Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Laptop Connected To Mitsubishi Tv Hdmi No Sound

Peace Exhibition "never went Eternals. Cities and the quasi-objects "Transcription

On Tuesday May 5, at 19 pm., Will open this show created and curated by the architect Florencia Rodríguez, professor at the College and editor of Architecture UP, with a debate in which guests discuss various professionals the importance of sustainability. The activity will take place at Headquarters Abasto, Jean Jaures 932, Auditorium, and the sample can be accessed until Thursday, May 21 from 9-21 pm.

The sample was submitted during September and October 2008 at the Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEB), institution that made possible the realization of this project.

Team: Socorro Baires, Jennifer Harvey, Caroline Huffman, Florence Medina, Noelia Medina, Fernando Primucci.

Life in the cities does not distance us from nature. Rather, nature creates and makes us perceive charged meanings. This is our way of living, to learn, experiment, and is not limited to a finite space or the infrastructure that conditioning.

The cities are made up of layers that suggest a poorly defined coexistence between artifice and nature. Factors such as energy consumption, control-or uncontrol-waste, public transport and private spaces for the abused everyday life, the growing awareness of what our actions generate the environment, genetic engineering, the market, accessibility to information or actions that different cultural tribes generated by outside institutions, are just some of the issues that define the relationship that is sure to compete and conditions to all.

The proposed "We were never Eternal" is to open a discussion that goes beyond the separation of garbage or orientation of a building, looking for creative proposals for possible application and trying to unravel the true meaning of this concept to make it useful and hazard out of fashion.

Exhibitors: A77

María Noel Alvarez Monica Bertolino
Gonzalo Casals

Felipe Correa Luciana De Luca
Jorge Díaz Peña Fernando Diez

Urban ecosystem
Flavio Lucio Morini Malca Mizrahi

Zaida Muxi
Takayuki Nakajima

Plan B Rally
Ana Rascovsky
Suburbs - Transcription