Monday, September 22, 2008

Free Southpark Episodes For Ipod Touch

Sept. 24 / 19:00 hs. WE WERE NEVER
ETERNAL. CITIES AND THE QUASI-OBJECTS. Concept and curator: Florencia Rodríguez. 1159 PARANÁ

The city is our way of living, to learn, experiment, and is not limited to a finite space or the infrastructure that conditioning. This continuous tissue that surrounds the planet's surface is informed by media that suggest a poorly defined coexistence between artifice and nature. Factors such as energy crises, the control-or uncontrol- waste, public transport and private spaces for the abused everyday life, the growing awareness of what our actions create the environment, genetic engineering, the market, accessibility to information or actions that different cultural tribes generated by outside institutions are just some of the issues that define this relationship. But what's that for sustainability? We Were Never The proposal is to open a DISCUSSION Eternal Overhaul & I, n which go beyond the separation of garbage or orientation of a building, looking for creative proposals for possible application and trying to unravel the true meaning of this concept to make it useful and danger out of fashion.

Exhibitors: A77, María Noel Alvarez, Monica Bertolino, Gonzalo Casals, Felipe Correa, Luciana De Luca, Jorge Díaz Peña, Fernando Diez, urban ecosystem, Flavio Janches, Malca Mizrahi, Lucio Morini, Zaida Muxi, Takayuki Nakajima, Plan B, Rally Suburbs, Ana Rascovsky.

Team: Maria del Socorro Baires, Jennifer Harvey, Caroline Huffman, Florence Medina, Noelia Medina and Fernando Primucci. PROGRAM

septiembe Wednesday, 24 / 19.00 hs. Opening . CCEBA_Paraná
Thursday, 2 October / 14:30 hs. Debate the closing ceremony were never eternal. CCEBA_Paraná
Saturday October 4 / 15:30 hs. Rally Barrionuevo
Bruno Latour's approach is one of many that require re-think on the ecology of a wide sense. No longer living in relation to its surroundings, but a way of organizing reality in a forum hybrid human and nonhuman.
If political nature and demand a symmetrical analysis, our rally will try to break up the actor-network around the new neighborhood of Buenos Aires including by: Puerto Madero, Reserva Ecologica, Micaela Bastidas plaza, Faena Art District, ¿ex? high Castells, Celeris (tram of this), Rodrigo settlement Well, former Ciudad Deportiva de la Boca and Dellepiane Avenue, among many others possible. These enclaves or semi-enclosed ecosystems are much farther apart than they may have territorial contiguity, but much more linked to what the ecology, politics and architecture would like to separate. Make up a particular urban ecosystem, a natural product at a time and culture in a rur-urban area intensely. To participate, send an email to out: CCEBA_Florida 943. Duration: 3 hours approximately.

Thursday October 9 / 19:00 hs.
"Mutations in the imagination of the human environment 1" in the Hall Digestorium of a77.

Thursday, October 16 / 19:00. Presentation of research
LabPro - Laboratory of Architectural Design at the University of Belgrano. Directed by Liliana Bonvecchi, arq. CCEBA_Paraná

Thursday, 23 October / 19:00 hs.
"Mutations in the imagination of the human environment 2" in the Hall of a77 Digestorium. CCEBA_Paraná
Saturday 25 October. 10:30 hs. Gaia Ecovillage Rally
After the Earth Community model railroads and Western Club, rallyconurbano proposed micro-utopian meeting. The Gaia Ecovillage is a sustainable community self-organized, located near Navarro, 110 km from the capital. As a counter-model to urban densification, the ecovillage proposes an ideal of sustainability in a rural area of \u200b\u200bdispersal.
To participate, send an email to Output: Once railway station, ticketing hall. Duration: all day.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are Katanas Or Solutions Better? Lasportiva

draft chapter and historical urban centers in Argentina "

and historical urban centers in Argentina.

La Salada as a case of fluctuating central
What kind of centrality represents the Salty? diachronic and synchronic analysis. Relationship

centralities capital (once - Constitution - retirement - liniers as crackers) Distance between the producer and marketer. Investment scheme of manufacturing and selling periphery in the center. Relationship

peripheral centralities (fairs and small towns, see san francisco solano fair in Quilmes, etc.)

History of salt as a history of centrality, what does / what kind of centrality in the 30's involved ? and in the 50's? Simultaneity of the saltwater pools with pools of Ezeiza, Ezeiza airport and the rectification of the stream.

Statement Peronism in the suburbs. De-center the development of Buenos Aires / development focus "of Argentina in Buenos Aires?

self-managed development and State Development.

There is no alternative to slave labor: Auto - holding "temporary" and continued operation of multinational corporations / transnational capital.

world trade - hegemonic. La Salada like situation (triple) border. National Jurisdiction (stream) Provincial (Province of Buenos Aires) and Municipal (Lomas de Zamora). Fair comparison with Villazón - La quiaca. Comparison with Ciudad del Este. Fair comparison with
Oshodi in Nigeria Limits
the show: where (or when?) Blurs the fair. Index


traditional planning models Buenos Aires.
Intervention and withdrawal of Peronism (in this case "would be tantamount to state?) Suburbs. Exchange Rate Policy
/ model importer of the 90 - expulsion from the formal system (the fair comes the salt)
economic crisis - institutional 2001/2002 (momentum and invigoration of the show - compared with picketers models, evolution of the protest to proposal)
Current. Future outlook (is / was the biggest show Latin American - who is killing the goose that lays golden eggs?)


economic record. Flows of goods, merchandise, capital. What for - capitalism? (See fernandez vega)
ethnographic record. Religious holidays. Register
holding assemblies social. Interaction with the state. Register
power groups gallery: the images say about the place? What type of image file is located? Household and institutional archive file. Bibliography


Gorelik, Adrián. The grid and the park.
Gorelik, Adrián. Looks Buenos Aires on
Ballent, Anahí. Traces of the policy.
Liernur - Silvestri. The threshold of the metropolis.
Scoobie, James. Buenos Aires, a neighborhood center.

Ministry of Economy. (Prompt marcelo)
Archive File Peronist party in the province in La Plata honorable Bulletin Board Deliberating (mentioned in Anahí Vallent). Blanks to intervene on a large scale. Data

to ask:

Family photos / personal Roberto Lombardi / Gustavo Dieguez
Contact Makinandiarena / Thomas Powell
Film Archive - cinema films made in the resorts of the salt / Peña