sand of a beach at dawn. The head of ceremonies was a cool black who presented the President of the Spiritualists and a couple who brought especially to make a demonstration session of spiritual healing. Not to be confused with manosantas, ie zero histrionics, we are in England. Is quasi-scientific discourse, talk about light in terms of energy and wave amplitudes. But at the same time call for a volunteer who wants to experience spiritual healing. It provides a character who thought he was in a supermarket tasting, but the case was good. They did sit in a chair, and the healer sitting in another chair behind him put his hands on his shoulders. After a few minutes shaking hands was pa 'low down to his hip. Meanwhile, the healer, presumably manocálida wife, had called for silence and we turn our thoughts / energy for those who need healing. She sat in front of the volunteer and put his hands on pile on his knees, palms up. After five minutes or so, eventually ended the session and asked the skinny he had felt. The chabón said, "... heat in the back." The Refreshments were in this case a very rich cookies, some ginger, some a little more spicy, others chocolate.
now turn to walk south, and arrived at the church Sihk. Here also barefoot, to enter or yes we had to cover his head with bandanas that you provided at the entrance. Even the police who accompanied us had to remove the cap . We drove up to the first floor, all carpeted, where he was a priest in a turban reading-singing non-stop a few sentences of their holy book (I guess, because nobody explained what was happening) in a sort of shrine. Beside him was a no less bearded assistant. As we entered the room we were sitting on the floor. Some went to communion, they approached and Towelhead the gave them a kind of host. Meanwhile, templetum barbette-in-turban-with-their language continued to read without stopping. Gradually we were raised, and down the dining room. Already had almost two in the afternoon, very late for the British. We tail, grabbed a glass and metal cutlery tray, and we were served a green puree, orange rice, a cookie and some species of peanuts and sticks. To take grab a purple and one orange juice. The wave was eating on the floor, in a slightly more padded carpets. The most bloody coat was able to sit in arm with camera in hand and knapsack on back glass tray filled in another hand. But it was accomplished, we set up a mutual and not dropped anything. Nor sit well with the meal, which hushed neo punks bikers about charlatans who came with us. The sticks were half sweet. The puree was picantísimo, rice was sweet and the cookie was fried in oil with garlic that I am still repeating. To lose a bit we took a very rich flavored tea, quite creamy and sweet. We stayed a while in case one desktop saying a few words, but at this late stage there was no discussion. The closure will be in the hearts of every one, so we're meditating with Silvina the Swanswell Park, which has a beautiful pond with ducks of various kinds, which are much more combinationes The ducks of Buenos Aires. Quite the opposite is true with cats, which are very wimp here.

Here are some pictures

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